I have never seen a movie in my entire life. I am not joking. This is not bait...

I have never seen a movie in my entire life. I am not joking. This is not bait. I was born in an aristocratic household and raised on books and music. We had one TV in the entire house where my father and I would often watch sports and I'd be able to watch an hour of cartoons had I behaved exceptionally well in that particular well. Television was, generally, frowned upon in my household. I went to a private school, where I may have watched one or two movies as part of class curriculum, but they escape my memory.

I now live alone in my father's mansion. My friends are all of the intellectual and snobby sort, and make constant references to films I have obviously not watched when we are engaged in discussion.

I would require a list of all culturally relevant films, user. I would like to watch them. I don't know where to start.

Attached: johann-wolfgang-von-goethe-1170x938.jpg (1170x938, 179.66K)

Logan’s Run

The last jedi

Start with the Train Arrival and work your way up year by year so you can experience how cinema changed.

Truly the aristocratic option

Just watch everything on the They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? list, starting from number 1, Citizen Kane, and working your way down.

The Garbage Pail Kids Movie

I was thinking of doing this since films don't take as long to finish as books, but I didn't realize anyone would suggest it.

post pic of your library

Attached: WAVORLL.gif (326x183, 1.95M)

Culturally relevant? How about something that will actually make you excited about movies. Do you have genres or types of stories that you enjoy?

You sound like a fucking Redditor.

The Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy

>larping this fucking gay

The Library of Congress archives culturally relevant films, look at their list

Hood Life Volume 3
Tyler Perry's Nadia Goes To Jail

How, and why did you find your way to Yas Forums, of all places?
>American Beauty
>Spiderman 2
>As Good As It Gets
>Drunken Angel
>Revenge of the Sith
>Goodbye Lenin!
>A Cinderella Story
>The Philadelphia Story
>End of Evangelion
>Whisper of the Heart
This is not a list of essential movies, but every film on this list is of exceptional quality. Honestly, there is no reason to carefully craft your journey. Watch everything you take interest in!

based overactive imagination esl mongrel


>every film on this list is of exceptional quality

>American Beauty
>Spiderman 2
>Revenge of the Sith
>End of Evangelion


Watch Django, That Movie Is Fucking Badass!

Do you expect us to b8 into this shit?

Kennedy, Roosevelt, Bush and other US presidents that come from aristocratic backgrounds all had favorite movies and used the White House cinema regularly


What are your favorite books op?

Watch all of the superhero movies. I heard they’re the modern analogous to classical mythology, so you should enjoy them given your educated background.

I know you're baiting but I genuinely do not understand the comparison Redditors make between the two besides powerful human figure fighting forces of nature. Superheroes are a fucking corporate product, they never had anything to do with the people like mythology did.

Fight Club
Death Note
One Punch Man
The Thing
Forrest Gump
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
Taxi Driver
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Daisys Destruction
The Wicker Man
The Birth of A Nation
The Great Train Robbery
Star Wars
Indiana Jones

he cant help it, user. having a 104 IQ isnt easy you know!

go back to r*ddit its so obvious youre new

Start with the silents if you want to keep you high nobleman status, if you watch the recs above my comment then you´re no different than your average redditor pleb fanboy

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Can you explain what Satan meant when he said he is the 'Spirit of eternal negation'? I understand that evil wishes to destroy for it's own sake, and not for it's own benefit, but why would a spirit of negation identify its self as such? I feel like to have an identity is not to be negated. Does it only wish to negate others?

Game of thrones season 8