Any films about decline of christianity?

Any films about decline of christianity?

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>don't want fags in the church
>also don't want them hiding so that they keep molesting kids
What do we do?

have them marry like the orthodox church



Marcion was right, you heard it here first

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catholicism is the only religion anything else is larping made by autistic krauts and inbred brits.

im sure incels who larp online as christians to pwn the libz will save it

you quit thinking about what some other dude is doing with his dick. thats about the gayest shit you can possibly do besides sucking dick.

fucking faggot

inject bleach

Can an user actually recommend a film about christianity?

hunchback of notre dame

The Passion of the Christ

based mel


>What do we do?

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We must find the gay gene, genetically test every fetus and abort the ones with this gene.

Last Temptation of Christ

literally why?

>not orthodoxy
Ok larper

>Fuck you

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Heh, surely you mean Marcionism, right? It's ok, I forgive your mistakes.

Is Orthodox the only uncucked brand of Christianity?

Imagine actually believing in God

I'm convinced that all the tradcath larpers on here are the same people that were the euphoric atheists of like 2014.

The English were a mistake.

I wish I could. I don't know how people do it.

Westboro Baptists are the only uncucked Christians

I was an atheist for 26 years. Eventually you see something that convinces you there is a higher power. What the precise nature of that higher power is, who can say for sure?

It makes life much brighter you depressed edgy atheist. Pic related is you

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what's the point of these """liberal""" christians (and muslims)
I was raised in a christian church, rather than pretend He would be okay with my large amounts of fapping and drug use I simply decided organized faith isn't for me

And NIFB Baptists