See your only son reduced to this

>see your only son reduced to this
wat do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Beat the shit out of him and disown him completely.

kill it and impregnate someone less mentally ill?

>drop the wig
>improve (reduce) makeup
>facial lazer to remove beard shadow
>lose weight, and dress in outfits that won’t expose large shoulders

And she would be fine

>Pull 1911 out of jacket
>Shoot Doctor Phil
>Shoot Trannyson
>Shoot yourself

Hope she has a happy life. There's literally nothing wrong with being trans

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Support and love her for who she is

I'm so glad I dont have gender dysphoria of any kind. To see the pain and suffering these brave individuals go through just to be their true selves is neigh but heartbreaking

Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.

I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yas Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a film board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yas Forums in general.

But ever since Yas Forums brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in Yas Forums? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the Yas Forumstard Yas Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love films, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yas Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.

You are valid and you are loved

This desu
Most trans/non-cis people just need some help with beauty stuff and a makeover and they'd be way better off, it doesn't mean they are ugly or don't pass - they just aren't good at fashion or makeup.

The secret Yas Forums server link is discord gg pdP86yf
We will interview Dan Schneider this week.......

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>nothing wrong with being trans
oh except literally everything, being trans is a total denial of who you are and a lie you try to make others tell :)
even trannies admit that they're "dysphoric", everything is wrong

Jesus fucking Christ

Imagine raising your son for 18 years and then he starts wearing make-up and dresses and one day you walk in on him taking two 9 inch cocks, one in the mouth and one in the ass

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I know this is pasta, but "the creative output of Yas Forums" should be the biggest clue that this is a troll post.

You're replying to bait that was ironically responding to a very old pasta, just an fyi.

Also the "love films" part

It's literally just loser kids who have to have imaginary enemies in order to have a meaningful existence. Just look for a better image board and close 4shit for good. I'm doing this too. Probably my last reply. I found a better place, you fucking incels. GOOD BYE

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dont forget to dilate your wound

Yes yes, let the butthurt flow through you.

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You do you bro

Sounds pretty based

>your only son
Maybe the idiot should have raised 5-6 children to make sure no matter what happens he could have normal kids.

Yas Forumstards are the easiest people to bait in this whole site. They keep getting a steady stream of redditors as well which keeps the quality of their board at bottom.

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It hurts my eye to look at trannies and faggots. It triggers disgust and its probably evolutionary so you deserve all the hate you get you vile creature of Satan.


Based and dare I say it redpilled

>drop the wig
>lose the makeup
>go back to being a guy

that's exactly my thought. have 5-6 children, and if one or two are fuck ups you'd still have some decent ones

This. Trannies and faggots are an affront to God and should unironically be put to death for spreading corruption and perversion to innocent children.

Man you fit so in here. For our team effort, I bought us both redditgold status!

>another tranny thread
You guys sure enjoy talking about them and giving them exposure
If it weren't for this site I wouldn't even know they exist outside of porn

Honor kill him on air.

If there's anyone willing to reply with a normal comment I gotta ask, seriously, do people here really dislike trans people that much? I mean, I don't have a problem with any kind of people, we're all different, yeah this video kinda hurts to watch, I feel bad for the father but I hope his child can go on with his life like a normal person (I don't mean go back to not being trans, I mean as a trans person). My opinion on trans people (not that I ever gave it that much thought) is a little bit influenced by Blaire White, when I first found her channel I didn't even realize it was a trans person, but I find her views to be reasonable so that's why I'm mentioning it.

I was a gay guy but seeing all this stuff about trannies makes me want to become one

So ok and not give a fuck because im not an oversensitive boomer.

Upvote this man and give him gold!

>I'm trans (transitioned in 2012)
Stopped reading there. Kill yourself.

kill yourself for being such a massive fuckup

>If there's anyone willing to reply with a normal comment I gotta ask, seriously, do people here really dislike trans people that much? I mean, I don't have a problem with any kind of people, we're all different, yeah this video kinda hurts to watch, I feel bad for the father but I hope his child can go on with his life like a normal person (I don't mean go back to not being trans, I mean as a trans person). My opinion on trans people (not that I ever gave it that much thought) is a little bit influenced by Blaire White, when I first found her channel I didn't even realize it was a trans person, but I find her views to be reasonable so that's why I'm mentioning it.

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What an old loser, crying for the cameras. Dumb bald idiot


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how come every newfag is a Yas Forumstard without exception?

Idk probably fuck him

99% here barely go outside even without the virus lockdown. I can't imagine that these freaks ever even passed on one on the street or while driving the bus. It's literally retards sjw/poltards that need their imaginary enemies to have a meaning in life.

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this guy clearly didn't raise his son right.

>I can't imagine that these freaks ever even passed on one on the street or while driving the bus.

I've seen more than a dozen.

>an oldfag dating to 2007

copypasta anyway

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>Upvote this man and give him gold!

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Did the son ever do porn? Won't lie, I'd rail him

No I dont give a fuck. I think a lot of trannies are pathetic mentally ill retards becoming transtrenders to find something else to excuse their mental problems though. The type who are bald, have stubble, and think lipstick and a skirt makes them a girl.
I dont get thrown into a rage seeing them. I am a pretty far left progressive though and whenever similar views are shared we get called jew and dilate so we dont bother often responding seriously.
Why bother on Yas Forums? All you see the most of is crazy incels and poltards who larp as trad amish christians.

Cletus, not every mannish faced she-orc in your area is a tranny.

Good thing its illegal to lie on the internet.
Lock him up, boys.

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This whole thread is a tranny raid.

Yeah its like how pol thinks every ugly woman in politics is secretly a jewish transdimensional demonic cross dressing tranny.
Yet we have all of the "hit the wall" threads.

I want the time of the first two rows back.

Walk out of the studio.
Wouldn't have even agreed to it in the first place.
If it makes you happy than sure, go ahead, but that's not the problem, isn't it, hun? Because these freakish bullies will never be happy until society as a whole accepts them... but it won't, no matter how many laws are passed and how much brainwashing the media performs. Normal, well adjusted straight people would never get into a relationship with a transgender, that's the cold truth you can't undo and it's what's pushing you to the blade. Bullying most of the population(including doctors and psychiatrists) into silence you're cutting yourselves off from the one thing that might actually save you from committing suicide.

Isnt it kind of pathetic if your transpiracy was true?
Yas Forums is defeated by a few speedrunners organizing unbetween dilation sessions on discord

You do know there trans people who dont care and arent "bullies" right? Just like not everyone who is cis is a bigot. And not every nigger is a nigger.
These blanket generalizations are so fucking old and retarded.

We can tell you don't belong here.

ideology: the post.

Why did the Jews add their mascot to this image? Sneaky fucks.

These fucking tranny zombies have become a plague now that will be dealt with, one way or the other.

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You don't belong here either goobergate drumpf tourist.

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you can make literally any claim you want about me to be true. I cant disprove anything.
Is it really that satisfying to you though to post dilate and discord tranny everytime you see something you dont like on here?
Its pretty similar to the downvoting you used to do before the 2016 election.

think of all the incels obsessed with shemales, laugh, then semi disown the shim

>Oh no guys .0001% of the population is a hoard threatening us powerful aryans

>This came out
>Most of the comments were in support of the dad
>Comments get turned off a week later

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Tell him that anyone who's completely bald is no son of mine

Fuck his tight twink ass while gently massaging his balls until he foams

expectations subverted!

>he believes in Space Daddy Wizard