Destroy somebody's life by framing her the antagonist in your documentary series

>Destroy somebody's life by framing her the antagonist in your documentary series.

Why exactly is this OK?

Everything she thought she knew has been turned upside down and she now has to live and come to terms with being forever remembered as a meme and a crazy bitch who killed her husband even though the disappearance of her husband could even be a traumatising subject for her which she now has no escape from.

What if she killed herself?

How can Twitter and Reddit dehumanise somebody this much?

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>framing her the antagonist
she did that herself

>Carole bad
>gay pedophile good

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She can sue Netflix for defamation and win a shit load of money.

Grifters don’t deserve to live

>disappearance of her husband
reading your dumbass comment and started to wonder what website i was on. then it hit me
>How can Twitter and Reddit
go back to your tranny subreddit

to be fair i would want to kill her too


Oof. Incel much?

She pretty clearly killed him user. The psuedo Zen hippie bullshit is a puton she thinks makes her look chilled out when you can tell she's a poorly disguised sociopath.

This. She’s like Hillary Clinton.

>reading your dumbass comment and started to wonder what website i was on. then it hit me
I think you mean
>read your dumbass comment
Retard fuck.

The husband had money that no one could account for. Their zoo was obviously a money laundering front for the cartel, and it's possible he was offed by them. She may have known about it and was threatened to keep her mouth shut.

oddly enough most hippies are sociopaths in my experience

>complaints about shifting tense on a singaporean goat shearing board


I guarantee this is the case. If you ever meet an actual hippie they're borderline insane and usually have extensive histories of violence and shady shit, not just "woah dude peace and love"

they certainly framed it like that but you are being manipulated by jews and editing like every other reality TV show

why do you think they left out where her husband got all the money from or what he actually did


Her husband was a shady older man who picked her up when she was hooking on the streets. He also got the tigers from suspect sources.

She was the "antagonist" because Joe Exotic was the main subject of the series, but of all the people running the zoos she's depicted by far the most sympathetic. The only thing the series does wrong is lending too much credence to the claims she might have killed her husband.

this. it's literally another 'dingo ate my baby' witch hunt

No she can't you fucking idiot. Nothing they said or showed on the doc was a lie. If they had made untrue statements about her then she could have a case but everything presented on the show was the truth regardless of how they made it look. You've also gotta be pretty retarded if you honestly don't think she did anything wrong. Most of the main individuals on the doc deserve to be in jail, her included. Her husband tried to file for a protective order very shortly before his disappearance. On top of that her previous boyfriend before don also filed for a protective order claiming she was dangerous. She didn't call the police to report don missing until two fucking days after he disappeared. Nobody does that unless they're using those two days to cover their tracks. She runs a zoo that's literally the same thing as everything she claims to be against and has countless people working there without paying them so you can clearly see she has a talent for manipulation. The woman is a snake.

She would've been fine if she didn't make the sardine oil comment after that it was ogre

Did she not put an elderly woman into financial ruin just to get at her enemy? Even if the other stuff isn't true, that alone is just wrong.

>her husband was into shady shit
>therefore she's entirely innocent and blameless

she's a crazy cat lady who virtue signals while doing the exact thing she claims is evil.

Fuck Carol Baskin.

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reminder that she tried to take joe's parents house
yeah maybe she was the most sympathetic one but shes greedy to the point that it ruined at least more than a dozen lives

Reminder Joe tried to use his parents to hide assets and put them at financial risk with his retarded scumbag tactics.

Reminder that Joe is in fact a scumbag meth addict with a pierced dick that picks up teenage runaways and keeps them hopped up on their poison of choice so that he can fuck them on the regular.

Doesnt make her a murderer


im not excusing that joe didnt deserve all that came to him but complaining that "reddit and twitter dehumanise" her when it was shown that she is the lesser of all those evils doesnt make it right

she just sucks, and Joe is a fun nutso. Carole won in the eyes of the law, Joe won in the eyes of the people. simple as!

It doesn't mean she's innocent but it doesn't mean she's guilty too. You are just mad you got manipulated by Reality TV editing like a common sheep.

They wanted an interesting story so they made one.