People have been analyzing Men in Black for years and nobody has ever managed to figure out if Will Smith passed the...

People have been analyzing Men in Black for years and nobody has ever managed to figure out if Will Smith passed the test, or if he failed but they brought him in anyway because they liked how he handled things.

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The interview was a hoax. K already had J chosen when he managed to chase down Cephalapoid. It showed his innate potential for the job.

do you guys think theres an agent P. heehee like pee

Thats very interesting but consider the opening of MiB II

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Do people actually masturbate to stuff like this?

Why did they call him Agent J instead of Agent N?

I felt like this was a test to see who was smart enough to think outside the box

the test is not the piece of paper. the test was thinking outside the box, not blindly accepting what is put in front of you. Will Smith was the only candidate that got up and used the table while everyone else was struggling with the awkward chairs they put them in. Then he was the only one that noticed the little girl at the shooting range was studying advanced calculus or whatever it was. So he passed the real test, and the other guys failed because they were molded to be military follow the rules types.


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haha i bet there was

Have sex

You made this thread earlier today and it was completely derailed. Why do it again?

I always figured this was the implication, or at the very least his non-traditional thinking trumped the fact that he failed the test on paper

But what was on the piece of paper test. Surely it wasn't just blank. Was it math test?


>vore with bones

hard vore is for losers

Smith correctly identified all the aliens as being friendly. Might have been a little overzealous with sally smarty pants. Pretty important to not instinctively shoot aliens considering they work with aliens daily

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Why does that justify shooting her though?

>scene is negated because of a misplaced prop
This has bugged me since I was 6 years old.

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Because fuck nerds that’s why

It could be worse. In the movie Full Metal Jacket, when Gomer Pyle says the words "Full Metal Jacket", he ruins the entire movie.

At the time he had no idea they work with aliens daily though.

Because last time I derailed my own thread and now I won't so as you can see it is staying completely on topic with nobody dumping weird porn or anything.

>I like vore, but i want the Pred and Prey to be fwenz and cuddle and the stomach is just a big bouncy castle and the Pred teleport the prey out! *giggle*

you should be digested.

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That little white girl was in the ghetto with some books that were way too advanced for her. What were the other guys doing? Sneezing? Exercising?

>"Yeah, because you didn't need him fact, YOU threw HIM out! And now you're gonna go on down to beauty shop, maybe get a facial, and get some interior decorator up in here quick cause...Damn!"

Shooting her was just his way of calling them out for giving them a bullshit test.

morbidly obese mentally ill 'people' who also fetishize sweat and other grotesque acts

Seriously what the fuck happen last thread?

Yeah that’s the point. He saw them as people and not monsters. Rest of them were probably just privileged jarheads who would have blasted every alien they came across

>what im saying is i would NOT sniff and lick a cutie's armpit!
Painfully vanilla user.

Probably spatial reasoning questions and the like

i mean, OP is probably the same person that has been making the same MIB thread, over and over, once with the little girl pic, so its not like the derailment wasnt more interesting. Also MIB 2 sucks ass so there wasnt anything to talk about.