What the fuck was his problem

what the fuck was his problem

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paul dano really got his goat

drank too many milkshakes

Did he drink his milkshake or did someone else drink it? I forget.





Godlessness. Both him and Dano were Godless, hence why they both got destroyed - one by pride and the other by arrogance.

He got that maaaad competition in him cuh

He walked on a tightrope between greed and god. He chose greed. Abandoned his son.

That's classic Dano right there.

How was Eli godless? He ran the church

over acting

He didn't care about religion or faith, he cared about asserting and growing his power in the community. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.

He admitted to his sins in the end. What I want to know is who was actually the greedy and who was prideful.

he hates most people

He also has a competition in him

The director and the cast tried too hard to make it Oscar bait

Remember never go full retard


Do you think he sees the worst in people?

He was a 170 IQ sociopath with a pathological need to accumulate wealth

How did he get destroyed? Didn't he have it all, at the end?

>Do you think he sees the worst in people?
I think he just built his hatred up over the years

And it meant nothing to him Both to each, but I'm assuming he meant greed for ddl and pride for dano

30 post none tell me the movie...

fuck off

He probably just wants to make money to get away from everyone.

he was in a boring """movie""". I should've just watched the ending on youtube and not have wasted my time.

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I can't blame him he obviously can't keep dealing with these people

the absolute state of zoomer attention span

I watched Satantango in one sitting little zoomie. I just couldn't give less of a fuck about the characters.

oh so youre just stupid, got it

i watched this movie 10 times, got a stem phd and i still can't get a job in the oil industry
what is hunter biden's secret?

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Time travel

is that what they call meth these days

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Unironically greatest film ever made