Are some movies actually demonic?

Is this movie demonic? I watched it and felt weird after watching it and had a dream about how I need to pray Jesus name to push out bad spirits. The main actress is Elvis relative and is into Scientology.

If you don't believe in the demonic world don't bother replying with edgy reddit comments.

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Nah just sounds like you’re an autistic faggot

I'm autistic? You can't even read.

>If you don't believe in the demonic world don't bother replying with edgy reddit comments

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Don’t care you sound like a spastic

demons don't exist nigger
If actual magic existed than why hasn't Trump died yet, because every edgy witch hates him.

If you think this was demonic Hereditary would make your fucking head spin. But if you're actually a christcuck then you need to leave Yas Forums and never come back, this place will send you straight to he'll.

>Edgy witches having any grasp on magic

All seriousness was this movie any good?

I did.

And also Yas Forums is largely a Christian board. TV is more reddit normie tier though.

Why do you visit a website where extreme hatred and pornography get posted every day and yet get triggered by horror films?

>He unironically believes that
Not surprising seeing as though you also unironically believe in god lmao, OP BTFO.

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Midsommar felt demonic

Jodorowsky's films are somewhat, actually.

I'm not triggered at all. I don't think you can perceive the subject matter fren.

I miss when we used to bully Christcucks, bros

yeah, because he's a drug addled anti christ kike


Someone ban all these redditors already lmao

Never been to Reddit, limpdick. Stop shitting your pants because your threads not going the way you want

OP I thought this was the sam Worthington movie

Christcucks weren't much of a problem until the_donald transplants from plebbit showed up.
Please, go back.

There's a difference between being on reddit and being a redditor

more redditors more underage kids more tumberlinas you know how it is anons

is this on stream yet?

yeah it's up

Which service my man?
Please tell.

Not really

just torrent it

I can't torrent man I don't know how to suck dick.
Just post it frame by frame on here.
Do it man, come on.

BUt you'll go to hell!!

I mean it's up on streaming sites. putlockers dot me has it

Basic premise? Is it spooky?