Was it any good?
The Man Show
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It was pretty bad actually.
No, but many of my early faps were to girls on trampolines
it was a show only frat boys watched
It was absolute kino
I remember liking it.
There are people on earth that still listen to the Adam Corolla show daily.
It had a few good bits like the Beaver restaurant
Kimmel now happily shills woke culture showing that all these Hollywood faggots are nothing but shallow, gutless sellouts.
Are variety shows ever any good? Let's be honest here.
>is an american show called 'the man show' any good
My sides are in orbit.
this show was on 20 years ago moron
I was 12 and loved it at the time so it’s probably pretty terrible
Honestly, not really.
The show highlights the false masculinity that was marketed towards the end of the 20th century. Men don't actually act like this, those guys acted like losers, but at the time being a loser and being an idiot was "cool", so they leaned hard into the act. Many guys genuinely tried to act this way because they falsely believed this was normal, when in fact it was not okay to act that way at all. The obsession with breasts and half-naked women, for instance, just isn't something a healthy person would devote himself towards. Looking back, it was crude and slightly edgy in a way that just comes off as embarrassing, but it was marketed so well at the time that this show is remembered in a positive light.
>The obsession with breasts and half-naked women, for instance, just isn't something a healthy person would devote himself towards.
It really isn't. Sure, a normal person enjoys a nude woman, but the overindulgence that was displayed on the man show as well as the theatrical act of being hypnotized by breasts is just hollywood fiction that entered the real world because kids were taught how to act by the television instead of by their elders. If you want to confirm my belief that a lot of behaviors are instilled through the media, just take a look at the cringe material over on Tik Tok, with children behaving and acting as if they are characters in video games
Smoke and mirrors...
>mfw my ex-wife is one of them
For fans of Joanna Krupa and the other Juggies, sure.
It was good.
In the very beginning it was fun because it was fresh but the joke got worn out real quick
The Jewish Man Show
Your sides are made of soilent lmao
Yeah, I can't enjoy it any more though after seeing what a sell out Jimmy Kimmel turned out to be.
Nigga, u gay
nah it was shit
Kimmel was never funny and Corolla is cringe personified
It was fun. It's depressing that Kimmel became a parody of himself and Carolla became a bitter old man though
>continually push the idiot male false narrative
>continually objectify women to the outrage of conservative christian america
>20 years later, attack conservative christian america and men for objectifying women
what did (((hollywood))) mean by this?
Kimmel circa Man Show = based
Kimmel now = fag