Daisy to avoid Star Wars curse

>"Ridley has what other Star Wars leads didn’t, which is that regardless of people’s opinions on the movies, she came away popular and ready for the next step. People know who she is, and they like her as an actress."


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>"Ridley has what other Star Wars leads didn’t, which is that regardless of people’s opinions on the movies, she came away popular and ready for the next step. People know who she is, and they like her as an actress

citation needed

>"Ridley has what other Star Wars leads didn’t, which is that regardless of people’s opinions on the movies, she came away popular"
>"People know who she is, and they like her as an actress."
What absolute horseshit. Is that her agent talking?

The only winner of the sequels is Adam.

Why? His movies outside Star Wars have little cultural impact and hardly anyone remembers them

Star Wars have always been a breeding ground for incredible talent.

She hasn't booked a role in three years and hasn't filmed anything after The Last Jedi

She is a shit actress.

She was excellent in TROS

Somehow her acting got worse and worse after TFA.

Attached: cocaine acting.webm (500x432, 1.86M)

>in talks

I give her two years before she goes full Carrie Fisher

She wasn’t, Simp

He was nominated for an Academy Awards. Which is more Daisy Ridley ever will have.

>she came away popular
Yeah, that is why her toys never sold and why she never won an academy award.

Well, she already has a cocaine addiction.

Who gives a rats ass, black panda won an oscar too it doesnt mean jack squat

WTF. Is that actually from the movie?

This is such a weird cope, he's working with all the best directors. I can't think of another actor in his age range having a better career right now

What's the difference? If it's reported it's a done deal.

Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar and I haven't heard of him since then

I'd like to be beneath her, if you know what I mean.

I agree but the longevity of your career also depends on having few hits instead of niche movies like Paterson or Silence. He's working a lot because he's the hot thing of NuWars but none of his movies outside Star Wars have general public appeal.

>Star Wars curse
>Harrison Ford, Natalie Portman, etc. are the biggest movie stars of all time

If that's a curse... yes, Daisy will definitely avoid it. I look fwd to her doing Cameo.

They usually give typecasted actors one last parachute before they bin them.

This is gonna be her Dark Phoenix to Sophie Turner

>People know who she is, and they like her as an actress."

Literally who?

GOT actors like Sophie Turner and Emilia Clarke also picked up thrillers as side work. It's common with franchise actors.

Everyone needs a marvel role, eh. I feel ya.

This thriller Daisy got cast in has good directors and not a hack like Dark Phoenix

>she came away popular - People know who she is, and they like her as an actress
>and ready for the next step
aka nobody wants to hire her
>Matt (((GOLDBERG)
ah okay

Not necessarily a capeshit role. Emilia Clarke did that euthanasia movie that was very popular among normies and did well at box office.

Don’t bother, user. Op is a simp trying desperately to defend his “Queen”. Simps aren’t know for their logic.