Based r Sargon

Based r Sargon

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sorry I don't watch drumpkin videos
also, time for your bleach injections

He's talking about Avatar the last aribender

Does Sargon actually like Poor Man's Naruto?

Doubt it. But there's a heavy overlap between people who like Avatar and who Sargon is trying to reach, that community of white nerds who sort of lean conservative but don't have the balls to actually go strongly in favor of it. Guys like E;R who are straight up Yas Forums meme-spouting Neo-Nazis absolutely love this show about vaguely asian characters acting out western fantasy tropes. Now that "Carl Benjamin the Applebees' Waiter" no longer has a political career, he's getting back to his roots of appealing to a subset of dudes online.

(that being said I love Avatar and it's a great kid's cartoon, but it still is a kid's cartoon and fags who take it seriously deserve mockery)

>I've actually introduced my son to it
Dear god this thing reproduced

>Yas Forums meme-spouting Neo-Nazis

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Idk if you're familiar with that dude's channel but he puts /po/ memes into his videos all the time, there were tons of happy merchant/the nose knows jokes in his Death Note vids for example

>/po/ memes
*Yas Forums memes
He's still funny as fuck though

Sargon is a complete faggot. Kraut is better in every single way

Rent Free

~Love Azula~

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there have been so many threads about this show its making me wanna watch it. its long as hell though

Not really? They're 20 minute episodes.

They're also all REALLY good. Even at Avatar's worst it's not bad.

It comes to Netflix on May 15. I encourage you to enjoy it then

>They're also all REALLY good. Even at Avatar's worst it's not bad.
Most of season 1 is standard 10-year old nickelodeon stuff, with the exception of Aang finding Gyatso. I see this on Yas Forums too, when people praise the show as a whole what they really mean is praising the end of s1+s2, and even then not all the episodes (nobody gives a shit about the Aang/Katara romance filler eps or the one where they tackle climate change).

I hate when these youtube faggots over analyze shit and make 20 minute examinations of cartoon episodes. Makes me embarrassed to like those shows.

I love avatar and id just like to say gays and browns will burn in God's hellfire

Kraut got rightfully shit on (just like everyone) by vegan gains lmfao. He's a huge pussy, he's dense as fuck too. Sargon can be genuinely oblivious about certain things but he's always struck me as having a good head on his shoulders.

>it still is a kid's cartoon and fags who take it seriously deserve mockery
I agree.

Now let me get back to praising current year Netflix's new show ICantBelieveItsNotPorn(tm).

O politically incorrect channel putting Yas Forums memes into his videos? Heresy! I can't believe it!

Sargon is the worst jew apologist there is, btw.

61 twenty minute episodes is long as hell to you? Heh, you'd never make it in the professional anime watchers league......

>If you don't like a kids cartoon you must like netflix shit

based 60 iq poster

It's not an either-or situation. You can say Avatar was a great kid's show while still recognizing that it is just a kid's show and not some transcendent masterpiece. And you can do that without praising whatever garbage adult show Netflix is producing in any given week.

Tangentially related I know but can anyone give me a quick rundown of Sargon's Political career? What exactly happened? I take it he never got big or anything?

Even kids cartoons are made by adults. It being a kids oriented medium doesn't mean it cannot have deep aspects to it, it just means that kids will be entertained. Dismissing any deeper meaning from it solely based on its target demographics is peak brainlet. I know mark twain for instance wrote books for kids, do you think all of those books lack any sophistication because of that alone?

lol i watch long anime. havent ever marathoned western cartoon series

>"Bro, trust me it's totally not a show for kids, it handles deep mature themes like war, love, and loss"

Why is this every adult Avatar fan? Why can't these people just admit they like a show for kids? Even the way the show explores the "mature" themes is done in a way that's palatable for kids.

Literally everyone likes Avatar.

When did this sort of political moral faggorty become acceptable here?

>Bro, trust me it's totally not a show for kids,
said no one ever

>doesn't mean it cannot have deep aspects
This shitty cartoon doesn't have any depth now fuck off.

>praising the end of s1+s2
The build up of the meh to average episodes is what makes these ones fantastic. Gotta get the ball rolling first.

This is an avatar thread, if you don't like it, you fuck off.