why doesnt this board ever talk about films like pic related? experimental cinema is amazing and some of the most helpful experiences you can have watching films. wouldnt have watched this one as soon as i did if it wasnt for Jay from HitB for mentioning it (which thank god someone on youtube is actually pointing at good recommendations). what's Yas Forumss opinion on it?
Actual kinos(?)
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This is great but nobody here would like it most likely. Maybe post it in that /film/ thread people keep making, that gets responses.
Let's be fair, people on /film/ don't even talk about films like this.
But yes, Wavelength is great. I love how hypnotic it is. If you liked Wavelength please please give La RĂ©gion Centrale a chance. More ambitious, better effectually in my opinion.
I'm about to watch Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti by Maya Deren. Kind of expecting something like Reassemblage and nothing more but it is Deren so my hopes are a bit up.
There's been a little experimental stuff on /film/ lately. Saw some Jodie Mack earlier. But generally, yeah you're right.
That was me ;)
if you look in the archive you will find posts about this movie
I was the one who responded to you, I loved The Grand Bizarre
Then I look foward to finding a post about "Yard Work Is Hard Work" one day on Yas Forums
guys where the fuck is /film/
also The Grand Bizarre is amazing, i like to call Mack's style live action animation.
I just watched 'from the notebook of...' would definitely recommend
Okay, this sounds fucking amazing, I have to watch this.
Is this a meme it's fucking two hours of a slow zoom on a wall for fucks sake
Do you try to come off as a wanker?
> search for /fag/
Dunno, I really enjoyed it but I also don't go recommending this film to randos. I told user to watch cause he liked wavelength.
So I finished Divine Horseman and it was aight. These experimental directors always use some weird exoticism when they film other cultures that I can buy into and still admit its repetitive. Don't really agree with the voiceover that her friends decided to do but it does make it more of an info documentary instead of just a "oh look that culture exists" documentary.
Voiceovers in documentaries are my most frustrating pet peeve because I totally get why they're there, I'd just prefer it without. Like it won't appeal to as many people without some sort of dialogue but I personally don't need it at all anymore. It's difficult to find many that work well for me. The Last Race is the only one I've seen recently that did this well.
Thanks never heard of that film and it looks pretty cool.
rlm mentioned this film in their latest video so don't pretend that you knew about it beforehand or organically wanted to discuss it
fucking sheep
This is literally one of the most famous experimental films of all time.
For me, it's Stemple Pass by James Benning
i literally said that i watched and mentioned it because of rlm in the og post retard. everyone on letterboxd knows these exp films, youre the only one finding out about them now
Some experimental kino I've seen
>Michael Snow
Back and Forth
>Ernie Gehr
Serene Velocity
>Hollis Frampton
Zorn's Lemma
Critical Mass
>Stan Brakhage
Black Ice and other paint-on-film movies
I watched Brakhage's The Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes and I'd recommend it, it's kind of fascinating in a way. I didn't think it'd do anything for me since I've been on Yas Forums since 2008 and I'm totally desensitized but I enjoyed watching it in a way, kind of mesmerizing
cool, a lot of brakhage can be found on youtube. eye myth is like 15 seconds, never stop adding to the list user
I never use this word but Last Race felt so phony and pretentious to me. Maybe I was in the wrong headspace for it but I just didn't see what was so great about it at all.
What does helpful experiences mean?
Can you read? He literally said in his post that he got it from the rlm video.
some of these films get you up and motivated to work on your own things. from the notebook of had me working on editing for another hour after i grinded for 5
made this just now OP, I know some are more well known than others, but I think it's a good introductory chart to good experimental cinema
rip bruce baillie btw
How Throw Away Your Books.... experimental?
have you seen it?
the film is basically a schizo montage of form-alteration, with only symbols of characters and linearity
if you think it's not experimental because it's not completely non-narrative, then neither is wavelength, dogstarman, etc
I'd agree that it's not Terayama's most experimental by a long shot
I don't understand where the idea that something that is aesthetically or structurally experimental must almost by definition be esoteric and deeply alienating to ordinary viewers. There was probably more meaningful aesthetic experimentation in the silent era than there has been in all movies since put together.
>There was probably more meaningful aesthetic experimentation in the silent era
i wonder why that was
also i really don't understand your point, that esotericism you're talking about developed in the silent era (ray, dulac, clair, etc)
i agree there was also experimentation in mainstream silent film (as in 30s cinema), but you're making it seem like the division between ordinary and esoteric came afterwards
and yes ofc they experimented more in the silent era, the medium was a few decades old