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These past few hours I allowed myself to dream up nearly exactly this scenario for just one second.

And yet here it is.
I'm so proud bois.

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except it's literally dumping rn

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My pants are wet. What is this feeling??

Btc dump faggot

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Fcking microsoft!!!! Thank u Sergey.
Is this real life?

The oracle news didn't actually take effect until like two hours afterwards.


the oracle news had no effect. anything that's hard to understand (like this) leads to no pump. no moon today.

noooothing happens ffs

>the oracle news had no effect.
Link pumped from 3.9 to 4.8 because of Oracle you dummy.

The news was confirmed on Feb 14, go look at the chart.

You stink like currypoo
This is massive!
The network grows and is unstoppable like Dharavi Diarrhea.
This IS fucking MICROSOFT literally adapting and adopting the Chainlink network into their infrastructure FOREVER Ranjeesh

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>This IS fucking MICROSOFT literally adapting and adopting the Chainlink network into their infrastructure
That's true but it doesn't say that anywhere in this announcement.

Someone answer me this. They say Unibright, which is up 30%, but it's literally fucking mixicles which requires the chainlink token, and we fucking dumped

How many of you know what this is...
I'd say zero if you hold LINK


Do you even Blockchain faggot

all to money goes straight into other projects while chainstink dumps lmao

Way easier to pamp UBT, and they are desperately trying to keep a lid on $link

I do but you're hyping up a nothingburger for no reason. Sit down tranny.


Were going to be filthy stinking rich

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So the news is welcome but fuck whoever hyped the announcement. That is not how chainlink operates.

lmao, LINK dump incoming

link being on the steering committee for a smart contract CRM solution is actually prob the most bullish thing that's ever happened BUT when fags like Wolpert tease shit it tends to make anything seem underwhelming compared to what linkies imagine for themselves

>link being on the steering committee for a smart contract CRM solution
Along with a bunch of other literal whos? Nah not all that impressive desu

This is big news.

Wait till you hear about what oracle blockchain is doing with chainlink

microsoft is working with everyone desu

Nigga there is no "Working With"
They're either giving the network the green light or they're not!
And Chainlink has been given the green light

is everyone missing Splunk, too?
lotsa data coming our way

It basically confirms Chainlink will be THE oracle in a big biz (microsoft, amd, ey) blockchain project. Being the oracle is Chainlink's only function anyway so why does it matter what the other companies do?

At this point Unibright is more than a miracle than Chainlink ever was.
Literally a german literally who team of boomers there is nothing information technology related out of Germany that is actually used anywhere in the world besided SAP. And additional to that another ERC 20 token with shit tokennomics and muh we bring enterprise and blockchain together. LITERALLY like 50 other shitcoin vapourware projects that where shilled here on biz and went through a PnD. And now Unibright comes along is the Diamond in all of this shit. I literally cant believe my eyes, some shitty retards out of the bum fuck nowhere now are the real deal and better than million dollar funded PHD startups from SF?

>partners with glownigger company #3647492
the (((alternative))) system gents

people are sleeping on Splunk, quite literally the largest SIEM company on earth.

People on here don't actually know anything about enterprise-tier tech lmao.

fcking BS btc shit the bed at the same moment the news came out too.



Nothing burger and it’s dumping back where it belongs. Stinkers defeated again

makerdao, ey, microsoft, consensys are the only true members
duke university was invited for academic veneer, but isn't a real member
the rest is paid marketing (by the members), there's a member fee they paid.
That's why there's "envision blockchain" and "unibright" next to chainlink and some others. They all paid for marketing purposes.

This is a general scheme in these types of things.

Because retards need to see a tweet from Microsoft saying hurr durr we will use chainlink. If that doesn’t happen we will crab at 5usd

>where it belongs
you mean $4.77?
9% up from yesterday

"Partnered" with a company called Splunk and a literal pajeet scam UBT...jesus maybe this really is a pnd; if shit pumped that much for this "news".


Literally who?

How has it felt being poor your entire life?

Nah this is excellent news, which means the price will fucking tank.

Looks like a real fucking winner of a company retard.

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No one on this board has any idea what splunk is.

microsoft news adopting unibright, chainlink, ethereum
>pump it
aergo shitcoin scam adopted by the entire south korea, samsung
>dump it
fuck this planet

>microsoft adopting unibright
user, did you even read the article?

can you explain please?

interesting. didn't see that.


Attached: CaptureSplunk.jpg (1391x850, 163.06K)

I'd like to splunk on the phenomenally black one if you know what I mean.

Give it up, $4.72 and free falling. It’s a pump and dump in crypto, look up what that means. $4.30 by tomorrow night

Splunk is a SIEM (Security information and event management) platform

Basically a company can ingest logs from a number of different areas and then search those logs, create dashboards, analyze data trends, utilize machine learning and user behavior analytics etc
For a real example, at my current employer I work in the SecOps team and about 90% of my work is in Splunk
I manage log ingestion from our various endpoints, including but not limited to DHCP servers, DNS servers, Firewalls, all IDS/IPS that we employ, internal webapps that employees use, all Emails and all Proxy logs (all user browsing activity in the company)

It is a massive data housing and analysis platform that is primarily used by product and security teams, and we set up dashboards, searches, alerts, etc.
It is a central point for every single piece of data at any given company to search on.

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So basically a retard's version for IT where you get to use leet lingo to further confuse the boomers into paying you extra money to get handheld by a niggerlover company with "pretty" ui?

Muh graphs muh alerts! Have you zoomer faggot computer illiterate zoomers ever used excel jfc. Goddam instagram for IT.

Honestly can't believe how on earth UBT just became this legit moonshot out of nowhere when it was just one of the many shitcoins available on idex for ages hovering over a measly 1M~2M market cap with a shit website and a dumb token use case

>muh buy my services / solutions using the token instead of fiat... literally look at this nonsense: Hey guys, you can come to this workshop by paying in fiat or you can get 50% off if you use our token: unibright.solutions/#packages

Crypto can be so dumb

Youre right, ill tell my boss right now that we should instead use Microsoft Excel to handle our 100,000 logs per second

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more like big data and analytics
but good 5yo understanding of technology in business, hows helpdesk treating you?

Imagine applying this frenetic creativity to something constructive.

he obviously doesn't have a real job and doesn't know what daily IT life is like. even as a dev, i know the importance of splunk.

I put all my village rupee in UBT. Its not scam.

Microsoft chose EY & Blockchain Protocol instead of Chainlink

Note also that there is no coin for the protocol

top kek

This is my favorite satire so far itt.

>Blockchain protocol

Baseline Protocol

>Baseline Protocol

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We'll be building enterprise oracle solutions to make Ethereum mainnet compatible for enterprise usage.


>Note also that there is no coin for the protocol
This will make LINKies so mad, lul. A protocol launched on Ethereum without needing some stupid ERC20 to scam money out of people to buy BigMacs.

Let's link up devops with our secops so we can circle the wagons back into a after-lunch to refine our q3 strategic synergy. Look at those graphs though!

Selling the news: IN PROGRESS.

What did I miss? Did they not shill unibright as being this team of experts you can hire by paying them with a token?

> chainlink interlinked

Why isn’t this thread getting more replies?

How the fuck are we not #1 already. Shit like fucking litecoin way up before LINK. How does this clown reality not identify that this is the only project that matters for blockchain to succeed

Chainlink - Data and Computation (Software layer on top of ETH and data connectivity through APIs)
Unibright - Integration, (bridging legacy enterprises to the blockchain through ERPs, CRMs and SAPs)

all you really need. Everything else is a waist of time.

It will eventually, you have to remember a lot of people don't bother looking at crypto they hold, they'll only pay attention when it's height of bull season.
At which point they'll notice LINK and sell off their shite for LINK, thus pushing it to #1

can unibright hit $25?

This news is not big enough or normie-understandable enough to justify a pump from $3 to $5 in 1 week. Get ready to bleed until May, marines.

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It will. Just give it a day or two for market to catch up on the news

>Get ready to bleed until May, marines.
You don’t speak for me asshole

Too many bagholders. Believe it or not there are OGs with millions worth of litecoin who just aren't that bright. If litecoin was released today it would be forgotten within a week.

Everyone is priced out of LINK so no one is buying anymore. Whales are selling the news.

I am never fucking my LINK or UBT until I am a millionaire. See you all at the yacht party.

This is a board for coomers and NEETs, what did you expect?

Well you can't really have sex with a digital asset now can you? Come on user...

Literal nothingburger. Wonder when sergey is gonna start selling again

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unibright only token needed now lol

a lot of fags here hate it so I spend 1000$ every week on ubt because it’s the only needed token in crypto >buy to use an actual useful service from a german registered tax paying company.

link is okay too. also own a few thousand but don’t know what it’s for desu.

>microsoft is working with everyone desu

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That's nice, but why would any company want to store all of that on a blockchain?

95% of enterprise software is a scam to extract money from tech illiterate boomers

>How many of you know what this is...
>I'd say zero if you hold LINK
What is it? Fat Fuck?

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I find that hard to believe, these people would have sold. No one keeps a significant amount in an asset they don’t even understand...right?

You described crypto

> store all of that on a blockchain

you don't get it retard
hashes will be compared through ethereum as a message bus to ensure synchronicity of dbs that REMAIN centralized but are DECENTRALIZED in trust of content

was this too much to comprehend?

I fucking hate that I sold. I don't even care that I made more money, I just want to buy back in and hodl again. Fuck me this is stressful.

Im never swinging again. If I had LOST money and felt like this I'd fucking rope myself. God.

I described reddit and normans who know fuck all about investing in any asset. At least the standard here is somewhat higher (pajeet adjusted standard)

Weak FUD. Every marine knows normies will NEVER know about or understand chainlink but every institution they interact with is going to use it. We don't need twitter fomos and P&Ds like shitcoins do, LINK is a bedrock technology of the future economy.

huh, SPLUNK had $1.27 billion revenue in the jan 31 2018 fiscal year and $2.04 billion total assets

and I thought they were a literally who

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>was this too much to comprehend?

>normies will NEVER know about or understand chainlink
They’ll still fomo in like retards since link is on coinbase

Honest question. Despite how much it’s mooned lately, is there really any reason not to get some UBT right now? Even if it dips in the near future, with all this recent news it seems it’s gotta be on the way to the top 50 or higher when literal shitcoins that don’t have anywhere near the connections are still ranked ahead

spoonfeed us tech illiterate peeps on ERPs, CRMs and SAPs pls


That basically is a literally who, in the meme that is San Fag/tech.

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You described my village outside of Calcutta.

Fuck. I have 20k, am I gonna make it?

>oracle documentation forthcoming

So another vaporwave partner