How the fuck did they do it?

How the fuck did they do it?

Attached: 1582621214071.png (1280x854, 1.56M)

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special shoes and slots on the floor

Really strong shin muscles

Dark magick

>name my band

45 degrees to Australia.

reminder mj got too big for the music business so they tried to ruin his carer forever

Butt strings prob

dancing cat taught him moves

>me all the way in the back

Attached: negan01.jpg (800x450, 93.26K)

Special Shoes

The shoe is a patented design. Sometimes it didn't work in live shows and he lost balance but disguised it as well as he could


The tin men.

I wonder if any kids busted their noses trying to emulate this

>he can't do it

A giant fan.

michael jackson was nigger

they moved the walls to make it look like the floor was moving and bolted or released the furniture in the room as necessary

fuck off its patented

Attached: lean.jpg.jpg (469x632, 97.75K)

There is quite clearly people moving in different directions and people standing around in the background

He was white though
try this at home anons


Attached: 00.jpg (1908x1146, 301.99K)

still nigger...

dont do this it makes mustard gas

it was clearly a MJ miniature that was moved by fishing line

my knees hurt just watching this.

Attached: mj.gif (400x305, 2M)

how the fuck do you get back up tho

this would have been funnier if it was just neo

muscles faggot

he used to do it on stage you stupid mother fucker

>he wasn't wh*te
thank god

But still how do you leaen that far without falling over and pull yourself back straight


How the fuck did they do it?

Attached: 1585956174046.webm (288x360, 415.04K)

Fucking kids gives you special powers

Attached: will-it-take-off.jpg (300x300, 39.15K)

Attached: MJ.jpg (700x437, 306.79K)

what if he bent too far forward and tore his achilles?

How the fuck did he do it?

Attached: Lionel Richie - Dancing On The Ceiling.webm (1920x1080, 2.43M)


Attached: vertical takeoff.gif (399x222, 2.07M)

the room is spinning around

Talent honed into skill, bitch


Doesnt answer the question kike

special shoes

Attached: A smooth war criminal.jpg (1390x914, 122.36K)

>Yas Forums incels can't see him stressing his hands to pull off that peg leg position.
How come I know most of you are fat as fuck?

>I know most of you are fat as fuck?
how does he do it?

balanced for lean

special shoes

This only explains how he was able to keep his feet anger to the ground. It doesn't explain how they could lean around that much and pull themselves back upright without breaking their fucking ankles

Really heavy wind and plastic clothes to hide the effect

The forward slash.

Very wide angle lense. The people in the front are in Europe and people at the back are in America.

aerobics and special effects user