Did PC culture destroy comedy? Imagine how many comical classics can't be made today because it will offend someone.
Where did it all go wrong?
Did PC culture destroy comedy? Imagine how many comical classics can't be made today because it will offend someone.
Where did it all go wrong?
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>Where did it all go wrong?
1920 with the 19th amendment
it was actually 1913, noob
that's..... literally not what the joke was, like always black people make everything about themselves. how the fuck does this have 100k likes?
>the joke is white people
No, that's doubly wrong. The joke is that RDJ's character is an idiot.
>actors thinking they could play any role
thats literally acting
what a brainlet take
I get down on my knees every night and pray for California to be swallowed by the big earthquake.
West Coast faggots don't deserve to live.
What a useless brain-dead cesspool of a site Twitter is.
What is the joke then
do niggers really
As per usual the black almost got it right.
its just kids discovering tropic thunder
they have never seen a movie before the PC era
reminder that rdj was aussie in the movie
That actors will do anything and everything to make money and revitalize their careers
well first off in 2008 people weren't crying about white actors being cast in movies so its impossible for that to be the joke. the joke was probably about token black characters
It's also more about how he refuses to drop character, even in increasingly inappropriate circumstances. It's a joke on behalf of method actors. The fact he's playing a black guy just makes it a little more funny and absurd.
Well it's specifically about method actors that will do anything to stay in character. It was also poking fun at RDJ himself, because he's a pretty rank method actor that almost never breaks character on set. The role was specifically made for him in mind.
The more outrage you get at them the more stupid shit they'll respond with, jackass
Tfw I hate the west coast but moved there for a good job
At least most of the people I work with tend to recognize that the west coast is politically extreme
Have you ever seen Tropic Thunder?
RDJ doing blackface was funny, that was the joke
Every day I look outside my window at work and see Mount Rainer and think "let today be the day you wake up and wash this diseased city of Seattle away with fire and poison wind" yet alas it never comes.
>Where did it all go wrong
never go full nigger
no you fucking idiot, it was making fun of method actors that do crazy as shit to stay in character, while also making fun of hollywood because they used to just hire white actors and paint them instead of hiring black actors.
No he got the joke. I'd say it wasn't about the arrogance of white actors but rather about the arrogance of Robert Downey Jr's character in particular but its close enough.
The joke wasn't on WHITE actors thinking they could play any role. What fucking dumb nigger take on it.
It was making fun of METHOD actors and the concept of trying to embody a character instead of just, you know, fucking acting.
also a bit of a joke on casting agencies that they'd willing to go as far as casting a white guy to play a black dude just to get some extra star power on the poster
Pretencious actors take their role too seriously and act ridiculous
remember when op wasn't a swoony cock-loving faggot?
me neither
Remain steadfast, brother. It will come.
>white person cast in ethnic role
>internet freaks out
>black person cast in a white role
>noone cares, people call you a racist for pointing it out
how did we get to this point Yas Forumsros
>Did PC culture destroy comedy?
yes, even Bill Burr polices himself now that he married Leslie Jones and you all remember how brutal he was back before PC culture took off. His rants on marriage and bitchy women are his best material.
I shouldn't even have to say it
It might destroy the Rainier Valley if it erupted but it would get nowhere near Seattle on even the most violent eruption possible.
Maybe pray for a more realistic method of destruction, you dumb fuck.
It's not really complicated, it makes fun of Hollywood for casting white people in roles that are originally based on a black character, then it makes fun of method actors
I mean the joke kind of centred on a white aussie playing a black character from a book
it's kind of hard not to bring race into a joke like that
It's making fun of method actors who think playing make-believe is some holy craft.
based reddit getting it right once again
>It's not really complicated, it makes fun of Hollywood for casting white people in roles that are originally based on a black character
except its not
based phonte
if anything the token Black character was Alpa Chino. he says as much in the movie.
>and then it turned out that he could play the role, both unironically and ironically
but then again, he's not white
fucking kill yourself
that was the joke user
except it is. kirk lazarus was cast as the black staff sergeant who was black (in the fake memoir they're adapting, at least), and he went full method to play him includying dying his skin black
The joke was mocking overly-serious method actors. RDJ even has a line "I don't break character until the DVD commentary", half the movie is mocking different Hollywood stereotypes.
>Ben Stiller playing the past-his-prime action star (Stallone, Arnold, Cruise)
>Jack Black doing a really dark Chris Farley impression with the obesity and the cocaine addiction
>Tom Cruise doing a Harvey Weinstein parody
>That black dude parodying all the closeted black rappers/actors in Hollywood (back then it was Will Smith/50 cent, today it would be Donald Glover/Chadwick Boseman)
>Mconahey playing a creepy agent
>Random everyman jewboy representing the writer
It was funny as fuck but deep down it's your standard Hollywood making fun of Hollywood movie, not that different from This Is the End
The angle of an actor going to absurd lengths to challenge themselves by taking on a role that isn't conventionally suited for them is also part of the joke. But yea RDJ's whiteness is incidental to the joke, though appropriate to the cliche he's parodying (himself).
Watch the movie brainlet, Alpo Chino even says it
the joke wasn't about Hollywood casting white actors in black roles. yes, the joke in the movie was that a white man was playing a black man, but that's not the same.
>I'm a dude playing a dude playing a third dude
if you are talking about Jay Baruchel, I think he was supposed to be the rookie actor that got a job waaay out of his league
Honestly Jack Black was playing a more successful version of himself
>dude but the joke is making fun of racism
lol why do people say this? Almost all race jokes are doing this, you weirdos took a stand against "ironic racism" in 2013
Curb Your Enthusiasm
I'd say he was playing the lowbrow/grossout comedian that started trying to get into more serious/drama roles
which, I guess is actually kind of close to what Jack Black did for a while yeah
The joke is that RDJ is insanely over the top with his method acting
It makes fun of Hollywood who casted Lazurus and wanted to change the race of the character to a white guy, it then makes fun of Lazurus for dying his skin black to play the character on his own accord because he's a method actor
he's so pozzed he won't even talk about that movie
...how is that not the joke? you do realize pretty much all of tropic thunder is one big joke on the absolute insane lengths hollywood goes through to make triple A blockbuster movies right?
I guess that fits too. But I thought with the way they played up him being a nervous dweeb that he was a self-insert for the writers.
The only comedic actors who I can think of are Bill Murray and Jim Carrey who did dramatic roles successfully
he talked all about it on joe rogan not that long ago. although he did say he could (and would) never take a role like that again
Carrell was good in Foxcatcher
damn phonte is so fr*ckin based, he should come here legally and fuck my white daughter
Wasn't that after Tropic Thunder?
Maybe? Don't remember
>that are originally based on a black character