2018-2020 LINK accumulation history

many neo-newfags are wondering how did we know. It was simply obvious from the energy and the quality of the memes. Whole other level compared to anything else going on at the same time such as NEO, Raiblocks, REQ, ICX etc.

small personal accumulation blog:
>central europoor, been hearing about crypto during 2017, decide to pull the trigger in early January 2018
>Complete fresh grad poorfag barely surviving on starting net salary of $800. Decide to get a personal loan and put in 4500$ into crypto.
>timing is impeccable, literally buy in at the super ATH of 10th of January
>slowly loosing lot of money, overdiversifing throughout 2018
>early 2019 decide to consolidate everything remaining into LINK. Probably around 1/3 of my initial investment
>getting 2350 LINKies, over June it skyrockets. Massiveboner.jpg, first time in my life I have a few thousand dollars
>come xmas, breaking up with gf, a must networking skiing trip, massive corona food/self defence/meds/mask preparation and had to sell 1000LINKies over the course of 3 months. No other disposable income I could use. Grateful I had money to use but also devastated
>Heart bleeds for every sold LINKie, in the meantime I have changed jobs, and soon will earn 3x as much as 3 years ago plus bonus.
>will only have disposable money in the summer by the time very likely LINK skyrockets and will have to buyin at ridicolous prices compared to the avg 0.32 cent

moral of the story. Appreciate your stacks and be grateful you didnt have to sell any of them. We are all gonna make it

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Other urls found in this thread:


i sold some LINK 2 years ago to buy 3 rentals.
i love LINK.

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I remember the exact moment I realized the Chainlink is a meme meme was a a meme. Some anons were like stalking Sergey while he was in Belgium meeting with SWIFT. Followed the breadcrumbs from there and picked up a stack at $0.27. Best financial move I’ve ever made.

Been holding 620 LINK since january 2018. Never held any other crypto. Never traded away a single LINK.

But also never bought any more when it was dirt cheap because i am brainlet incarnate

how many you still have?
my condolences, I curse myself for ever putting money into any other crypto and overdiversifying. I could have had a +10k stack with the loan I took.. try buy more even at this prices and at least get to the suicide stack level. pic related

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2018 is still new sorry. Aside from btc millionaires. Only eth astronauts who moved in to link can talk about early link days

I bought in ICO and never sold

my 1200 USD turned into 53k

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pee pee poo poo

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When I first read about toilets being associated with a little known cryptocurrency, I knew Jewish anons were hiding something.

Ah those times were good.

>My business partner and I took out a massive $50,000 overdraft on our company and put it all into crypto.
>Held a ton of OMG for a while (fuck that skateboard)
>Held Bitcoin for a while
>Held ARK for christs sake!
>Bought a bit of LINK during ICO just due to the memes
>Slowly got more and more indoctrinated by memes and moved everything into LINK at around 0.45
>We now have a 50k stack and haven't sold a singe linkie

Its a good feeling but this is just the beginning.

Funniest part of all? I spend at least an hour a day fudding link on here and I don't even know why I do it.

>Slowly got more and more indoctrinated by memes and moved everything into LINK at around 0.45

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Link changed my life. It made me go out and get a job, start reading books, and get fit (upon which someone sexually assaulted me at work).
When the Google pump happened, I quit my job and told him to enjoy his wage slaving for the remainder of his pathetic existence.

Bought at ICO (only a small tranche as it wasn't easy unless you pre-registered). Topped up until around this time last year till I had 12K LINK. Bought 3 LP shares at ICO. Only sold ~1000 Stinkies last summer to reduce the money invested a bit.

Since the ETH ICO, there was never, EVER such dense information about a token as it was with LINK. /biz is full of faggots, but the weaponized autism was able to tease out all the breadcrumbs way before any other source.

LINK will, without doubt, be among the top #5 cryptos. It won't happen EOY, but over the course of the next 5y tops. I will be a millionaire once it does.

Dec 2017 I was a complete NPC “Bitcoin is a scam waiting to fall , ponzi etc” I was using Yas Forums at the time and decided to see what the rage was all about, I lurked biz for months slowly became addicted. At first I thought I though Eth and Xrp were my tickets for the next boat but still didn’t have the money so did nothing thank god, few months more of research a figure out they are dogshit all the time while reading chainlink threads. Aug 2018 I have 2k to spare so I get myself a 6.5k stack, ever since I’ve been accumulating now have just shy of 15k and comfy as fuck in the knowledge that I backed my gut instinct and was correct. To this day haven’t sold a single link


Very very rare gif meme inside

Here's my story
>be me, 2018
>have about 12k in disposable funds
>put 8k in bitcoin, 4k in eth on coinbase
>Forget about them because I got mugged of my ID and my fucking house caught fire
>Remember them in 2019
>go on Yas Forums for the first time in like 16 months
>"wait chainlink is still around? I'm all in."
>Buy 30k around mainnet
>have to sell 5k off after the summer pump
>never again

I still have my whole stack I haven’t sold a single one yet. Only bought 5k though. I pretty much have to hold until at least $20

Yep that’s the thread lol, god I’m such a fucking idiot for not buying more.

LINK cured my inceldom

thats why I said neo-newfags for the 2020 buyers, I still consider myself a semi-newfag despite holding with adamantium hands for 2+ years

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why didnt you just report it or beat up the guy?

where do you see LINK REALISTICALLY on the 1st of July 2020?

member this thread, golden nugget times

I bought $50 worth in december 2017 because I liked the memes and saw everyone was having fun
I had literally no idea what it did. Didn't read, just bought

Fudding your own investment is the chaddest thing one can do


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Cringe faggot, LINK is a fucking scam.
They meme'd you so hard, when will newfags learn?

I didn't report it because it was a dodgy business with dodgy business practices (blue collar) and I'd seen it happen to others all the time and nothing ever happened. Also, whenever anyone there challenged the status quo (it was my manager who did it to me), they ended up getting 'fired' and I didn't want to risk losing the income.

kek Chainlink is a scam, but IOTA and Nano are even greater scams.

Since were sharing accumulation stories for the newnewfags
>be me, be poor PhDfag
>close relative dies, leaves me with a couple thousand
>I invest it all slightly before the peak of the bullrun in various shitcoins
>strike lucky with Raiblocks, which becomes Nano
>learn about Chainlink on biz
>at first it seems like boring technobabble
>slowly start reading, realising
>AssBlaster comes along and opens my eyes
>go all in
>link bleeds to 20 cents
>lost everything, below my initial investment
>by now I’ve become a full fledged autist, scouring the internets for any reference to decentralised oracles and looking for breadcrumbs
>absolutely stinky
>even my romantic partner has had enough and leaves me due to the stink
>still $1000 eoy though
>double down and buy more with the meagre spare change I have
>double my stack
>now the singularity approaches and I feel alternating scared/anxious and numb
>see you at the yacht party

>now the singularity approaches
Cringe and stop watching burger movies.
For fucking fucks sake, every time I think burgers can't get any more retarded, they prove me wrong.
Sage this shit and we are done here.

It was obvious in early 2018 when I finally understood eth smart contracts and how the oracle problem and privacy was holding them back. Link is the final piece in the puzzle.
t. maker of that link cube and many other memes

>announcing a sage
Newfag confirmed

Literaly found out about link 2 weeks ago, took a deep dive into it, 25 years old.

Had an Auditor background and immediately connected the dot.

Liquidated my robinhood account and put it al on LINK.

Proud owner of. 2.6K stack.
I honestly don’t deserve it, you’ve guys been here longer but yea that the way life works.

I’m either gonna get rich off of this thing/have a great head start to life/lose it all but still turn out okay.

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>getting angry about announcing my name
Beta brainlet confirmed.

You know what “sage” means?
Also your name doesn’t even make sense. It’s pronounced “sah-geh” and doesn’t mean the same thing as the english sage.
Newfag, lurk moar. You’re embarrassing yourself.

The “singularity” is a Chainlink meme you disgusting newfag. Has nothing to do with American movies.

I bought in at $1 let me tell you I wish I had more money. All I had to do was read up on what chainlink is and I would have bought it.

Spotted the retards.
Can you burgers get any dumber?

it's goochi but hurts that stinkies win while we lose

I like how you faggots act so high and mighty accumulating link in 2018 like you were a genius but the majority of 2018 accumulators had their hand held by AssBlaster

I sold some link in 2018 and used the money to buy some BAT in 2019, because muh diversification

Absolutely SEETHING

Assblaster showed up in December/January. He wasn’t around in summer when link dumped to 25 cents. You think buying in such a brutal bear market was easy? Without the autism and breadcrumb threads no one would’ve carried on accumulating in the bear market.

remember when LINK dropped off the top 100 from CMC?

I could be just projecting but the shilling on this board didn’t really ramp up until AssBlaster started posting.
At one point REQ had the same memetic potential as LINK. Fact.

you are utterly disgusting. get out

Im 28 so have the same make it or lose it dont care much attitude.
>t. 1,2k linklet and it hurts

any oldfag to confirm?

the only good memes REQ ever had were the lobster dinner ones

yes, it's true. Many REQies probably fucking died too, buying the REQ dip instead of LINK.

also bought at ICO with 3 accounts (21 ETH total) netting me close to 55k link. do you think it'll be enough to make it?

>knew about btc in 2011
>knew about eth in early 2016
>finally got into eth in mid 2017 after eth rose
>student at time, put in a bit of money + from gf + family, went from 1k to 10k usd on neo, omg, wtc pumps
>was 60% in on link by nov 2017, rest mainly omg
>sold out of omg by mid 2018 after user here posted about internal chaos in their team
>got some more money together after accord + openlaw announcements
>finally all-in with town crier acquisition

>22k at 0.25 average
>one of the 186
>found some interesting crumbs over past couple of years too
>running node

How did he sexually assault you? What exactly did he do? Was he a lot bigger then you? Was he older?

we are all in this together.

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This is very very simiar to my story and actual situation.
Watching newfag having my same income being able to afford 100-200 link at most, when I have 1k, makes me feel good.
I don't give a fuck if people will make it before me.

I am a marine

>running node
Tell me everything about your node.

I would let biz'ers with massive stacks run a train on my azn gf if they thew some link my way. Say 500-1000 chainlink,oh btw she's a dead ringer to Lucy Liu too!

what you want to know?

Not really true. REQ was shilled heavily, but it never had the same memetic energy or the stink of autism. I think it was mostly normies who fell for nonsense like "PayPal on the blockchain."

nice. which crumbs?
checked marine!
I have 1200 link.

It didnt even come close though I admit it was one of the shitcoins I overdiversified into. Man I wish i was a bit smarter and more patient and didnt scatter my eggs into a million baskets

you know the rules, post tits!

Also one of the 186. At the bottom of the pile because poorfag but still in the club

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Also one of sergey's old reddit accounts
also dimitri leaving the team hah
some other stuff too but just furhter research on stuff other anons found

I discovered LINK in december 2017 on biz, I already had Bitcoin in 2014. Meme threads were spammed to death and also FUDed as fuck so I didn't buy. Later in 2018 I made a thread asking to people why was it so good but then again most of the replies were stupid as hell (it reminds me a lot FTM threads btw).
I almost wanted to buy LINK in June 2019 before the great pump but someone told me LINK wouldn't pump so much and that Sergei said LINK shouldn't be priced more than a coffee. I think after this I decided to never listen any salty FUDers again.

Now I think it's too late to make it with LINK and the money I have, there will be others opportunities with others coins. Maybe I will regret it, maybe not, we will see.