Why is this so boring and not funny? I'm only two episodes in and it's a real chore to watch

Why is this so boring and not funny? I'm only two episodes in and it's a real chore to watch.

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Bad writing.

She doesn’t suck n get sneeded

no foley, underdeveloped, not finished

it has no soul

also I only made it three episodes in OP just drop it desu matt is old as fuck it's like listening to a band's 17th album

Unironically, its soulless.

Thats just it. It isnt funny. I appreciate the animation and setting but since the jokes arent really funny it isnt a good show.

>le cool drinking, drugs and whoring are cool
>le marriage bad
>le monarchy bad
As bad as zombie simpsons.

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It genuinely gets way better if you stick with it. Season two was solid.

Imagine making a show about a woman and not focusing on one of the four things women are good for

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It's mean and cynical is a way that The Simpsons and Futurama never was. Homer and Fry are not ideal men but they're fundamentally good men who in the end will try to do the right thing for the people they care about. They were also ordinary men who weren't smarter, stronger, faster, or better than anyone. But they did their best. Bean is a Mary Sue is great at everything, treats people like shit, comes from privilege and acts like a total douchebag all the time. She's unbearable to watch.

because it's boring and not funny

>Zog has randos executed for bullshit reasons.
>Next episode: OMG WE HAVE TO SAVE ZOG!

I think the humble farmers gag was the only good one in the show.

because woman protagonist

I thought it was great. It's not suppose to be comedy but just a show.

I found it funny but I was drunk, so...

Please elaborate...

>watching "adult" cartoons

There's your problem.

>four things
tits pussy mouth and babies?

Elfo, who has known nothing but "jolly times" in elf world, walks to a the home of some farmers. They feed him and keep repeating that they are nothing but humble farmers, a self pity type thing. Elfo keeps praising them and they kick him out.

>It's not suppose to be comedy but just a show.

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It's literally Fag of Thrones but with Bert SIMPson.

Cooking, cleaning, vaginas, and their sisters' vaginas

Someone from Yas Forums once talked about how he worked on the show and it was a real shitshow of a production. If anyone saved it, please share. All I remember is that they had to rewrite and redub the "lizard elf people" episode since it was during the Apu controversy and they were originally Asian stereotypes.

I like it

it gets better as it goes on imo, it took a while for the writers to establish how each character was going to act. thought the hansel and gretel episode in the 1st season was pretty funny

also the main storyline gains traction by the end of S1 and into S2

I didn’t think of it this way, but sounds about right. I watched 3 episodes of the show. It’s not funny and the main character is obnoxious.

Basically the writers are all 50+ so not as clever or funny as they once were. The producers didn't give ANY notes (besides more feminism) or edit anything down. All the episodes are 26 minutes when they'd be much better off being 20. The timing is bad too, some of the jokes are good but held on too long, or set up poorly so you can appreciate them but they don't make you laugh.
The first 6 episodes of Season 1 are okay and then for some reason they stop telling jokes entirely.
Season 2 is slightly better; Episode 4 and Episode 8 are genuinely good and show what the show could be with younger, more talented writers, but overall, having 4 good episodes out of 20, doesn't make you a good show, but a shit one.

It's pretty comfy. I had been only wathhing Midsomer murder repeats from season 1-13 until i found it.

This is the other major point of importance. The characters are fucking terrible.
Elfo is annoying and inconsistent, sometimes he acts like Ralph, sometimes he acts like Fry or Milhouse, going from Happy Retard to Introspective Simp.
Luci is fine, he's basically the Bender of the show and him being a supernatural being gives the show more plot potential, the problem is that he's there (at least for the first 13 episodes) to make Bean evil, and two evil characters and one miserable isn't exactly a funny dynamic.
Bean is the worst character of all, she is incredibly privileged yet unaware and still despite the show showing us she is an awful person, we're still meant to care about her "struggles".
There's an episode where some ugly giant who literally everyone hates says Bean has it so tough and she's being sincere, nothing about the universe makes sense.
Bean has "arcs" like:
"Oh no, I have to get married... but actually I don't."
"Oh no, I have to go to a nunnery to straighten up... just kidding, imma tell everyone God's not real and then head out."
"Oh no, Mom's back and evil. Let's just meander for 4 unfunny episodes and kill her quietly off screen"
What the fuck is this show's endgame? Is Bean meant to be a role model? Because she NEVER faces consequences for her actions.
It's like if Bender or Master Shake had a rich dad who bailed them out after they'd gone on a crime spree.
King Zog is okay, he's had some funny moments like when he tried to get Gout.
Matt Berry Pig is the funniest/best character. Matt Berry Pig is... kino.


>It's pretty comfy

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