U watching it?

u watching it?

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Clerks 2 and every other thing Smith has made since has been dogshit so why would i?

>My Love for you is ticking clock

Clerks and dogma are the only films I've seen from him and to be honest I don't feel compelled to ruin my enjoyment.

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I feel like Kevin Smith is a has been. He perfectly exemplified the 90's and 2000's but by 2010 his charm wore off. Red State was his worst work.
He is only weed, dick, fart, pussy and movie cliche jokes. Yes, he acknowledges this, but it is not any better. His movies are hilarious for 14 year olds though.

Tarantino loved it so what does that make you?


Tarantino loves feet so I don't know how much his opinion counts for.

Attached: kevin_smith_5152264[1].jpg (500x837, 79.5K)

>jay and onions bob

Shit like this is what Smith should have been focused on.
Just weird fucking skits that don't seem so unrealistic that they couldn't possibly happen.


my adolescent brain was tricked into thinking everything Smith made post clerks up to Clerks 2 was kino. I rewatched most of his 90s and early 2000s movies and literally the only one that stands the test of time is Clerks. Mallrats is meh, Chasing Amy sucks, Dogma is shit, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is really shit, and Clerks 2 is okay. I like to pretend Clerks was his only movie.

Attached: download - 2020-04-30T204945.166.jpg (1500x1125, 448.62K)

this is pre heart attack

imagine how many pairs of JNCOs made for 12-year olds he had in his closet before he had a heart attack.

Attached: download - 2020-04-30T205142.248.jpg (1280x720, 72.91K)

How many more wrap up movies is he gonna make?

Clerks is cringe.

I can't believe these were actually a thing.

I think his movies get worse as you get older.
A classic for anyone who has ever worked a shitty job
Dated, but reminds 90s kids of their time just chilling at the mall
>Chasing Amy
Never saw it
Literally /r/atheism the movie.
>Jay and silent bob strike back
formula movie that requires you to watch 3 other films to understand. Besides that it is just weed jokes. "Dude... weed" isn't funny.
>Clerks 2
Acceptable, mostly shock humor.

Attached: fat man with vidya.jpg (634x555, 47.08K)

I never had a pair this over the top, but these were really popular when I was in middle school. I had about 4 pairs and thought I was a fucking chad. That was the last time I followed a fashion trend to try and fit in.

t.never worked in a shitty convince store on your day off with your slacker mate working in the store next to you

Kevin Smith's face stuck like that or what?
Bug eyed fucking prick.

Clerks was mostly funny and the only Smith movie I could finish but the hell am I giving one shit about clerks 3.
I feel embarrassed for him.

the fuck is a wrap up

Like every single other Kevin Smith movie, I'll watch it if I happen to stumble across it when drinking or smoking pot or something, or if a friend wants to watch it.

Clerks 2 is good, you would like it.

How is he levitating in this pic?
Mallrats is the only one worth a shit, in spite of itself. Clerks was ass.

The animated series and Chasing Amy are the only acceptable Kevin Smith-related stuff.

I can't even sit through the short list of his movies most people would agree don't suck.

Kevin Smith has the same problem Joss Whedon has. Every line of dialogue is written in such a way that it broadcasts how smugly assured the author is of how fucking clever they are. Which would be fine if they were right, but they're not.

why did everyone from that movie age like shit?

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white people were a mistake

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Kevin Smith hasn't made a good movie this century.
Chasing Amy was good too. That is all.

Quentin is a movie sperg who loves prolonged dialogue and pop culture references. Of course he loved it

>remember that time we scaled Leonardo Leonardo's skyscraper?

she was ugly in the first place. also skinny kevin smiths face fills me with rage why does he make that retarded ass face and its even worse looking now with his sickly gaunt face

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this picture makes psytrance start playing in my head

If it's on Netflix, for sure. Me and my partner olve bringing on funny stuff. Haha.

I'll check it out even though the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot was absolute cringy dogshit. Clerks 2 was good, so I'll give it a shot.

He addressed. He said he doesnt like taking serious pictures or some shit because he doesn’t find it fun.

kevin smith huge jorts