Normalfags are completely insane

They sit around on social media websites and work themselves up into a self righteous frenzy about some news headline or an out of context video.

Whenever I come home from work my mom is staring at her iPad and I can tell by the scowl on her face that she’s insanely mad about something, often times she’ll take it out on me or my dad. She doesn’t know how anything online works except scrolling through Facebook.

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niggers, amirite

Boomers think the internet works like the television and websites are the channels kek

>They sit around on social media websites and work themselves up into a self righteous frenzy about some news headline or an out of context video.

sounds like Yas Forums

>whines about social media on a social media forum


What you're calling normalfags aren't. They are a subset of people who use social media to fill the empty voids in their lives. Much like the sneedposters/soijack posters of Yas Forums.

Knee jerk reactions aren't insanity. That's why click bait exists. Quit victim blaming, especially your parents

Most working class white people behave like this in 2020. They used to watch things like the WWF in their free time, now their scroll through sponsored content on Facebook and share incredibly unfunny “memes”. They do this during the vast majority of their free time.

Think that's the joke here

npcs get mad at whatever they're told to be mad about. that's how they're controlled. they have no individual thought

You mean exactly what this site does?

My mom didn’t used to be like this, she just sits in the corner of the room and scowls at her iPad for hours and hours during the day. I can tell when she’s been out and about or when’s she’s been staring at her iPad based on her mood. She also starts slamming dishes and things when she gets mad.

Yas Forums btfo

i really hope it is

You should offer to give her a massage to relieve her stress.

this is bait right

>Image board
>social media forum

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>tfw don't watch or read the news so i never get angry at it
>tfw only learn about stuff on Yas Forums

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mom thought some guy in a restaurant asking for some change had a bomb because he was carrying a bag, stop reading the news bro

Yas Forums has plenty of npcs. but that's hardly comparable to how the normal masses operate

Is this really true?

She needs a good poundin. If your dad won't do it you're gonna have to step up and be mommy's lil helper

>mod deleted the thread about the guy who wanted to shoot his school up but left this up

Teach her a lesson and rape her face off

Yas Forums is the biggest hivemind on the internet

That's literally how 4chins works now.
Constant fucking twitter or reddit screencap threads or just some fucking inane headlines with politically charged undertones to incite rage.
All of us pretend to be above it, but those threads still get consistently 400-500 replies.
And when we tire of that, there's always the endless swamp of coomer threads to keep the other half of our brains stimulated.
This repeats day after day until we grow old and die. Life's nothing but a series of distractions and it's all so tiring.

>Yas Forums is the biggest hivemind on the internet

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>That's literally how 4chins works now.

Every day someone on Yas Forums is trying to start a crusade over someone getting fired for calling their boss a nigger or posting shitty opinion pieces they dug through the internet for in hopes of riling up the incelibate NPC subspecies

The image doesnt fit the implication smoothbrain

that's what they used to say about Yas Forums, tranny

Most Yas Forums users are anti-Trump now, newfag.

>Life's nothing but a series of distractions
Only if you choose it to be.
>and it's all so tiring.

>Much like the sneedposters/soijack posters of Yas Forums.
And you.

Thankfully my Yas Forums echo chamber is nothing like that lol. So happy I don’t have certain groups coming on my boards and preforming psyops lol


Its social and its media retard, even if theres no profiles and the faggotry that brings people still try to get attention and validation here.

We are about 80% towards being what the dystopian novels of the past warned us about.

I think Her is the next step in this process. Where people barely acknowledge one another because they have become so used to communicating through devices.

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who fucking cares just make sure these girls keep posting fresh content

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ok newfag

People don't realize how bad social media is for their mental health.
My aunt used to go on facebook for hours and then get really pissy about everything because she'd been reading horrid articles.
Lucky she was smart enough to realize this so cut Social Media down to half an hour before bed, she's a lot mellower now.
I only use Facebook for messaging, I quit Twitter because it was so toxic and, I really should stop coming here but you guys make me laugh too much.

Again, mid to late 2010s tourist?

normies do not understand shit on the internet is not to be taken seriously.

Go back

How ironic

banged up roastie whores

Yas Forums is 3d board though

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