ITT: Child beating kino

Attached: Chad_belt.jpg (1024x605, 74.8K)

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Hey I recognize that belt bulge!

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My dad beat the shit out of all of us and we're all miserable failures

Lol my parents got along they are still married they never beat us because there was no reason to and my siblings are all successful so one failure of a child despite there best intentions is not so bad. so i live with them and we watch kinos and i play video games and hike in the mountains with my dad. all in all not too bad.

Freddy was actually beaten by his father, Alice Cooper, and enjoyed it.

I only beat my daughters because they are whores

he didn't beat you hard enough at least you're probably not a tranny

Original is funnier

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Well trannies we're sexually assaulted so I think that is beats the belt

Same, first memory I ever have is him chasing me down the street and belting the shit out of me. It continued into my teens and even into my adulthood because I thought I was being the bigger man by not sinking to his level. The last time he did it he beat me half to death, and I lost it mentally and choked him out. He hasn't touched me since, and i wonder if all of my humiliation and pain could have been avoided if it didnt take me 20 years to stand up for myself.

Uhhh, based department?

You still lived in his house after that? If I beat up my dad and he didn't pull a gun on me and kick me out I would just run away out of fear that his cuckness would rub off on me.

favorite beating equipment?

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My mom invited me back for christmas dinner, he got blackout drunk and beat me half to death. Moved out when I was 18.

you can heal

classic CPS kino: Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the internet

Who was in the wrong here?

>if you close your eyes they'll go away

a sack of florida oranges. Don't leave a bruise but it still lets em know whos boss

you should have fucked his ass at least, faggot

The slut is always in the wrong
Cook teh man some fookin ehgs

holy based judge

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Same, 3 brothers, all failures, including me. Only one who's not a failure is my sister who he treated like a princess, though the downside of her is that because he never gave ANY punishment to her, she acts very highly of herself, which means if you have an opposing opinion to hers, she can't handle it.

This is pretty hot

why are his eyes so teary

You and your brothers should gangrape her

thingken of dicks

You cancel out your siblings' accomplishments.

Keep your fantasies to yourself jew.

My dad has literally never beat me or yelled at me

lmao keep licking her boot, faggot

Hope you are doing better user