Half of this movie doesnt make sense if he is blind

Attached: the-book-of-eli_1600x1200_76249.jpg (1600x1200, 463.33K)

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he was also gay

its fucking Denzel Washington

But he sees with the vengeance of our lord jesus christ.

sequel when

He literally sees by the power of Jesus, watch the ending

Considering the target audience, the producers/ director knew it wouldn't matter if it made sense or not.


which part of the end shows that?

Holy shit, now that's a merciless dab over all the christcucks.

The entire point of the movie is that he was guided by his faith

Denzel Washington is very watchable.

Attached: 1587089362558.webm (800x336, 2.88M)

>The Book of Eli
More like the book of enoch am I right boys

More like The Bible

he was muslim though

Denzel's worst movie


who was the target audience? post apocalyptic movie fans? denzel fans? blacks? western fans? or do you think Constantine was a "christian" movie too because it had angels in it

He was guided by the will of God. Literally.

Awfully defensive there. I'm guessing the target audience he was referencing was the midwit stylized dramatic action movie fan. The same kind of people who thought Suckerpunch was a vastly underrated gem.

He was on a mission from gawd.

He wasnt 100% blind, he was PARTIALLY blind, you can see by the way he fumbles, or walks into things.

Its why he can fight under the bridge. Hes probably myopic. Or degenerative and his eyesight worsens as the movie progresses.

That scene where Kunis was about to be kidnapped and raped made me feel sick to my stomach, horrible

Im an atheist and this movie is kino

Bro, he's really good at smelling.
Maybe he echo locates like DD

Even in shitty movies, Denzel is great
I liked it even though I think the female lead was terrible, IIRC
What didn't you understand?

I wanted to fuck Kunis so bad back then.

Jump cuts out the arse but at least they make sense. For me, it's.


Easy to digest for the white man.

Nailed it.

damn that guy is a good actor.

He isnt blind tho? You dont need to be blind to read braile or have good hearing but you need to have vision to do the shit he did in the movie