

>Blockchain is the ultimate control tool.

>Bible predicted digital money 2000 years ago, used by the antichrist.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. - Rev 13:16-17

>Bible predicted AI.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. - Rev 13:15


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Other urls found in this thread:

There are literally thousands of religions, many much older than christianity, what makes you believe it's the right one?

That is a very immense question, shortest answer, because it is the truth.

Being an atheist until the age of 24, here is my video on how I came to know the truth:

They all share variants of the same parallel mythos documented in Genesis 1-11. Christ is the fulfillment and continuation of the prophecy. The mythos end with the tower of Babel spreading thr nations abroad. Abraham was the one who continued the narrative.

Yes and LINK is the main cause of this

but atleast we get rich off this

that means we take the mark in our forehead right?

Because the people in power use that one as their guide for satanic prophecy you fucking moron.

Indeed, they also only mock Jesus Christ and blaspheme Him. They openly worship lucifer, it doesn't get much more obvious.

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Dude this video is boring as fuck

Rev. 20 !!!!!

The Thousand Years
20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.

I dont beleive in your Christcuck jewble religion nonsense

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so dont watch it? who is forcing you lol

you asked a question, I answered.

pic related "muh jew scam"

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>Bible predicted AI.
ain't nothin special. if you have a brain it's not difficult to imagine that humans can create the extension of animated life we call cyborgs
>>Bible predicted digital money 2000 years ago, used by the antichrist.
ssssshhhhhhhhhh no one needs to know that i use crypto

christianity is inextricable from islam and judaism, they are all a part of the same desert cult lie

then why does pretty much every church/religious public figure openly endorse israel and ask us all to pray for the poor jews?

where are all the "based" christians? any 'christian' affiliate who is 'in deep' is a whack job drinking a gallon of aloe vera juice a day

It is clear you have not done any research, all you've done is watch dawkins for 5 minutes.

I will give up crypto if it becomes enforced by law. Government could implement it after a global catastrophe and economic collapse.
Coronavirus type scenario could lead to this. Stay vigilant.

>then why does pretty much every church/religious public figure openly endorse israel and ask us all to pray for the poor jews?

Because they are not real Christians, they are false converts who believe lies.

Where are the based Christians? Right here:

>Jews Exposed by Christian Pastor, Documentary

You have to remember, anyone who is opposed the jews and their goals is silenced, nobody who is opposed them is popular and on TV my dude.

Christ cucks are pathetic, if Jesus came back he would be really bummed out at the state of the religion that butchered his teachings. Notice how much of Christ cuckolry is based off of fear? Yea that’s all I need to know about it. Ever loving God that throws you in a pit of flames for eternity if you do something wrong my ass. That’s blasphemy to the source/creator in itself.

Judaism and Islam are paganism. Both are creationist myths stemming from a demiurge, much like Babylonian and Nordic legends. Marcion already proved that the teachings of Christ refer to a superior God incompatible with these deities over 1800 years ago.

Pic related.

It is not based on fear at all. You should be afraid if you're not saved. If you are saved, you have nothing to fear.

How easy is it go to to heaven? You can make sure you get saved right this second. Simply believe the gospel, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as payment for all the sins you have done or ever will do and you are saved.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast. - Eph 2:8-9

Once you are saved you can never go to hell. Salvation is forever. Once saved always saved.


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How do people get this out of touch? Always mental illness?

As long as i'm rich desu i don't fucking care

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? - Mark 8:36

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Because its the one the Romans used to convert people. Christianity is just an amalgamation of a bunch of religions that these very Christians would refer to as "pagan". Complete frauds

Imagine thinking catholicism is christianity.

Biblical Christianity is not what you see on TV and in the huge denominations. Read your bible.

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Congrats on finding the Lord, user. Be sure it's Christianity and not catholic or orthodox. All you need for salvation is to put your faith in Jesus, which those two will tell you that's not enough. God bless.

amen, I know brother, Jesus showed me the truth, faith alone without works. once saved always saved. God bless you.

Don't forget soulwinning marathon April 11. See you there!

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dont live in the US bro :) get some souls saved!

if Jesus was the Messiah then why he allowed jews and niggers to live?

What did Jesus wanted to tell us?

It's worldwide, fren. Check YouTube for one in your country.

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; - Acts 17:26

All humans are equal, skin colour does not matter. All come from Adam and Eve.

Culture is the culprit, not skin colour.

Ok bro ill check it out

he was a religious jew you moron

fuck jesus then

they killed Jesus because he essentially said you're a goy if you don't believe him
they've been salty about it ever since

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Monero is the digital embodiment of financial freedom. The only way to remain uncontrolled is for control to not exist at the protocol level. Trust is weakness.

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A video on youtube caused you to convert to chirstianity. wow you're a retard.

St. Peter's Basilica is a large snake with a crown on it
St. Peter's altar is a dead sheep with its tongue sticking out
turn it upside down and it's a penis entering a vagina with angels falling in

Attached: a female reprosystem IS the Alter.png (598x640, 669.07K)

>St. Peter's Basilica is a large snake with a crown on it

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Marcion is also the reason the church leaders had to gather and vote on what texts they believed would be considered official canon, based on their theory that the gods were one in the same.

>St. Peter's altar is a dead sheep with its tongue sticking out

Attached: a sheeeeeep side by side.jpg (479x640, 62.72K)

>St. Peter's Basilica is a large snake with a crown on it
filename related
song related

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can I have some of that acid user? seems strong.

also if you zoom out of the altar, it's an insect siphoning semen

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>can I have some of that acid user? seems strong.
you can remain in delusion or you can believe your "lying" eyes
it's up to you, I can only present the information

here's another picture
do you read what I see?

>4 hunnid (400)


Strong's concordance #400:
>Definition: food

with their brands, they're marking people as food

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sorry, acid is not strong enough. it states clearly:
>eating, food, mealtime, meat, prey, victuals.
the interesting part is prey obviously
go take some more acid you are not up to the level yet.

>And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. - Rev 13:15

All this is, is representing DNA and us coming from Spirit form into the physical.

The "number of the beast (your physical body)" = DNA

I want to be saved. 80k link holder and I feel empty. There’s something more in life but I’m nowhere close

>go take some more acid

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user, watch this:

read this:

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Devil in the Zoroasthrian religion:
>Angra Mainyu
>The Middle Persian word ʾhlmn' (Ahreman) in Book Pahlavi script. The word is traditionally always written upside down.

This is also why you associate upside down with the devil.

same spirit

Just take the pill
Its the only real way. Everything else has been filtered by kikes.

Maybe it's because I'm a brainlet....but can anyone here spell out a reasonable, realistic modern method of having everybody worldwide be forced to have a mark of some sort in/on their hand or forehead, before they can buy or sell anything?
Obviously this can be done under some global Hitler-style dictatorship....I'm talking about being done under the guise of democracy/freedom and without a major pushback from the masses....especially from Christians who will make the obvious connection to the Bible verse, and refuse to do it by the millions to avoid the mark of the beast

Religion is a tool created to control the masses. It's also a great industry to get into if you don't wanna pay taxes.

Sounds like a glownigger post to me. As a christian this makes no logical sense whatsoever. You sound like a schizo. So government issues fake money,(which is now digital by the way) created and extorted by psychotic hedonists, and used in the billions for illegal activities is a-ok. Gold and commodities, hey, the bible likes it. That's true real money. But a currency that anyone can have in any part of the world, aligned to no allegiance, that people can use as they so please, kept operated by the power of people? Must be bad huh.
You're probably a piece of shit like the rest of your cult.

>imagine being a schismatic, pope worshiping, globohomo approved religion

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? Orthodoxy is just as bad.


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They will chip gold bars and coins too, even if you melt it down they will simply reject the gold bar and silver bars without chips in them.

It's happening.