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ZAGREUS 2 WHEN edition


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First for 14th

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2nd for Dalek Lord

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>*considers the fat black woman doctor to be completely worthless and completely ignores her when she goes back through the time stream in your path*
God Clara just keeps getting more and more based

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imagine bros

Sneed is relentless

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Even if Kris was the doctor the show wouldn't manage to be as comfy as death in paradise

What exactly did the Ice Queen's weapon do to this guy?

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I hope Zagreus 2 becomes the last adventure of McGann like the one that happens before night of the doctor and comprehends that his death is coming very soon

sound waves, compressed him into a human pinwheel

Krasko would have won if he entered.

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>Zagreus 2
Could they top the first one? Would there be a Scherzo 2 as well?


Krasko vs Sneed vs Mickey, who wins?

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Krasko would kill Mickey and Sneed would avenge him

space racist. The doctor sent him back in time and he singlehandedly created white people

>Graham's cancer comes back.
>13 takes him to Sheffield's finest NHS oncology ward.
>Unfortunately, although his treatment is working, he's the victim of medical malpractice and dies.
>Ood Sigma: "Graham's story is ending, but the compensation never ends..."
>Ryan is now a millionaire and leaves the TARDIS.
>The Doctor salutes r brave NHS nurses in a manner echoing the ending of Family of Blood.
>They TikTok back towards her, shaking their arses in recognition.

Directed by Danny Boyle

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Fuck off bitch Space Racist Krasko is the GOAT who character. Know your place and respect your superiors
Mickey would leave the fight early to go and fix his nan’s stair carpet. Of course, Krasko’s neural implants prevent him from killing people but I think he can use his superior technological abilities to vanquish Mr. Sneed.

So where did the space eyes look for Zagreus come from? It works pretty damn well I enjoy it but I don't remember it being described that way or anything before

Death in Paradise was a manifestation of pic related.

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I think it actually comes from that fan art.

Was it an own goal to have Krasko come from the future (he's apparently a Stormcage prisoner) because it basically implies there are *reasons* a person would still be rabidly racist that far down the line? Surely they'd want to imply the future has everything ironed out if everyone was good and could live in harmony.

Also their characterisation of him was terrible. They really REALLY had to make sure we knew he was a bad guy by saying he murdered 2000 people. Not sure what the motivation was, he's just 'bad man'. Makes it even funnier that he mogs Jodie when they're on screen together.

Realistically, with Krasko’s vortex manipulator and time displacement weapon, he’s virtually unbeatable in a death match scenario. If Krasko was present during basically any episode of the entire series, he could easily have solved the problem in seconds. Imagine if all those times where the Master returned. Krasko could have just instantly shot him with the time displacement device to pre-civilisation times, and used his vortex manipulator to travel to couple of weeks after the Master’s arrival in that time period, where Krasko would find him emaciated and weak, and could easily just cave his head in with a rock.
Krasko could beat literally any doctor who villain, even the angels.

would of been nice if he'd had some motivation but no we can't have the audiance empithise with a white man

It’s pretty crazy that with all the alien life forms in the future, this dude still has some reason to hate black people

All Krasko had to do was some Lincoln from being assassinated and his plan would be complete

fuck off chinball

It makes for a retarded villan

dilate tranny faggot

Kris Marshall has a stupid ayy lmao face and wouldn't be a good Doctor. Only see him as that irritating cunt from My Family

His writing was all over the place. He recognised the TARDIS on sight.I feel like they probably intended him to be a recurring villain in a prior draft.

Realistically no-one gives a fuck about chinballs fanfiction

Have you watched anything else he's been in?
Matt Smith has a foot for a face and he made afine doctor