I would be angry if they cast black people as Greeks

I would be angry if they cast black people as Greeks

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It's inevitable. Didn't they cast black "people" as aristocrats in B&B?

Hercules will not be white.

It's the first thing everyone thinks as soon as they see this, and no one can deny it.

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I hope they cast niggers so that I can get easy 300+ reply threads every day

Unironically Hemsworth as Hercules if they're going for a comedy approach.

I mean there are the Muses but that's about it

if he is white then there's no way that Megara will be and vice-versa.

why are modern news sites nothing but reporting on what retards on twitter are saying?

emily ratajkowski as meg

Gingas to niggas

To be fair its been Greek's culture for too long.

Hercules will be cast white/greek.

But Hades will be a black actor, Megara will be a mixed/indeterminate race, Phil will be middle eastern.
The other gods will be a mish mash of ethnicities.

Henry Cavill.

Idris Elba is.....Hercules

Its going to be a middle easterner or Marvel actor.

Rami Malek as young HUNKULES calling it now

Hercules will be a handsome, ripped Chad while all the women will be flat-chested 5/10s

Hercules is such a blatant rip-off of Samson from the Bible.

unironically zendaya might be a good cast

Chris Hemsworth as Herc, Gal Gadot for Meg, bring back DeVito for Phil and Woods for Hades

He's already a goofy hunk in real life, he'd be playing himself.

Perfect. plus Hercules is a basically a superman movie, but good. Would show Cavill can do a good superman.

Imagine being from a race so pathetic, you didn't even have a written language. Then when you are dragged from the stone age, into the industrial revolution-nuclear-information eras, you have to steal other peoples cultures just to feel "represented"

If they weren't so dangerous to civilization, I might pity them.

>Hercules will be cast white/greek
>But Hades will be a black actor

Not a chance. Hercules is a central heroic figure in Western culture and far too juicy a prospect for (((them))) to pass on corrupting it. Hades will likely be a pale-face white person.

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Greeks are not white.

Michael B Jordan as Hercules.
Daisy Ridley as Megara(to promote interracial relationships for diversity lol).
Jordan Peele as Phil.
Morgan Freeman as Zeus.
Adam Driver as Hades.

honestly...sounds kino. dont even care that you are baiting.

It would (will) be a lot of free advertising

Ancient Greeks were white before Ottoman rape.

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>casting James Woods
You're dreaming if you think he's not effectively blacklisted from Hollywood based on his twitter history.

thats not a greek

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It's also clearly a recreation of the base coat. Not to say it would have looked black or something

What I really want to see is a film about Diogenes trolling Platon epic style. Haha get dabbed on nu-platonist redditors.

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Hard to be a rip-off when Herc's a couple hundred years older than Samson.

>You're dreaming if you think he's not effectively blacklisted from Hollywood based on his twitter history.

He's a fucking alt-right nazi sympathizer. He should be blacklisted

No James Woods No Sale.

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Greeks werent white u tards
they werent black either

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Aren’t most of these BBC casting choices?

If anyone its Megara who should be black.
Fuck white roasties representations

I just want the satyr to be sexier than Phil was

They can't because they need the Chinese viewers.

I don't recognize where almost any of these come from

well, not really

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They're all bad but Zeus is fucking priceless.

Ottomans became white after Greek rape.

>bbc alright

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i think Mannerheim takes the cake in there, most of the rest are mythological/old(not that it's an excuse) while Mannerheim is like black washing fucking Churchill or something. It's very bizarre

Unironically zendaya is always a good cast, incel