Type "Mark Hamill did a great job!" or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Type "Mark Hamill did a great job!" or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

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Mark Hamill DID do a great job, he was the best thing about that movie.

Mark Hamill did a great job!
fuck you onions wars fags are so gay

jokes on you I died in my sleep last night

Bye mom.

"Mark Hamill did a great job!"

sage goes in all fields

Mark Hamill did a great job!

Mark Hamill was the only good thing about the ST. Disney and JJ and Kathleen fucked it all up.

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Mark Hamill did a great job!

Mark hamill did a great job

"Mark Hamill did a great job!"

Why did he force project himself if he was going to die anyways?


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He did.
Luke's story in TLJ is unironically the one of its high points, it was the only subversion that didn't backfire.

Hark Mamill did a great job!

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Mark Hamill did a great job!

movie was garbage not een mark hamil did a great job in that one

Mark Hamill did a great job, unironically.

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Mark Hamil did a great job!

Mark Hamill did a great job!

Mark Hamill is an okay actor and a big cry baby on Twitter

Mark Hamill did a great job!

Mark Hamill did a great job!

Mark Hamill did a great job!

>The text typed above does not reflect the authors true choices, and was made under duress.

Mark Hamil did a great rimjob!

Mark Hamill did a great job!

Mark Hamill did a great job

slurp meat bitch

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Mark Hamill did a great job!

Fuck off, Mark. You let them turn Luke into a bitch for money and a short time in the spotlight.

Mark Hamill did a great job!

Mark Hamill did a great job!

A great job keeping his disgust for Rian and JJ in check, that is. He had to bite his tongue pretty hard on all those press tours where he acted like these movies weren't a pile of shit that he regretted making, also OP needs to apologize right fucking now

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he looks pretty hateful there

"Mark Hamill did a great job!" or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

what is his favorite type of cheese?

Mark Hamill did a great job!
You didn't have to do that you know? I think the TLJ is the best film in the ST now that everything is said and done. It's the only movie that felt somewhat organic (most of the time).

Mark Hamill did a great job!
And im happy he got fit for the role? too bad fatass shatner wont

"Mark Hamill did a great job!" or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

best joker did a great job considering what he had to work with

Based immunity doggo

TLJ is definitely somebody's vision, but it's a vision that had basically no thought put into it.