One day you're going to die. Although you can delay it there's nothing you can do to prevent it...

One day you're going to die. Although you can delay it there's nothing you can do to prevent it, and the overwhelming majority of doctors believe there's NOTHING afterwards. This includes me btw, it's not as if I was religious before but seeing that humans are basically a system in equilibrium REALLY hammers the point home. Your first gf? You won't remember her. Your current gf? Not her either. Your parents? Nope. Your every accomplishment and failure will no longer matter. The very essence of you will disappear, forever. And yes, this applies to everything. Everyone you've ever met is going to die if they haven't already. And trying to ignore all this like most people do doesn't change the reality.

Anyway now that's out the way can someone explain? I don't get it.

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fucking based

and op, no one gets it. That's the point.

>hasn't died
>claims to know what happens after we die

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>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video

Why should I care about a doctors opinion on the matter specifically?

>Before I was born it was very scary everything was black
How brainlets imagine non conciousness. Death = permanent anesthesia, you dont know you are dead

And we'll still be here, sneedposting


>Anyway now that's out the way can someone explain? I don't get it.
Sneed is just a forced meme. Not even funny or witty.

lol enjoy the void, those under the guidance of our one and only god will be in paradise


The best practical analogy is a dreamless sleep

Elohim is plural. Oh no no no he doesnt know his god is jewish fanfic of babylonian gods

Just worshipping sneed? That's heresy, you're lucky we've moved past burning such people at the stake. I'm a polytheist, I worship sneed and chuck.

You die everytime you go to sleep. When you wake up, that's a clone with your memories imprinted in it.

>believing in a magical sky daddy
mind if I pop a quick yikes on this post? Yikes.

so sneed isn't really sneed :(

This post supposed to make me depressed? It actually made me feel better because i didn't accomplish anything nor even had a first girlfriend and I'm already 32. Which mean after death my status will be the same as of people like Hugh Heffner or other Chads

Sneed is non-focused consciousness, the collective interconnected net of consciousness and the universe experiencing itself through sneedposting

if dying is like dreamless sleep then it isnt so bad.
what I'm worried about is if blood loss causes your perception of time to alter, so that if you are bleeding out you will be stuck with your final emotions for what would seem like forever

Zeitgeist-tier understanding you have there
there are a million things and times that excluse the Creator from being plural "gods"
the idea that a bunch of pleb, domain-specific little g "gods" could ever be confused with THE CREATOR is just denial

Nah that's bs, I've fainted a few times and it feels like nothing, you just skip forward in time.


>there were at least hundred of thousands of people who died on this planet in the last 5 years
>all of them are dead while Sneed meme is alive
>Sneed outlived thousands of hundreds of people who are now just a worm food
>many of those people were aware of Sneed meme and still died without ever realising that Sneed would live longer that they do

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>being "fuck you dad!" toward the Creator
that's an epic fail

yeah whatever, that's why I want to live as good a life as I can

Over 50 million people die a year u tard

But what if it felt like dozens of years but you just forgot that the moment you awoke?

You are no longer christian if you dont believe specifically in the bible (holy book and eternal truth) god. The text is fixed idiot

Why would you bleed out? Isn't the best way to die is suicide by helium tank and gas mask?

>many of those people were aware of Sneed meme and still died without ever realising that Sneed would live longer that they do
I can say with confidence that less than .01% of the people that have died in the last five years were aware of Sneed.

so many hopes and dreams sneeded each day

Car accident, probably. Stabbed to death or crushed in a building collapse possible but less likely.

where is your data?

Chuck told him

Bruh, worst "death" is having a brain damage and becoming a vegetable or a retard for the rest of your life and not being aware of the concept of death or pride

Lol wut? What a brainlet. Never hear tell of the Host of Heaven? Of the Trinity? The "Royal We"?
None of that, none, overwrites the THOUSANDS of other references to the single, Alpha and Omega, Tetragrammaton Creator