The source material is trash

the source material is trash.
give us pretty cinematography and interesting character designs all you want, it won't change the fact that this book is awful.
>the fact that it's lauded so highly by the sci-fi community is proof that the genre will never truly be considered literature.

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>it won't change the fact that this book is awful.
Why is it awful then?

tbf I'd describe it as 'convoluted' at best, and 'a mess' at worst. Its more concerned with explaining tis universe than creating an interesting story within it

Did you actually read it lil man?

Sounds like youre a low-IQ/borderline-illiterate zoomer who just can't read or who got butthurt that they tried reading something out of their comprehension level

>being filtered this hard

why are you using quotes

Just admit you didn't get it, and stick to Japanese comics.

I am sorry, user, that education failed to teach you to understand high concepts and world-building. Better go back to Rick & Morty

Anyone who doesn’t like dune is dumb
Anyone who dismisses an entire genre as bad is double dumb

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>first pages lays out a prophecy in detail about muh messiah
>narrator takes us inside the villains lair, the villain explains his plan to take down the main family in exact detail, tells us who the traitor is, and how he's going to pull it off
>we get to hear another muh messiah prophecy form the desert people, even telling us who's going to die, who the messiah will hook up with, and so on.
>the next three hundred pages are exactly as the prophecies and villain's plan predicted, with our weirdo messiah completely inconsistent on whether he's an ass to those around him or not.
>the traitor is the one we already knew was the traitor so there's zero suspense in the coup
>the chick he meets is the one we already heard he's going to hook up with so there's zero suspense in the romance
>the steps the messiah takes to save da world are done with basically no issue so there's no suspense in the journey

and this doesn't even scratch the surface of the writing style. the narrator sometimes switches character perspective mid-sentence, describing exactly what everyone is thinking all the time, so there's no sense of character intrigue ever.

I'll accept that I read it when I was very young and over ... 15 years ago at this point. But thats how I remember it.

I expect the vast majority of you only think you know the story because you've watched films spoonfeeding key scenes to you.

I read dune at 12 and 20 and loved it both times

>every character talks exactly the same except for the obese pedo villain which makes his dialogue the only set that stands out
>whenever a character is thinking Herbert actually writes their dialogue as ' "hmmm-mmm-mmmm" '

I've read it every year for the last 24 years since I was 7

I read dune when I was 17 and loved it. Even read the sequels, which I'll concede are bad compared to the first, but still better than average sci-fi

Just stop making threads about this movie. We get it, you don’t like the direction the remake is going. Stfu. Theatres are closed and the movies release is indefinite hold anyway

>will never truly be considered literature
I truly consider Dune to be literature, instantly disproving your nonsense.

>I'm a cunt so I assume everyone else is too

you don't understand the criticism-
this gets it. anyone can have high concepts and world-building. who gives a shit if the story and characters are all completely uninteresting

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the OG bladerunner is only good because of the visuals and atmosphere
story is pretty ass and all characters talk like autists.
no one actually likes wathching bladerunner,
but they like talking about it after so it's worth it

so i expect the same from dune movie. i just want atmosphere.

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>Anyone who dismisses an entire genre as bad is double dumb
>reading genre shit
Oh no no no no no

It's not about what people do it's about why they do it and their interactions.

>but still better than average sci-fi
If your idea of sci-fi is fantasy with a futuristic flair sure.

>the narrator sometimes switches character perspective mid-sentence, describing exactly what everyone is thinking all the time, so there's no sense of character intrigue ever.

this was the straw that broke it for me. it's like reading an ESL childrens book.

>'i should call over a guard,' paul thought. he said, "guard, come here," and thought the guard, who thought 'i better obey paul', should come quicker.
>"Yes, my lord?" said the guard, who thought 'this might be important' to paul, who thought he should tell the guard something important.

the whole book was like that

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>childish faggot who's never even heard of john knowles or dow mossman pretending he's smart for reading some shit pulp comic
Knowing how hard this film is gonna suck and piss off you tasteless, subliterate imbeciles makes it worth tolerating your useless existence.

I overall think the book is average too but isn't the entire point of the book that it's Pauls destiny and it's basically written out for him and yet he still fails?

>thinking people who like the book are actually looking forward to this

>I'm illiterate so you must be too

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>fucking completely not understanding something very simply written
I rest my fucking case.

I agree with your sentiment, but Endymion is absolute trash

Make sure you put it before a court next time instead of scribbling in shit on your bathroom mirror

I read dune (first book only) after graduating law school and it's great. The concepts that herbert meshed together into this alien world is incredibly imaginative. The dude pulled from genetic memory, drug culture, fucking jihad, corporatism, and conservation, yet still managed to pull it all together in a coherent story. It's not moby dick, but it's still great in its own way.