*Loses the North*

>*Loses the North*

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Maario Naharis

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He was one of the worst characters on the show so happy that faggot died


at least in the books, it was a bit understandable

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>*Wins the North*

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she had a big ass

I think I need to coom again to Chaplin's greatdaughter's ass

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He's relentlessly handsome.

>yfw da bears win da superb owl

The North was a shithole he basically traded it for the Riverlands which parallels his characterization as a Mommas boy
Same thing with Jon Snow throwing away his vows the second he gets to sleep with an older Redhead
I suspect George was bottle-fed

How could Robb have realistically remained King on the Trident? The whole function of the Riverlands is that they were easy to invade whereas the North had Moat Cailin and defensive harbors only. What were the tullyshits thinking?

They were thinking they were at war with Tywin Lannister and didn’t count on Robert dying and Cersei seizing control of the crown and the new King

Fair enough but even Robert would have executed Ned and watched if he really tried to secede, so what was the endgame for the tullyshits? Lysa Arryn was actually smarter.

>even Robert would have executed Ned
Not in a million years

I’m pretty sure Tywin burned a bunch of their shit when Catelyn kidnapped Tyrion. So they basically had to retaliate.
At that point it was the In-Laws of Roberts Hand, who fought faithfully for him in the rebellion in a minor squabble with the Queens In-Laws who the whole Kingdom hated and who were johnny-come-latelys to the Rebellion.
They were really just killing one another as a point of honor until the crown could arbitrate

Bookfag here.

I dropped the show right around when they made this faggot marry the muttslutt for LURVE instead of marrying some random nobles daughter because it was the honorable thing to do. The show completely misses the point. Robb was supposed to be a foil to Ned, loosing everything just like his Father for the sake of honor.

>spunky foreign girl with a big ass
Sign me up.

He was the only good Stark aside from Ned

>Gets stabbed

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>How could Robb have realistically remained King on the Trident?
He couldn't. I knew he was doomed as soon as he accepted that crown because the Riverlands is just a strategically impossible piece of land to hold for long. Maybe with the backing of the Vale, and if he had the years and funds to build some new castles he could do it, but obviously that wasn't what the circumstances were. He was a fool to take any crown and not just hunker down and wait to see who wins.

I love spunky foreign girls with big butts

Her butt really wasn’t that big.

it was understandable in the show, Frey understood. he literally says he would've done the same

extremely based Mitch poster
will this finally be his year Chi bros?


>she had a big ass
>go to google
>look at pictures

Her ass is almost flat dumbass.


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not big but very nicely shaped

It was nice but not especially large. “Spunky foreign girl with an above average looking ass if not necessarily phat” isn’t that funny though and I laughed like hell the first time I read the pic
Have sex

>tells other people to have sex
>thinks some flat ass girl has an attractive butt

No-sir, you infact have sex.
Maybe you'll learn what a butt is actually suppose to look like instead of idealizing some half kike-mutt.

It was just quintessential british banter. He was taking a piss on the whole situation while being so insulted that he killed Robb, the whore, their child, his mother and all of their retainers. You need to learn sarcasm mate.

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>Blame Radmer
>Everyone knows your full of shit
>D&D cover for your ass


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