Old Sport

>Old Sport
WTF did he mean by this?

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Tom Buchanan did nothing wrong

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>its in the novel so i have to say it even though i was fundamentally miscast and very out of place

what about those boots

That’s the point you dip have you even read the book?

Sometimes I still don't believe that's really Joel Edgerton. Didn't even recognize him when I saw the film.

Who should've been cast

It’s supposed to seem out of place and forced, the whole point of it was him adapting a fake old-money persona to try and fit in

its a polo uniform

What do you think he meant, old sport?

the casting and certain moments were better than the redford version but I still loathe baz luhrmann's style

Yeah fucking christ. I don’t hate Romeo + Juliet but this film gave me eye aids

Get checked for face blindness.

What happened to old money white American aristocracy?

Now most if not all the richest Americans are new money, like Besos, Gates, Zukenberg, Ellison, Page, don’t know if Warren Buffet is old money though

What happened to the Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford, Vanderbilt and the Carnegie families? They don’t even make it to Forbe’s no more?

Tom is a Chad

Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt

Why did he do all this party thing just to get her attention instead of just going over to her? Was he an incel?

They are still rich but they don’t show off


they just changed their names

Who was richer?
Tom or Gatsby?

He got chucked though

I thought he got sucked

To a 2012 audience everyone in the 1920s is old. It was meta commentary.

>What happened to the Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford, Vanderbilt and the Carnegie families?
They ass fuck the new money you mentioned into puppet status at secret get aways then let the new money larp around and take all the shit press that comes with it

how was he miscast

he was perfectly cast you tard mongler, thats the one redeeming feature to this flick

I really like this film

Who else
>green light


did anyone actually like this movie? I was gonna give it a shot tonight