Am I being autistic, or is Eric Andre, and his show, super austistic, and entirely unfunny?

Am I being autistic, or is Eric Andre, and his show, super austistic, and entirely unfunny?

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mediocre tom green ripoff for zoomers

Talk to me about Tom Green

Why do zoomers love to misuse the word autistic so much? Shut the fuck up
But yeah Eric Andre isn’t that funny
After a couple of episodes it’s the same schticks over and over again

his troll interviews are funny and he's also funny when being interviewed by others but that's literally it, everything else he does like bird up is gay

You need a new desk

Fuck Bird Up, it's time for Snail Down - the best television show on television

Also he's a nigger, so he's especially unfunny because usually niggers are funnier with their primitive observational humor and retarded overemphasized facial expressions and gestures. It's like being white and being a bad writer - doubly sad.

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I liked some of the skits

It's part of that Adult Swim
>haha it's really cringy right? But that's the comedy
school of shows that are only floating in ratings from burn outs and people who left the tv on after watching family guy at 10:30.
DON'T RAINBOW READ ME NIGGA makes me kek every time though

Should pay tom green royalties

it got some very high notes but most of his interviews are ok so it's a 8/10 for me

its cringe and unfunny, and appeals to brain damaged people, or potheads who forgot comedy was supposed to be funny

Do you know how to properly express your feelings without using the word autistic as a crutch?

I like when he smashes things but I don't like much of anything else.

>affects how people perceive the world and interact with others

I'm sorry but if you don't consider, AT LEAST, his show, to be autistic, I have some bad new for you...

None of this is true tho, it all falls into aforementioned autistic category. You could literally put any of his 'celebrity' guests in front of any ASPERGERS PATIENT and achieve the same result. He is one of the many people that society truly needs to stop giving money for literally being clinically deficient...

Why not both what?

Tbf, that was the one moment, and interview as a whole, that made me kek. ERIC!, MUTHAFUCKA!

>SOME very high notes = most are 8/10
PLEASE achieve some form of autonomous thought...

I arguably do not.

im sorry but why are you responding to every single post in this thread?

Because I created this thread, therefore have an opinion on almost all responses??

>Also he's a nigger, so he's especially unfunny because usually niggers are funnier with their primitive observational humor and retarded overemphasized facial expressions and gestures. It's like being white and being a bad writer - doubly sad.
Andre was born in Boca Raton, Florida,[1] on April 4, 1983,[2] the son of an American Ashkenazi-Jewish mother from the Upper West Side of New York City's Manhattan borough and an Afro-Haitian immigrant father who worked as a psychiatrist.[3][4][5] He identifies as both black and Jewish.
>he's Blewish
>aka a "strike two"

Sucks starting with Season 4.
The Katt Williams hair era is the best.

I don't like the interviews too much, but everything else is comedic gold.

He's definitely autistic

Almost certainly, but at least I don't need 4 seasons of a trash tv show to demonsrate it...

who are you quoting

Hopefully? His most influential, and numerable, critics. Realistically? My inner monologue and nothing more...

It's because the interviews only worked when he was more unknown, now he just tries too hard.
Also, his pranks range from funny to cringe on a regular basis (Bird Up Focus Group vs Bird Up ''2'')

Why is it that, whenever the OP of a thread maintains the conversation, it gets largely abandonded? It's almost as if anyone that has a "GENUINE" opnion is afraid of any form of composed opposition...

Shouldn't come as a shock when every dissenting opinion, gets me with low effort shitposting?
It's just how things are on 2k20 Yas Forums(nel). Anyways, it's because Eric Andre relies on being unknown so he can defy the comedy routine. Once you get to know how the show operates it gets pretty hard to maintain that.

isn't it funny that approximately 0.000000000021% of black people in the united states probably appreciate the nuance of a sketch like this? I wonder how Eric Andre and Hannibal Burress feel knowing that they write comedy for white people. Sort of like how Tyler the Creator raps to crowds of white people

I like some of his public skits
It reminds me of early filthy frank and lets me relive my teenaged years a bit
especially that fruitloops one on the New York subway holy fuck that one got me

>Am I being autistic
Yes, it's fucking hilarious. How can you watch Eric walk into Mensa wearing Knight's armor and not laugh?

It's crazy that the only legitimate explanation for the shows popularity is the 'freshness', when that freshness doesn't even carry thru. When this show reaches 4 seasons, the 'originality' that made it what it was can only take it so far. The 'shock' aspect of the show died halfway thru it's second season, despite Andre not becoming 'WELL KNOWN' til halfway thru season 4. I suppose it's kind of an oxymoron that a couple of mooks that work for 'the white man' can only create content that appeals to 'muh I'm not a racist "WHITE MAN" jayshawn'

Why is it funny? >muh white people haven't been relevant since the middle ages lmaoaoaoaoaoao...
No fucking race or ethnic group have been genuinely funny since the early romans vs. >any other peoples... This fact or /opinion/ doesn't make The Eric Andre Show funny

>>muh white people haven't been relevant since the middle ages lmaoaoaoaoaoao...
Oh, you're having a mental breakdown, I'll leave you to it.

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Man you lost me with all that rambling


Sorry, I forgot criticising the white majority is inherently wrong...

Your reply tells me that you have doubtful opinions. If you don't agree with mine, PLEASE expand on yours...

What do you find to be funny?