”I don’t give fuck man I got 8 months of fucking life at this point...”

>”I don’t give fuck man I got 8 months of fucking life at this point...”
Cast him in a biopic.

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dsp is more enticing

anyway, lolcow power list:

1. bob chipman
2. phil burnell
3. spoony
4. lupa
5. cosmo

tfw no big bolt-on beer belly

Doesn't even do anything at this point, and when he does its just depressing

does he only eat sugar and fat?

>still crusading against the highlight channels
Richard's gonna be left alone with just the worst of his a-logs and wonder why it happened

just wait for the brother's couch saga

Did he say that? Lmfao. Dude get him on 600 lb life, for real.

Carried Diamond dethroned

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Shout out to Sean Ranklin

*blocks ur path*

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>now as the obligatory two informative videos are done for today let's talk about the current events in the online fitness community

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Why he turn like that? Are this nigga's knees completely locked up with gout?!?

Is that the guy from cumtown?

Man I used to like Spoony so much. Shame he revealed himself to be a worthless cunt.

didn't he have a gastric bypass done in mexico or some shit with donator money?

did he manage to regain the weight?

he needs to poop

>vest streak looks like its in jeopardy
>my ear really hurts guys i need to take time off
Phil is so transparent, but damn it he gets results

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probably by drinking softdrinks all day

there was no surgery. richard's a pathological liar

reel tawk

>brother's couch saga
Does Miles have kids? I can see him turning Noah away if he does and I wouldn't blame him. This isn't some situation where you let your brother crash for a couple months, he gets in the house and he's not leaving.

>no dobby, who has deteriorated to absolute 0 relevance as an artist despite drawing regularly for years and is only thought about by people other than the parents he lives with when he says something particularly retarded and anons gather round to laugh at him and reminisce on his greatest acts of social retardation

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Wow, is he doing even worse than Maddox?

Spoonys the kind of person who is like an anchor around the neck dragging down the people around him. His ex made him sound like an emotionally exhausting burden of a man.

Ricky Gervais in a fat suit, a trailer trash King's Men where WingsOfRedemption hunts down Hollywood sex criminal rings; cameos by Harrelson/McConaughy's True Detective characters (which he gives the Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Bruce Lee treatment). Ends with Andrew Garfield serving him beignets from scratch at a White Castle

How's Maddox doing?

Soon FPS Kyle can play him

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Maddox is sitting at a cool 20 patrons while Dobby has dropped to 14, so yes, worse than Maddox.
Comparatively he's much, much worse than that because Maddox doesn't make videos anymore while Dobby uploads new comics to his facebook page regularly (since giving up on twitter after being suspended for the umpteenth time).

K wasn't kidding about eating all his supplies

>they took his guns away from him
>he was never the same afterwards



i look like this should i be worried?

He drinks Pepsi all day and only eats Wendy's chilli or banquet meals

One time I played wings in siege, instantly killed him, called him a noob and he quit


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why do so many fatsos think a surgery will solve the problem without changing their diet?

You could have saved him

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>im in bed wbu

tank controls

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