JILL & CLAIRE Casting Revealed For RESIDENT EVIL Reboot


Good casting?

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Absolutely not.

Looks like kino’s back on the menu boys

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How could they get Claire so right and Jill so wrong lmao

Oh nononono

what the fuck is that horsefaced claire?

she was cute in antman and the wasp

no way

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that Skins chick is in everything now

Daddario would be a 10/10 Claire

Is that the Antman cutie? Huh
Also Claire was good casting

Bros I'm not sure if I'm becoming gay with age, but it seems to me that modern actresses are very unattractive. Does anybody else feel this feel?

Are you fucking kidding me

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top actress looks like an ape

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No, I feel the same way.

>Mutt and Old Hag

Fucking Americans are such faggots

why didn't you just clone all the pretty girls when you had the chance

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>boomers will get nostalgic for resident evil anderson movies now because "at least they were WHITE"


At this point they might as well use the director's daughter.

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>Can't have cute girls like this
>Can't have hot girls like pic related
Why watch this faggoty crap? Do Redditors really believe those cunts in the OP have godlike "talent" to make up for their fucked up aesthetics? Film is a visual medium. Go watch Marvel movies if you don't care about things looking good, Redditors.

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Hold the fuck on a minute. Isn't Jill a hapa? Mixed white and nip? This bitch looks Spanish or something.

you're gay as fuck


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You're mentally ill. It's always these kinds of threads you post weird hags that nobody else gives a shit about then say "you're gay as fuck" when nobody's buying it.

bitter jealous woman detected

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she looks like a generic ugly middle ages peasant extra

sounds like roastie getting toasted

here's a peasant that actually has something going for her

lol no I'm pretty sure you're the cunt what with your hag shilling

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The ones that are being pushed down our throats yes, definitely

>no u

According to the Japanese press release during the first Resident Evil game Jill was a French and Japanese mix.

Here's your uhhhhh whatever the fuck character hasn't been cast yet, bro

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an actual alice clone

>here is a video game mo cap character that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Please stop.



>What with Hollywood casting black girls that arent even black? They arent black enough to be black and not black enough to offend white people.

So pretty much impossible to cast. You're not going to find many Jap French mutts, but I bet Japs would be cool with you just casting an attractive white woman.

I'm more bothered by Jill and Claire being in the same story, I mean WTF, they have literally never been in the same game, this is already a trainwreck.

Just kill me now.

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>those lips
jail worthy

she's russian now

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> a mutt and old cunt team up to fight an evil blonde guy
The outbreak is female, user.

Imagine going from this...