Started watching this

>started watching this
>have enjoyed every single episode so far
>actually really, really enjoy it
At this point, is the general consensus among those that have bothered to watch it is that it is better than Breaking Bad?

Attached: Better-Call-Saul-live-stream.jpg (795x448, 261.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

breaking bad sucked shit, better call saul is much better

"it's different" is the only honest answer you're going to get out of this thread

BCS is miles better than BB, and I love BB. Vince took criticism to heart and just learned a lot over the years.

I can never imagine myself rewatching BB the way I can for BCS despite overall liking BB. I suppose BCS feels less rudderless and we aren't bogged down with shit nothing characters like Marie, Walt Jr., the main female lead is likeable, and so on.

I still like BB more because it's more my kind of show but BCS is really good too. It's the best TV show on right now.

Its much better

nah breaking bad is much better

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It's a meme to say it's better than BB. It's comfy but that's it. I spent the first 4 seasons pissed that nothing happened but I came to realize it's not "that kind" of show.

I can picture some fan viewing order getting popular when BCS is done intended for those that have seen neither it or BB before. So basically watch all of BSC except for maybe the modern day stuff resolving Saul's storyline in Nebraska, then watch BB, then maybe El Camino, then the last BSC stuff. I'd be interested in seeing that if for no other reason than to see how people who have seen BCS first respond to Mike or Saul casually showing up in s2.

Well I'm binging it now so I probably have quite a different perspective because of that, much like how someone that binges Twin Peaks s3 will respond differently to the Dougie thing than a guy that had to watch one episode a week back in 2017.

no, but thanks to lalo, its as good as Br Ba

it can be better, but we will need to see the entire series first

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It is better than breaking bad. That episode in season 5 with mike waking up in mexico is fucking garbage though. Fuck Gus too.

Gus? Gus Fring? More like Pus Fag!

I'm rewatching bb rn and bcs is way better. Everyone is insufferable in bb

i finished 3 seasons. i find this show so unbelievably fucking boring. it feels less like "better call saul" and more like "the very very slow story of how jimmy mcgill becomes saul" and it hasnt even happened yet

this is false

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Sometimes in season 4 and 5 they really stretched the slow pace to its breaking point. The ep you're talking about is an example.

I could only stomach S1

the show went no where and had shit wriyting

I've just started watching it too, currently on ep7 of season 1. I'm a bit confused about the timeline though. At the start of season 1 ep1? it shows Saul watching old tapes of his advertisement. Is that suppose to be after his time at HHM and before BB?

its after bb

Pleb filtered once again lol

I honestly think I like it more and I can’t even explain why. Breaking Bad is obviously a fantastic show and has emotional heights like Crawl Space and Ozymandias that BCS doesn’t hit (at least not yet). However putting those standout moments aside I would much rather watch a random episode of BCS than I would Breaking Bad. Also I don’t find any of the characters annoying in BCS but there were a few in Breaking Bad I didn’t like and wish had less screen time.

>and had shit wriyting

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Mike is the only obstacle that keep this show from being a 10/10 he taking half the screen time and take 3 points out of this score and thus making BB better,although with Lalo now mike scenes aren't as shitty as it used to be

Solo Mike scenes are boring because he's such a static character. He's at his best when he's basically there as a springboard for other characters. There should have been more Mike/Nacho stuff.

This show is better in only one aspect, and that's creating a women that fullfills mens fantasies instead of pandering to the diversity agenda like skyler

Attached: tfw no gf to enable my bad traits and love me for them all the same.webm (1018x680, 3M)

I like it better than Breaking Bad, but I think some are over-compensating calling it much better or that Breaking Bad was somehow a weak show.

BB is very good, and upon rewatching it, BCS has made it even better. Both are very good, well-written character driven dramas.
It's just for me Better Call Saul works better because it's a bit more intimate and personal. The tragedy feels less grandiose and therefore cuts a bit deeper.

And also Breaking Bad never had moments like this, which serve simply to add character.

Unironically if all women were like Kim we'd live in a better world.
She's strong, smart, independent, but she's also caring and loving. She comforts Jimmy when it's appropriate, but she also kicks his ass into gear when he needs it. She's also self-sufficient and not entitled. She's someone you'd love to hang around with and she's also pretty.
She's everything both sexes allegedly want, but for some reason this is an ungraspable concept for a lot of women and white knights.

Too bad most women are like pic related

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BB has higher highs but BCS is better overall. It has better characters and it's very subtle and grounded. It doesn't have any reddit cinematic moments like BB


I love Nacho so much. I'm glad they took his character in a different direction cause originally he was supposed to be the killed off antagonist in season 1 but they dropped it since they wanted the main antagonist to be Chuck

Lol, vince created skyler for women to root for as an "independent, liberated" woman.
Gould created kim specifically because of the backlash from skyler and created a character meant to be loved by men

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Yeah Nacho really grew on me. I'm honestly surprised he made it this far, all the way to the final season.

For it's day, and while watching both when they aired, Breaking Bad was better. It was event television. It was of its time. There was considerable hype and the weekly and seasonal structure added a lot to it. It was more original, then.

No one is going to re-watch it though.

Better Call Saul is a more mature show. In the cold light of day, side by side, it's better. Or for someone new to it all, comparing them in the future. Breaking Bad was also so influential and original that retrospectively, it seems cliche and derivative and undeveloped.

Did Gould create Saul and is he also the showrunner of BCS?

Gould was a writer on BB. He created the character of Saul and, among others, wrote his introductory episode.
He's the head-showrunner on BCS. Vince is still involved (even directed an episode this season) but he's quick to point out that Gould is the one at the steering wheel this time.

With BCS you enjoy the show because you become enveloped in the lives of the characters. Breaking Bad had moments like this, but they were mostly reliant on Walt being a fixture in it. The one where he's flicking matches in to his pool from season 2 I always comes to mind because it was really well executed. But then you have scenes like the one you linked and the bottles on the balcony scene that are just really fantastic grounded character moments and these happen a lot more regularly than in Breaking Bad.

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I knew he'd make it to at least 4 seasons because remember Saul still believes Nacho & Lalo are alive in season 2 of Breaking Bad. It just makes sense to explore his character and it connects to that BB episode.

Remember in season 2 of BB Walt & Jesse try to coerce Saul into representing Badger, but unaware of who they are cause Walt & Jesse have masks on, Saul yells "It wasn't me, it was Ignacio [Nacho]! He's the one!"

Saul mistakenly believes Walt and Jesse work for Lalo and Saul is relieved when Walt and Jesse's confusion confirms they have no connection to Lalo