What went wrong?
MST3K Revival
I liked it. some of the skit shit was cringy but once they actually got into the riff bits it was ok. the christmas episode was one of my favorites of the whole series. funny as fuck
>riffs involve them constantly yelling over each other to be heard
>the movie itself is barely heard
>it was ok
Nothing so far as I've seen. I have only watched a few so far. The only difference between the old MST3K and new is they talk about three times as much during the movie now. But that's more mildly annoying than anything.
Riff Trax is what you want user
Outdated concept. Old MST3K are mostly unwatchable shit now, even though they were comfy 20 years ago. You can see highlight reels of zingers about any movie or show on YouTube at any time.
does that guy have crystal disease?
this is the shitest opinion anyone has ever shit out. fuck you you fucking faggot
>You can see highlight reels of zingers about any movie or show on YouTube at any time.
>not watching full episodes to the point where you actually enjoy the movie more than the riffing
Not him but it's kinda true. The obverse humoring and yelling at a movie was kinda novel, but these days you can dial up any one of thousands of dweebs' opinion and musings about a particular movie. No, it's not the same thing, but this has made the general province for that type of humor a little bit antiquated.
Retard alert
You sound like a millennial trying too hard to make the gay digital, inhuman equivalent of something from a bygone era better than it is.
>Jonah not funny
>Wife Murderer is no Frank
>Annoying Cunt as Dr. Forrester = gay
>Black Tom Servo
>obviously an almost all zoomer writing staff (all those zoomer pop culture references... ugh)
Jonah is an onions faggot
The appeal of old MST3K for me were the outdated cultural references I didn't get and the DIY shitty production values. The new show has references I do recognize and too much money, while pretending to be poor.
A lot went wrong
>old MST3K had a midwestern humor that is replaced with quippy west coast humor
>Mike, Kevin, and the rest of the crew used to watch the movie at the same time, riff and write the script at the same time, rehearse and film it all at the same time
>with nuMST3K, every write watched the movie on their own, wrote the script, the best lines were picked by someone, then the cast showed up individually to record their lines. It all felt so fake
>for some reason they had goofy shit like Gypsy in the studio
>WAAAAAAY too many riffs. MST3K used to have a few moments of silence to the let the riffs breathe or to let the shitty movie embarass itself. These nuMST3K faggots are for the snapchat generation
RiffTrax is the best because its MST3K's best riffing trio. Sorry Joel fans. Trace may have been the perferred voice as Crow but Bill had a bit more "bite" to the character, I didnt really think he sounded that much diff than Trace almost the same but with more of an edge to him if that makes sense
the new guy doing Crow on the Netflix reboot honestly wasnt that bad, I think its easy to find someone with that type of voice. However, anyone other than Kevin Murphy doing Tom Servo just seems wrong. (I know Harvey Weinstein did him in the first season, but that season sucked anyway so who cares)
kys you retarded zoomer faggot.
Mst3K is top tier comedy that no faggy youtuber can match. I watched one of my cousins laughing at some faggot Fortnite streamer screaming at the screen and I wanted to drown him in a bathtub.
Kill yourself
>Wife Murderer is no Frank
>Annoying Cunt as Dr. Forrester = gay
That nerd pandering casting is what killed it. It's like Joel forgot about the times MST made fun of nerd's at their expense. Moreover you can tell Patton is either high and/or still fixated on his soon to be dead wife because he doesn't have near the amount liveliness Frank Coniff had.
Also this.
Patton Oswalt ruins everything. He also killed his wife.
yeah it also annoys me how they got all Hollywood fags, I liked the distinct Minnesota flavor of the original cast and crew. I was hoping Joel woulda still hosted or at least if be some unknown Minnesota comic he took under his wing or something. Maybe the Minnesota comedy scene aint what it was back then tho who knows.
I always wanted to fuck Mike.
The Queen of Nerds and Wife Killer was involved
It's not like he could've found some up and coming comedian outside of Minnesota to play the Mads. He obviously Celebrity Nerd Girl and Wife Murderer to pander to the reddit crowd.
Careful now, you're dangerously close to suggesting that RedletterMedia should have taken over MST.
Everything that was good was a product of it's time
Everyone does
>square jaw
>blonde hair
>musical talent
>You can see highlight reels of zingers about any movie or show on YouTube at any time.
Find me these reels about super obscure B-Movies like Prince of Space, moron.
>Everything that was good was a product of it's time
Zoomers should be gassed.
Sorry you can't accept that there are concrete reasons why your 90s secret thingy doesn't stand up to today
>Sorry you can't accept that there are concrete reasons why your 90s secret thingy doesn't stand up to today
Name those reasons, faggot.
I know there's shirtless pics floating around.
>90s secret thingy
>another zoomer thinks the world came into existence after falling out of the womb post
I think I just grew out of this shit. Don't like Rifftrax much either. It's funny to go back to some of the older stuff like Space Mutiny though.