What are Jame's best?

What are Jame's best?

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Other urls found in this thread:


AVGN 1-102
Board James
Monster Madness
Deader the Better
Dragon in my Dreams
James One-Off Videos of the Screenwave Era

1. That Dragon episode(I teared up a bit)
2. The early Halloween AVGN with the flea market horror game or whatever
4. I miss Bootsy

AVGN The Movie

Attached: dragon1.jpg (1618x1310, 1.81M)

this still gets me bawling like a baby god damn

>hello nerd, I am BBC

until you realize they just moved the statue to the other side of the park

They were going to recycle the dragon but James's documentary is what caused them to keep it on the other side of the park.


Who's Jame?

There is a guy that posted a complete video of Jame's old monster madness series all compiled into 1hour+ videos. It's pure kino, I'll post it if anyone is interested

Most of his pre-episode 100 AVGN is kino, and probably a third of the episodes after it are good too. Pre-2014 Monster Madness is ultra kino, as were his pre-Screenwave movie reviews and critiques. Board James was excellent as well.

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they're all on BitChute under CinemassacredArchive

I didn't know about the Bitchute channelm is it the same videos as this?

Cinemassacre Monster Madness: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRDuRfA0kJ2DSnVjB76RMfGFDt6q1GTAq

yes, same ones, but also all the stuff from Lost Cinemassacre Videos before it got shut down

mostly old convention appearances, James independent films, stuff from when James worked for SpikeTV and did about 30 videos for their website, and more


so what was the dragon thing about ? I dont get it

J&MM Goat Simulator

of the AVGN

>dracula games
>sports Games
>Dr. Jekel Revisited
>Atari 5200
>Tiger Games
>Sega CD
>Sega 32x
>Double Vision pt1
>Batman Games 1 & 2

windrammer as you fuck

Jame, the singular of James.
Do you even English?

earliest memory of James childhood, obsessed with a big dragon statue at the playground his parents took him to as a baby and toddler

he went to make a video about it one day as an adult, and it turned out that very same day he went to film it they were removing it from the playground as they were renovating the park

James felt it was a firm reminder that he's getting older and the destruction of the dragon cemented the end of his childhood and innocent imagination

The Dragon is gone now.
He traded his dreams for the domestic life.

The halloween episodes of Friday the 13th and Nightmare were very comfy

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you can hear the mirth when he talks about son of godzilla

he probably could have bought it for thirty bucks or taken it off their hands for free if he was really obsessed with old junk

>1. That Dragon episode(I teared up a bit)

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The dragon just got moved. Not destroyed.
cinemassacre dot com 2010/06/21/the-dragon-in-my-dreams/
>They told me the dragon is being moved to the front of the park. Nevertheless, it was my last time seeing it the way I remembered.

Him collecting old video games was just that. Except as he continues to collect more and more video games that weren't actually a part of his youth, it has the opposite affect and only saps away his youthful memories.

The Fat James era was comfy kino.

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