ITT South Park characters you forgot all about

ITT South Park characters you forgot all about

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*hi kids I'm TV's Patrick Duffey*

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I can't believe this show is still on. Is it Zombie Simpsons tier yet? I know Tray and Matt could just phone it in for another 20 years and Comedy Central wouldn't pull the plug on it at this point.

i never forgot skuzzlebutt. the first few seasons thru the movie were so great. my favorite is chicken lover

The newer episodes have their ups and down but remain vastly better than every other long running show

What about Sexual harassment Panda?

memberberries because after appearing in few episodes their plot goes nowhere

>implying I ever forgot about Based Scuttlebutt
The real character everyone forgot about was Damien.

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I remember all cause I've been watching it almost every day for the last 3 years

i didn't

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>Who lives in the forest with the Birds and Bees? Sexual Harassment, Pandaa

Officer Barbrady

They are very great.

He's too prevellant to be forgotten, I still remember his Season 19 episode like it was yesterday.

Fuck this idiot and fuck South Park

jesus christ.
I remember when this was 'new' South Park
I've been a tough critic of South Park since around season 10 but I liked the last one.

if they came out with that now you guys would hate it and call it cringe

luuuvin yoooooooh, is easy cuz your beautifuuuuulll
doo doo do dooooooo

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You now remember Big Gay Al

I called my friend a silly goose just 2 days ago.

Want to feel old? PC Principle has been around for 5 years now.

When they're one-off misadventures they're great. When they try to make a continuous storyline it's basically just Randy & Friends.

He was the character that finally made me quit the show. It went from scathing satire to an animated version of the daily show

Hello Children
>tfw it's been 14 years with no Chef

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I feel like I'm the only one here who actually likes PC Principal. I didn't actually get the joke when the episode first dropped because PC culture wasn't that mainstream in my country but slowly he grew on me.

I thought he'd only be a one season gag though, I'm really surprised he's still around. The PC babies gag is the most boomer thing I've ever seen.

I never forgot this based dude

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Cheyenne Mounton

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