/pmg/ - precious metals general

For gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
Disregard all zoomers.

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>pink ID

but what about zoomers who hold metal?

even the site knows that coin is gay as fuck kek

How do you guys feel about buying gold one or two grams at a a time?

It would take me forever to save up for an ounce.

Lol nigga you gay

Buy LINK instead of gold as you won't make it with gold a gram at a time. Otherwise, look at DGX on uniswap or something.

Fuck off shill I'm not supporting your scam

Haha fucking gay boi

should I buy more gold?


when can i buy a house with one ounce of silver bros



literally worth nothing try investing in something real like LINK

The answer is always yes

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give it a few years


why not both?

>gay and pink I'd
just sold all my PM's and went into SPX

Just sold all my silver

Sometimes no means yes

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Shit, at this rate you won’t even have to buy a house, when the boomers keel over in record numbers you can just squat somewhere for years on end without paying a dime. No one is going to throw you out. Just pay the electric and water bills and you’ll be fine.


>worth nothing invest in something real like LINK

Stack post time, am I gonna make it? Started to diversify into gold now ordered my first coin, 1/10th Oz. This isn't all my silver there's another £5 proof not in pic and a whole load of sterling circulated currency I couldn't be arsed to squeeze into same pic.

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Anons board the tellurium train

Circulated currency coins for reference

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I like this idea

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buying physical coins is idiotic

buy guns instead. if it ever gets that bad, mossberg chad is going take your coins and make u his gimp suit sex slave regardless of your shiny tokens.

No means yes and yes means anal

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>Not having both

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over 100x pre-industrial pop lvls, which can only be sustained with roided up robotic mega farms

if you rly think theres any risk of global collapse coins are an awful investment

if you want to invest in surviving the apocalypse bury a shipping container in your yard, stock it with cans and wait out the 5 years it'll take to kill off 95% of the pop

otherwise stop pretending a roll of shiny coins is going to protect your anus from a gun wielding humungus

fucking brainlet, do you realize the kind of people who stack metals are armed to the fkin teeth

>Having guns and precious metals (a store of value since the begining of time) at the same time is literally Impossible
Actual braintlet confirmed. Also doesn't understand historical significance

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Buying metals and selling them sounds like a pain in the arse looking at it. I have to order at a premium then wait and find a buyer and ship it to them. Fuck that man. I'll just binance my link bro. I'm not a nigger either so indifferent to shiny things.

precious metals are units of account for extant states

they still drew their power/value due to being useful for existing monarchs needing them for tax and for international trade

there are no functional governments or trade networks in the apocalypse brainlet

its back to hunter gathering, and hunter gathers never used money because they kill/steal rather than trade, and dont have anything to store due to the need to use it right away

dipshit posting reveals you don't understand what gold and silver actually are

Should have bought silver instead

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Picture related was my stack in 2009 @19 after working two years in some Europoor military.

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Debating if I should cash out the last tiny bit of crypto I have (only like $300~) into silver while silver is still under $20 or if I should just let the crypto sit and see if it jumps.

Those '08 and '09 Kooks carry some serious premiums.

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crypto has no chance of jumping with everyone moving to safer stuff

sliver could jump depending how bad it gets

theres your answer

Watch out, I'm thinkin about your mother to a funky beat
I went to your house, and she licked me on the cheek
I said, "Excuse me, lady, but I remember seeing you at the Palladium

Way back in September 'cause you was beatboxin' for Lou Rawls
In some bright red boxer drawers"
You said ya moms was pretty and young
But she's old as dirt and got hair on her tongue

Back then they were very slightly over ordinary bullion (like Marple leaf, Silver eagle
Philharmonic etc.)

I then sold after the 2011 boom, went to university dropped out. Went to university again, did plenty of trading, educated myself, lost and gained a lot and explored the mind
I hope got a bit wiser in the process through suffering.

So OP is a faggot. Isn't that par for the course?

No such thing as "@ spot" in the UK because of vat.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, stay diversified.

Later made a ton on various Altcoins and now at 31 years besides some crypto, I also have plenty of silver.

Not sure what will go down in the future. I predict a "confusion of value" scenario, where the safe-haven currencies (PM and some cryptos) will
1. appreciate overall and
2. in the process will have wild swings in valuation against each other. With PM and Crypto alternating in perception and sentiment.
(Similar to Bitcoin vs Altcoins. Half of the year Bitcoin is king and eternal No.1, store of value and the rest of the market only consisting of scammy shitcoins while just 6 months later modern Altcoins rule and Bitcoin is literally seen as useless and depreciated legacy burden)

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Quarter ton?

On the picture maybe.

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Also doesn't matter. What matters is that even 1 silver coin gives a good feel and experience for the money, it is quite accessible and definitely NOT in a bubble or overvalued.

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>Back then they were very slightly over ordinary bullion (like Marple leaf, Silver eagle
>Philharmonic etc.)
Yeah I know, I was buying silver back then too, but I was young and couldn't afford much. Also there was a lot less choices in bullion at that time and Koalas were demanding higher premiums than Kooks ironically up until that 2008 design came out and people saw how it appreciated, even though it's still just an ounce of silver.
>I predict a "confusion of value" scenario
I sort of agree. Crypto changed the game for sure, but it's still easier for the Gov to manipulate software, and the risk is much higher because you already know Silicon Valley is run by Jews. We for sure will see a volatility fight between Gold and BTC, which may split the volume people buying either one, younger people will go BTC for it's convenience, older fashioned people will go gold. Of cource people will run to these out of necessity to escape inflation. But I do think gold will win out, like it always does. You can't argue with an element that has the history it does. I made a plan a while ago to buy gold and silver, and later sell some to get BTC when I can get it for a much cheaper price because I think BTC will tank with the market far more than gold will. Then ride BTC back up when it has another hayday and transfer back to gold. The real power play would be to get BTC with Silver, which may be a possibility in the future.

If u start a general make sure you post the info that goes with it in the OP

>mossberg pleb
I'm new to silver but I've long had the other bases covered

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Ok so you have all this physical metal silver and gold and what not...
How do you cash out?

I can't buy my video games in silver coins they won't accept that at the game stop.

My former collector's market before getting into silver. Blued steel and sex appeal

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Why would you cash out?
This is a one way trip, my friend. Hop on board.

I hold GOLD and LINK

the patrician choice

what would happen to the price of gold and silver if we switched back to gold and silver as a reserve currency ? just curious.

>Pre-mined shitcoin

Buy silver instead of fractional gold. The ratio is out of whack and due for a correction. You won't regret it when silver pumps, gold dumps, and the ratio tightens.

Without a doubt the best reverse side of any US coin.

Remember that global apocalypse that forced Nixon to take the United States to abandon the gold standard and the Breton Woods system? Me neither.

Oh, you think too simply fren. You take fake money like the USD, "buy" real money like silver and gold, and then just hold on. Currency is so fucked right now that it is only a matter of time before it is reset. You will not "cash out" your silver or gold then. You will simply buy things with it.


Look at:
> Dollar:Silver Ratio Now
> Dollar:Gold Ratio Now

Thing is, goods would massively deflate in value while gold and silver would massively inflate.

Consider a 1 toz bullion coin. "$1064/toz" is what the purchasing power of one troy ounce of silver would become. Think of what you can buy with that many USD today. I bought my last car at $10,000 USD so it would take less than 10 toz of silver to buy it. Less than 2 toz of gold for that matter.

So it seems like prices hit a low this weekend or last Friday. Any chances we will get there again or should I buy now before the metals get more expensive again?

All but certain we will.

wtf fren

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I went ahead and bought now. Fuck it. Still not horrible, if it goes lower it won't be too low and if it does, fuck it I'll buy more lol. Better than spending my money on frivolous bullshit the way I see it

>tfw still have the 2014 doge silver and copper coins

kys cryptotard

I bought some 1 oz gold bars (Heraeus), I want to top open them because that's so much easier to store. What will happend if I open them up ?

It's gold. So nothing.

I too hold physical gold.

Nice stack. You're issue is whether/how you cash out or not when it moons. If you're a US user your issue will be that currencies are dependent on others and as long as there's enough sensible anons like you the US is always going to be seen as the safest-haven.

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Get a second job or cut back on your Starbucks, avocado on toast and new iPhones you hipster faggot millennial

I do it. It's a long term hold/derisk for me though. For your case I'd suggest running the quantitative though.

It's not binary; PMs or guns. Don't be so clueless man. Holding cash with inflation and almost negative inflation rates is what's dumb. Your portfolio should be lower on it, generally 20% or less, cases may vary. Hence PMs. Can be traded without traceability, historical demand (longer than any currently known fiat), etc.

Eagles on those coins are so ugly. Germany should come up with new eagle design.

Would anyone like to throw out predictions on where the silver prices are headed this week?
I missed the boat this weekend and would love to pull my first $2K trigger ... just want to get the best bang for my buck.

is 1 ounce fine silver coin for 21,76€ a fair price?

I can get one ounce for around 18,50-19€, so yeah it's kinda expensive desu. Where do you live?


I bought some yesterday for 18,80 in Germany, so it seems expensive

Schau mal bei goldpreis.at nach, kannste dir den günstigsten Anbieter raussuchen.

I got that price off the internet so maybe the day price is lower than the last update.
I plan on spending like ~2000€ on silver

How much did you buy? Thinking about buying around 80oz, but I feel like the price will drop before it moons.

Have seen worse

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FWIW, Mike Maloney is predicting short-term $14/oz silver or less

about 70 oz

Fellow sikverchads
If we look at 2008 crash silver dropped all the way to 9 bucks with everything else during the crash before shooting back up
Why would it be different this time? Why would you buy PMs now when you can hold fiat and get them on discount when the real crash happens and there is a huge sell-off?
Want to dca in but looking at the charts it looks like there's to be a sell-off before the moon mission

Because they're going to rise again anyway. So there's not really a bad time to buy.

>can buy 1000 oz now for 17000
>can buy 2000 oz later for 17000
If you weren't a complete brainlet you would pick the second option

Okay user have fun

You usually save money doing this. The smaller coins tend to be only 8 or 9 dollars above spot price. If you don't mind having a bunch of tiny coins, then you save a lot of money.

post favorite coins

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Fundamentally this would be true, but if silver goes down that low, I'd expect a run on physical silver and gold and you may not be able to get as much as you hope.


Silver's current market structure doesn't look like 2008. From 2003 to 2008, Silver had a 5 year bull run that saw it increase about 360%. Then it dumped about 60% during 2009 before it resumed its bull trend.

Contrast that to 2020 where the past decade was bearish for silver. It's only now starting to show signs of life, but a proper bull trend hasn't started yet. With that said, I think 2020 has a lot of similarities to 2003. If there is to be another bull run for silver, this is the prelude to it. Price is relatively flat, but the moving averages are slowly lining up into a bullish structure.

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Crank dat Mozart up my nigga

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Here's 2020 and the years preceding it. Unlike 2008 where we had a bull run the previous 5 years, Silver is currently struggling to get out of a bear market, and it's close but it's probably a few months off.

- Silver has to break that red trendline AGAIN after getting dumped under it the other day.
- Silver also wants its 1 week 100 EMA to be ABOVE its 1 week 200 EMA, and it's getting there. It might take a few months though.

Gold already has its 1w 100 EMA bove the 1w 200 EMA, and it's been that way since mid-2019. Silver needs to establish a similar structure if it wants to have a chance at another bull run.

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One of the nicest looking coins out there

this, but for the 2016 1oz silver superman. i'm not even into comics but those are something else. 1M minted.

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Yesterday bought 50 of these for 19$ each

Cool design, but like many here, the hag on the obverse ruins it for me.

Let's post a picture of Peter Schiff on every zoomer thread. He really pisses them off.

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Not doing both.... not gonna make it

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>not bowing to the silver maple master race

Morgans or ASE?

And anal means fisting

That's not true. Fractionals have higher premiums as a percentage. I like fractionals but they do not save you money.

First time in a year I can buy more than usual. Play catch up with my goals.

Buying gold/silver is for rookies. The real players buy mining claims. I've owned my claims for 10 years now, never worked them once and have gotten more tax free gold than I could have ever afforded without the claims. Stop thinking like a poorfag & start thinking like a richfag, buy mining claims ladies

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Will palladium be worth it for poor fags? I really want a ballerina

nah if your poorfag buy silver

Should I get some gold too? Bout to fill up my first monster box of eagles I just want to be able to put a down payment on house in 3 years or less

If you have close to 500oz of silver eagles then yea absolutely get some gold

Should I just get like 2 or 3 gold eagles? I don’t have money in anything else I’ve been possessed by boomer rocks.

Once you have that first monster box work on filling a tube with AGEs. After that get another monster box of ASEs. After that just stack AGEs until silver explodes.

You shall inherit the earth n stuff. Keep stacking.

FUCK yea this is my kind of post. Best PM Gen thread in a while.

Copy that