Ben Browder

How the fuck this guy not have A list successful career in Hollywood? He's got great aesthetics and is very funny

Attached: QNMMWCZDCHJOPNJ.20090722134739.jpg (400x300, 18.97K)

Other urls found in this thread: simco&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjY1o3Q3JHpAhUPSawKHXGyAKwQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=anthony simco&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBg6BAgAEENQ8dMCWLzvAmCc8wJoAHAAeACAAVuIAf8FkgECMTOYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=mperXtihB4-SsQXx5ILgCg&bih=739&biw=1463

He's got brown hair. Gotta be either blonde or black haired to get ahead in the pictures.

Probably refused to sacrifice a baby to moloch or something

Was invited to a degenerate party and left without compromising himself

I was super surprised to see him in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, but then got super bummed because he was playing a bit role.
Which meant he wouldn't have a larger one. As a villain or a hero.

>he was playing a bit role.
>Which meant he wouldn't have a larger one. As a villain or a hero.
Yeah it's unfortunate when they do this, but then again he could easily play a second character without too many people noticing.

He was an outsider, lived in Australia the whole time Farscape was filming. I assume based on interviews and that Bill Maher appearance that he is a fairly normal and traditional family man so there's no place for him in liberal arts.

He should be on the radar of every tv or film producer touching sci fi, though.



Attached: scorpy.png (400x348, 282.95K)

imo he gave his best years to farscape. all in all not a bad contribution.

Him and Claudia Black ruined the last two seasons of SG-1. Beau Bridges too, for that matter. The show was already on its last stretch, but to see it go out like that was awful.

It probably wasnt entirely his fault, but I'll probably never be able to watch Farscape because of it.

>Chris Evans plays multiple comic main characters
>Same for Deadpool/Green lantern.
>Ben plays bit role for less than 5min, completely covered in gold make up

I could easily see him being a more know character. Most wouldn't even notice unless they were Farscape or late Stargate fans.
Familiar with him already.

Blame SciFi for trying to say sorry for canceling Farscape but also not realizing it was probably time for SG1 to take a break instead of adding "new kids".

>Most wouldn't even notice unless they were Farscape or late Stargate fans.
>Familiar with him already.
I was a long time fan having watched farscape multiple times already, and I didn't notice until I got on Yas Forums after the movie and saw people talking about it.

I was immediately looking for Claudia in gold as soon as I noticed him.
Its been so long, but I still feel like they come as a pair.
Surprised Ben didn't get a VA role in the Destiny game.

He's relentlessly handsome.

>ben browder

Literally who? Looks generic. What has he done that the likes of Scott Adkins hasn't?

Attached: scott adkins and amy johnston accident man.jpg (1800x1200, 619.87K)

He was 36 when Farscape started and 41ish when it all ended. That's too late to start the kind of career in hollywood he would have been well-suited for.

He also seems like a pretty normal guy that wouldn't fit in with all of that anyway. Most men who meet their wives in school and are still married to them in their late 50's aren't.

>How the fuck this guy not have A list successful career in Hollywood
He's not gay or jewish

I had no idea how old he was until I watched some of the extras on the DVD set. Even with accounting for makeup and lighting, his age really started showing in those convention interviews

Attached: 1527791017887.webm (852x480, 2.55M)

Fuckin oof.

He's babyfaced but he's 6'1" apparently. Tall babyfaced guys hit a point in their early-mid 40's where the facade starts to evaporate and they begin looking like a normal old 40's/50's guy. It's only manlets that remain youthful-looking well into their 50's like Tom Cruise. So long as they take care of themselves anyway.

Browder looks pretty good with a beard in this though.

If he's 6'1, D'Argo's actor must've been a legit wookie

>He's babyfaced
That's babyface!?
Goddamn, then I must have zygote face.

Farscape wasn’t that big in the US and he came in on the tail end of Stargate SG-1
Otherwise yeah he’d probably have been big in movies for a while

6'5". Plus the boots.

Attached: D'Argo.jpg (640x480, 34.96K)

Platform boots, and not at all.
Its a testament to the art department and the creature workshop. simco&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjY1o3Q3JHpAhUPSawKHXGyAKwQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=anthony simco&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBg6BAgAEENQ8dMCWLzvAmCc8wJoAHAAeACAAVuIAf8FkgECMTOYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=mperXtihB4-SsQXx5ILgCg&bih=739&biw=1463

Attached: 1579491551044.webm (720x404, 819.64K)

Right now no. But look at him when Farscape started and he easily looks late 20's at the most. I'm the same way. At 34 I have two small grey patches in a full beard but shaved people constantly tell me I don't look older than 23. I know it's going to catch up to me in about six-ten years though.

me on the left

Late 20s and mid-30s generally don’t look that different and he was in good shape with a nice hairline
He also has features that generally age well, though he looks pretty old now but he’s almost 60