New $5 waiting room

New $5 waiting room
Break up with your girlfriend edition

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Other urls found in this thread:–whore_complex

w-w-w-w-wh-wha-wha-what is t-th-this?

>nothingburger as always

>Break up with your girlfriend edition
I don't have a girlfriend

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This is great news

>Break up with your girlfriend edition

I'm honestly considering it for a while but I don't want to go back into the dating pool again and try with all that bullshit

I regret not talking and asking this girl out from clas... next time I see her is in a month. FUCK MEE

we won't break $5 this year

t. extremely underwater short

that's the whole point, user
your dating pool is better now that you're rich
y-you are LINKrich...right..?

> Tfw sold at 4.75
Feels good

I believe in you user

I remember that who.

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Source for pic?

And you never will

That's rude user !! RUDE

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sell the news edition

source for pic is photoshop

Considering leaving my gf as well because she is an animal hoarding slob. I'm 29 and pretty much realizing how much time I wasted pursuing women since I was. 18. It isn't really the pursuit that ends up being a waste, but the months/years that drag on only to end in disillusionment.

that's mean you fucking roastie slut go get fucked by your three alpha chads and get rekt by corona chan that was made to cull you subhumans

That's the TRUTH.
Welcome to the internet faggot

Wish you luck fren. You will have one eventually if you desire so you will be able to break up if she's a bitch.

It's tough choice. Thinking the same. 35 gf is 31 but gaining weight but she always cooks for me and is very sweet. She wants to get married I Just want too hook up with hotter women.

Not worth it.
>t. fucked ~85 women

But I'm married. Think twice before getting married. Especially if there are loans involved

reddit tier user from the other thread - as said the plan is this weekend see if we can have the night with 2CB and talk it all through. If all is good then ill propose the following weekend with a ring around £2000, with a view to up it later so i dont hurt my link stack now.

thank you king, powerful

No thanks frens, currently sitting on a submissive 8/10 qt3.14 with child bearing hips and big ass tiddies. Never fucking selling.

Thanks that's what I was thinking. I was at 50 count before I got into this serious relationship. constantly wanting new sexual partners has ruined my brain. My goal was to find a caring 7/10 who wasnt completely corrupted by modernity and marry her. Now that I have it.. I just want out

no. buy her that ring, user

Men really are disgusting. You have a Madonna/Whore complex driven by consumption of pornography and degenerate media online. Like most Coomers, which are 90% of men and young boys.

You constantly complain about “roasties” being whores based off of your pornsick perception you learned from pornography and bar hopping, yet you aspire to fuck as many women as you can purely to boost your own ego (a huge double standard); then you claim to be sick of the whores and find a gf who is sweet and cares for you, yet you clearly don’t even love her and are so corrupted by pornography that you don’t find her sexually appealing unless she’s debasing yourself like in your sick little movies.
Leave your gf, she deserves better than some Coomer who badmouths her on an anonymous Mongolian basketweaving forum.

And if your experience of women leads you to believe they are all whores, that’s because you’re hanging out in sexually debased environments like bars and clubs.
Get a hobby or get involved with a charitable cause, if you make it from Link you will have all the time in the world to dedicate your life to these things, join local groups related to hobby/cause, meet someone you share deeply held beliefs with in the same group, who shares the same vision of the future as you. Stop sleeping around with bar hopping low IQ scum then complaining that women sleep around too much. And quit pornography and see a therapist.

Good luck bro

>constantly wanting new sexual partners has ruined my brain.
Just to add:
It’s natural to want lots of sexual partners (pure evolution) but it’s also natural to want to raise your offspring to be successful and also reproduce. You can’t do this without a wife/family unit.
Your brain is not fucked just because you’re a slave to your biology. If you’ve been watching pornography since your teens or earlier, the damage has been done for probably over ten years. You can deprogram yourself. Start by quitting porn and researching.

Lez see demm tiddys fren

Except for the fact that you project this on all men you are correct and very based. Spot on sir!

>animal hoarding slob
How many/what type animals are we talking?


>all men
It’s not literally all men, but it is all men who watch pornography. Which I would guess is 90% of men, and even worse, boys. Pornhub is marketing heavily towards kids, they post memes and promote heavily on social media consumed by kids, so the next generation will be even worse. The hardcore pornography produced nowadays is basically like watching a rape or sexual assault where the woman is seriously abused, nothing like normal sex at all, not even kinky sex. It is absolutely nothing like the magazines that lads snuck a peak at or his under their bed if you grew up in the 90s. It’s also why pajeets and Turks and other shitskins are sexual perverts. They see white women in this disgusting pornography and assume all western women are like this, leading to the rapes and murders that take place across India and other shitholes. What’s worse is that western men actually believe it too, you see it all the time here. Anons hate shitskins and pajeets yet they literally spout the same bullshit they believe about women all being whores. It’s sad to see all these minds warped by pornography. Studies have shown that pornography consumption decreases happiness in marriages/relationships and leads men to be unable to maintain erections and have satisfying sex, because they’ve been desensitised to the most deranged shit possible, how could your sweet gf who loves you possibly compare?

Cheers, i really hope all is well. I can proceed with it happier as well having said that i need some sex or else i may end up occasionally looking elsewhere. It's not ideal but i'm not against the idea of a marriage where i can occasionally get a handjob from someone.

Wtf, don’t get married if you’re going to cheat. Unless you’re in an open relationship, your gf deserves better.

While I appreciate the reply. No larp I havent watched porn in 10 years, or had a single drink. And I am not complaining one bit about roasties, I enjoy sex with roasties. I am not bitter about the nature of women, its men's fault.
I do love her, just don't want to spend the rest of my life with someone Im not into sexually any longer and have very few of the same interests (although no woman actually really shares a man's interests on a deep level). My concern about ruining my brain is if I always will be bored with a woman after a few years

You are preaching to the choir bro. Pornography is (((their))) weapon.

you will own 10 by eoy

>Men really are disgusting. You have a Madonna/Whore complex driven by consumption of pornography and degenerate media online.
Who cares? I get to fuck all of the hot bitches from tinder

thank you king, powerful dubs

How is it legal. Who owns pornhub? Why are they not stopped?

I don't intend to, but we both want to marry. I don't have high demands, literally if she initiated once a month i'd be in heaven and general sex guaranteed a fortnight. However if she says yes i can do that, i want her to be aware that if she just goes back to how it was it's not unexpected or awful that i might find it elsewhere. I'm not sure that's cheating as such and it's on her to decide if she can manage that, it's really not a big demand.

Yesterday I hit my girlfriend for the first time not during sex. She is a bit fat and broke and acts entitled a lot of time time, but overall not as bad as other girls as she is intelligent and at least puts out. I know I am better and she doesn't deserve me and has no leverage in the relationship. I was pissed because she doesn't sit up to eat causing her to spill food on the bed, as well as giving her indigestion which is fucking gross. I got her to clean it up which she did a half assed job of, but she said she wouldn't do it again so whatever. Then she did it again immediately after thinking I wouldn't notice although she was right next to me. Seeing the smug retarded look on her face made my instantly know it was the right thing to do. I hit her semi-jokingly so not hard and thus felt no remorse. I told her directly what she was doing wrong and that she eats like an animal. She almost broke down in tears, but surprisingly enough after seeing I wouldn't flinch or apologize, she started to realize her position.
>a-user w-why did you hit me... it's wrong to h-hit girls...
>"I don't care."
>"user I love you so much I'm so sorry I won't do it again"
>"thank you for hitting me user, you are so smart and nice"
>starts begging for forgiveness and touching my dick, kissing me
I have to emphasize, that hitting a woman can be a duty rather than something done for selfishness. I 100% see it as an act of kindness and I will hit her again if she steps out of line, which she probably won't. I felt nothing from it, not pleasure as some sick minded people do, not guilt as a weak man would. Just dutiful satisfaction such as helping somebody up. The feeling of love and exclusive affection we showed to each other afterwards was worth it, and I then realized that this is what is missing in many relationships. If you are not hitting your women you are missing out in your relationship and you will never know true attachment to your partner.

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Jokes on you femanon I only look at porn of cartoon animals

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wtf is THIS REAL BOXES?????

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jews, jews, and jews


As a man I wonder if you really can be in a relationship without a small part of you thinking about breaking up. There are so much thot temptation and a relationship gets old real quick.

However when its all said and done I doubt anything comes close to having shared a life with someone you know better than yourself and raising a family together. When you look back at things together in the future it will probably be the right decision. I feel like todays society with all online thotting and womens sexual liberation makes things extra hard. I hate todays political climate so fucking much.

I’m still sticking with what I got for now and hope I wont regret fucking a bunch of thots when Im old.

Thots aren't worth it. I am keeping the one I have now too. She was a virgin so she's biologically attached to me. Gonna breed her and make beautiful daughters and glorious warrior sons to rid our lands of the longnose menace and recapture Jerusalem for Christendom.

tits with timestamp or gtfo back

my wife has tiny tits but I refuse to have her install bigger ones
She is great otherwise

Pair bonding exists in men too, it just allows for a few partners. I'm the user with the gf who never puts out, been with her for nearly 10 years and never cheated despite countless opportunities. I put it down to only ever having slept with her.

> refusing your wife getting bigger tits
In god's name why. Modern implants are totally indistinguishable.

They are unnatural and to me in the same family of surgeries as a post op tranny

You need to have sex my dude.

Seriously, she wont know (probably wont mind either) if you go for it once in a while

shut up candy no one asked you, filthy slut.

Nah i'd never cheat like that - currently if it got too bad i'd leave however if we get married that is no longer an option, so i want to make it clear to her that if we marry i will need some sex otherwise i will potentially seek it out elsewhere. I think if i state the terms like that then in that eventuality it won't be cheating as such.

My gf is a 30F and desu i'd love if she went bigger. She always said she'd get a breast lift when she gets older.

most kuso thread of Yas Forums, jannies delete this shit

I like your commitment, it’s very respectful. But do yourself a favour and sort these things out asap, the longer you wait and dodge the issue the more it will suck at the end - get straight to it.

Also 10 years without kids or marriage, what are you waiting for, you need to be moving faster mate. In either direction.

man imagine this picture dropping in 2017, LINK would be $100 in DAYS

Well we got together at 18, then i went to med school. It's why she's been pushing to get married lately. As said i'll sort it out this weekend, have a big 2CB fuelled talk if she can be convinced.

I just coomed to your post thought you should know


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Guys, i think i should have about $10M if link moons to $1k hoping for more. Do you guys reccomend me breaking up with the gf? I can literally go for my dream girl at that point.

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Good luck, hope you get it sorted out fren.


How much would it have to moon to get $10m?

Just knock her up, her titties will balloon. Implants are for trannies.


What will link do during coronavirus? Will it wreck crypto or will all the people stuck inside with nothing else to do see more interest?

I only watch animal porn; mares are so much more attractive mentally, physically and emotionally

do you realize what board youre on?

i bet that the LGBT board actually has the highest amount of people in relationships