Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?

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For the lulz. Duh.

Because Rorschach was right. What is 1 more corpse among the millions already obliterated in the name of Veidt's world peace? Rorschach had a no compromise attitude and he would undo all of the potential good Veidt had accomplished if he ratted. So Manhatten chose to kill him.

>all of the potential good Veidt had accomplished

t. Psycho

he's a puppet

Just because the methods are crazy doesn’t mean the end result was worth it.

Rorschach CLAIMED he had a no-compromise attitude. He was a hardcore right-winger on social benefits

>Just because the methods are crazy doesn’t mean the end result was worth it.

t. Sociopath

I don’t deny that, i wish the chink flu would bring something like a thanos snap to earth as well.

He was a sadboi

Goddamn this scene was so much better in the film than in the comic. Comic purists are a fucking blight.

I fail to see how that is relevant. He was no compromise regarding exposing Veidt's plan. Receiving government benefits or being right wing is irrelevant.

>Goddamn this scene was so much better in the film than in the comic.
They were practically identical. You're retarded.

He was a hard-line right winger on everything. I can't see the contradiction.

ligma balls

>thinking degenerates and communists are bad
>wanting a world of American values and decency

This is somehow bad.

Go back to your Watchmen tv show

>He was a hardcore right-winger on social benefits
Huh? When do the comics ever say Rorschach is on government aid? I don't remember that.

>practically identical
>Nite Owl II goes and fucks Laurie, not giving a shit about Rorschach or Dr. Manhattan
>Nite Owl II warns Dr. Manhattan before catching up with Rorschach to plead with him not to go, leaving them one final moment for Rorschach to reaffirm his ideals and share a last, longing glance at his only friend in Daniel.
and then NOII witnesses Rorschach's death. Sit on my fucking dick you utter faggot. Bounce that ass.

We are not there yet, it's just the beginning, every house has an opening, no one will see it coming.

What the fuck did you mean by this????

Idiots. The point is that he compromised when it suited him

Oh cool so you're not only wrong, but a complete queer on top of it. Yeah, it really added a lot to that scene to have Nite Owl stand there for like 30 fucking seconds and do nothing while Rorschach gets himself killed. He screamed "NO!!!!", so I guess that makes it amazing. You're an actual fucking faggot and retard. Fuck off.

>It's identical
>No it isn't
>Fuck off
lmao keep going I'm almost there, faggot.

[citation needed]

Yeah, the scene plays identically. The one difference is nite owl stands there and does fucking nothing and adds nothing to the scene. So the one difference you can cite is not only irrelevant, it's actually worse. Good job you literal fucking homo.

>Yeah, the scene plays identically
And contextualizes itself much better, honing in on that storied friendship implied way back in issue #1.
>The one difference is nite owl stands there and does fucking nothing and adds nothing to the scene
You think NOII standing there and witnessing his friend's death, becoming distraught by it, distraught enough to lay the smackdown on Veidt (which he lets happen, yes), adds nothing? You're a bigger faggot than I thought. One more post and I'll cum. Go on, philistine. Make me proud.

>talks about hating sexual degeneracy
>has no problem with the Comedian raping Silk Spectre

>talks about society being weak and unable to keep itself going
>mooches off his friends whenever he has the chance

So, is this the only likable Watchmen? (Rorschach was okay, but would probably beat up user for jaywalking or speeding.)

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What benefits he's homeless. He has to scrounge for food from houses he breaks into or whatever Nite Owl offers him.

Because he really just wanted a black girlfriend and to become a black man for her.

>And contextualizes itself much better, honing in on that storied friendship implied way back in issue #1.
Except it doesn't. It adds nothing. Nite Owl could be entirely absent from the scene in the film and it wouldn't matter. You're an idiot.

>You think NOII standing there and witnessing his friend's death, becoming distraught by it, distraught enough to lay the smackdown on Veidt (which he lets happen, yes), adds nothing?
It adds absolutely nothing to the story. You are LITERALLY arguing that having a character in the background saying nothing and then screaming no when their friend dies is some super important story or plot thing. You're fucking dumb. You could add this to almost any piece of fiction and it doesn't make it any better.

Acting like a complete faggot is not going to stop me from shitting all over your shitty opinion/replying. It just makes you a huge faggot.

Rape and sexual degeneracy aren't related social issues, retard.

And you seeing him as a mooch is just your POV.

Because if the truth was exposed then everyone who died would have died for nothing

At least with the lie going, their deaths have some sort of meaning

>It adds absolutely nothing to the story
>arguing that having a character in the background saying nothing and then screaming no when their friend dies is some super important story or plot thing
Re-read my posts and then suck it down, bitch boy. A philistine, and an illiterate. Sayonara, troglodyte.

Nope, he's a cunt. They're all cunts. I'm surprised that Moore was surprised that people like Veidt and Rorschach the most even though they're cunts. Yeah, but at least they're idealistic cunts and you can understand their motivation. The rest are just cunts with nothing more.

Nite Owl doing his dramatic "NO" after Manhattan does his thing was lame as shit. He should've shouted no and ran towards them as soon as Manhattan started raising him arm only to reach them too late and collapse onto Rorschach's bloody remains.

>Rape and sexual degeneracy aren't related social issues, retard.
There's NO way you're this stupid
>And you seeing him as a mooch is just your POV.
It's also Nite Owl's POV

He literally had no choice

>have shit opinion
>try to argue some irrelevant, extraneous cameo by nite owl in the scene is somehow important
>constantly post like a literal grade A faggot with homosexual fantasies
Yeah, you are one of the worst posters on this board. Fuck off with your tail between your legs.


>There's NO way you're this stupid
Tell yourself that. There are people that exist that hate homosexuals and yet morally don't have that much of a problem with rape. It is not some kind of contradiction. Sexual degeneracy and rape are not the same category. Someone might view furries as disgusting abominations that deserve death but think that rape is justified because they have a survival of the fittest kind of attitude.

Either present an actual counterargument or fuck off. I don't deal in "OMG, I just...I can't EVEN"

>It's also Nite Owl's POV
That's fine. It's not Rorschach's POV. He doesn't see himself as compromising. If Nite Owl said no more food or handouts from me, he'd find it somewhere else. He takes food where he can, that does not make him some kind of compromising hypocrite.

Underrated post