I wasted my youth

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It don't matter
none of this matters

I wasted my life

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If I had just been nice to tubby tubby fatass Rose and her planet jupiter size fatass husband, they would have taught me to drive and fixed my car and I would be out there right now having real fun- Bundy and Kemper style.


And I wasted these digits

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So you going to cry the rest of your life about it? It's gonna be long 50+ years.

if dubs we all get a cute big tidy black gf

but at least I got dubs

>mfw I didn't

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I doubt I'll live to 103

Do these glasses symbolize different stages of life? Is this thread kino?

I'm 24, is it too late for me bros?

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Yes you fucking retard

How do I stop being depressed? I don't have any energy, motivation or attention span. I'm basically a fucking retard.

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I wasted my 20s

become gymcel

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I wasted my young years

Work through the discomfort, it'll start feeling ok eventually.

Take up schadenfreude as a hobby. Read about chads and staceys who die or get maimed and ease your pain with that.

I was last year and I was happy.
My Gym has been closed for 5 weeks now.

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I wasted my single digits

Get some perspective the majority of humans have shit uncomfortable literal slave lives. At least you can eat whatever you want, shower whenever you want, smoke whenever you want, do fucking whatever you want. Most peoples lives are "wasted" by the average fa/tv/irgins standards

I remember crying every year when Summer vacation was ending because I hadn’t done enough. But I fucking hated school and eventually it clicked that just not going was time well spent

become home gym master race

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The real question is, what would have made it worthwhile?

>spent my youth playing video games jerking off and watching movies
>never went too parties, prom, played sports or went too college
>have no regrets
So fucking comfy
Some of my best memories were playing wow, eating pizza, and watching action movies
As long as you were happy doing what you did you didn’t waste anything don’t live your life to other peoples expectations

>haven't had sex in almost 2 months
Holy fuck bros I'm going crazy right now.

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>2 months

wtf is this true!?

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Literally all the self-actualizing and self improvement nonsense you see on this board is anons trying to reconcile their lives with a version of themselves that has sex
Even if they already have sex then they just want to have sex with a “qt tradwife gf”

Now this thread is becoming straight Lynchian.

What movie is this from?

As we all know, the key to happiness is getting married.

>Wanting to have sex? Heh, pure cope.

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