Can one of you dickheads please explain to me the appeal of this shit?

Can one of you dickheads please explain to me the appeal of this shit?
It's incoherent bullshit but everyone says nah senpai it's art it's about how it makes you feel
I only feel frustration and boredom after 3 hours of incoherent non-sequiters everybody's doing the locomotion

I don't have a problem with surrealism, I think the last episode of the original twin peaks is incredible, I love Mulholland Drive. But I need SOMETHING to attach onto to give me some sort of attachment.

Inland Empire is literally 3 hours of random wank that Lynch made up as he went along and I DONT FUCKING GET IT REEE

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So people tout this shit as a masterpiece and I still can't get a coherent reponse as to why other than
>dood it's so deep but don't ask me to explain why

this was my favorite part

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fucking LYNCHED

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I think there's a website that has multiple essays exploring/explaining this a mull Holland. Shouldn't be hard to find

having explained to you that I think the majority of Lynch's work makes me feel something, much more than most narrative films do, can you explain to me how anyone can have any sort of emotional attachment to 3 hours of nonsense without just posting lynched?

Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, and The Straight Story are great.

Wild at Heart, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, and Dune are good.

Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, and Inland Empire are pretentious drivel.

OP here, I don't entirely understand MD or LH but they at least evoke some sort of reaction out of me, I feel something. I get the appeal.

To me Inland Empire is guilty of every single sin that is thrown at Lynch's way about disappearing up his own asshole.
I can have no emotional reaction when there is nothing to attach on to.
>dood look through the fabric
>do the locomotion
>I'm now an old timey hooker and I murdered a man
not only do I not get it, I don't understand how anyone can get any emotional response from it

It's literally the same that Mulholland or Lost Highway or Fire Walk With Me
>Person has a fucked up experience
>Psychotic break but not really because there are demons and alternate realities
>Is the butterfly dreaming the man or is the man dreaming the butterfly?
Laura Dern is some forgotten actress with a fucked up marriage in the past. Film they're remaking is supposed to be cursed because was never finished. It's supposed to be the next big thing and catapult Dern back to stardom. She feels like she's losing grip on reality because film is too close to her life / it will never be finished and she will never be relevant again.

I only saw it once but I’m pretty sure it’s just an abstract way of showing an actress losing her mind. Possibly due to an ancient polish curse I think.

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Lost Highway and Muholland Drive were amazing peices of cinema. The problem with Inland Empire is that he had no idea what he was doing. Lynch is an amazing director, but a terrible writer. Usually with Twin Peaks, LH, MD he had another writer who'd cowrite with him. With IE he wrote a script before a day of shooting.

I guess my issue is that when I watch those films I have characters to attach to, there is backstory or 2 seasons worth of plot to emote with. When the surrealism starts I have some base point to understand.

I got 2 hours through Inland Empire for the first time last night and there was no point of reference, I had no point to get emotionally involved or invested. It was just incoherent nonsense and as such I can't feel anything whilst looking at the low quality digital camera extreme close ups

Offer me some sort of constructive feedback, tell me where I'm going wrong.
There is no artistry to Inland Empire, the fucker made it up as he went along. If some random cunt put this out you'd be calling it wank - it's only because it came from an established and respected name who put out genuine quality art before that you can bs me off with "lynched"

Yes. It gets weird from the minute 1 and that hurts it, I agree. There's no contrast like in his other works. But being incoherent is kind of the point. You're not supposed to take this films like bedtime stories but more like nightmare puzzles. If you don't like the approach that's fine, but the whole point of it is that you have to go through the experience like Dern's character.

you cant argue with them, they thrive off that meme

It's 90% a me problem, I have a serious FOMO with Lynch and when these people tell me I'm just a pleb who should read a book because film isn't an intellectual medium and I don't get it I get all REEE about it

Inland Empire sucks. His worst film.
Watch the behind the scenes footage, he had no idea what he was doing.

not spoonfeeding you answers when there are many essays all over the internet for you to puruse

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holy based

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and yet looking at metacritic
>73 Inland Empire
>52 Lost Highway
or rotten tomatoes
>72% IE
>60% LH

I got something out of Lost Highway, even if was confusion. How the fuck can critics like IE more than LH?!?

>you have to read essays to understand what the film is trying to convey

wow what a fucking genius you are, you watched the film then read someone else's interpretation to "understand" it, bravo. I'm truly the pleb compared to the patrician cunt who couldn't come to his own conclusions yet looks down on others

worst Lynch movie

Goddamn user. That's not the way metacritic / rotten tomatoes works. Look at the number of reviews total, also take in consideration Lynch fame in both periods, also film is not merely "The Plot". Lynch was one of the first in the mainstream, along with Mann, to make a whole feature film using digital cinematography. Also, you're allowed to dislike it. Try to develop your own critical voice (other than I was bored / I didnt get it / It had no plot) and don't be afraid to voice it.

Its a representation of samsara. The rabbits/old Polish men and the Phantom are psychopomps. The Polish girl is an abstraction of Dern's true self and soul. She has repeated several cycles and her role in a "cursed" production is a reference to her past unskilled life. She eventually overcomes her shadow self and releases her soul from the room, which is a sign of her freedom from rebirth and the cycle of suffering.

Axxon N is a reference to metempsychosis and rebirth - the longest running radioplay in history...

if you say so

i bet there are some really spicy letterboxd reviews of this one

People getting mad at a film because they don't get it is such a silly reaction. I mean, you can dislike it, you can admit that you didn't get it, there's no problem with that, but some people get real fucking mad, as if it was something personal...

I unironically take it personally, I WANT TO UNDERSTAND LYNCH YOU FUCK FACE

There is a bunch of people explaining the movie here to you, bud. We can tell you, but we can't make you hear if you don't want to.

I think Inland Empire is more David Lynch-lite. It was Lynch trying to appeal to a more commercial audience. I loved it even though it failed with critics and the box office.

Mulholland Drive is not pretentious

i meant the other way around. pretentious five-star all-lowercase stream-of-consciousness dumps that go on about how nobody indicts late capitalism better than lynch and how deleuzian it all is or whatever

>the lynchposter is back and has filtered himself again

The rabbits were a completely unrelated project which Lynch inserted into IE because he's so random XD.

>mfw all the plebs ITT getting Lynched
INLAND EMPIRE is his best film behind Eraserhead, although The Return might beat it out in terms of overall work. It's the most accurate cinematic portrayal of a nightmare and in terms of atmosphere he hasn't made anything so hypnotizing

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>52 Lost Highway
Critics are retards.

I'd rather have people LARPing as "intellectuals" than people mad because a film is not stupid. I mean, I'd rather have none but, If I had to choose. When someone quotes or references Deleuze is never a good sign.

>I need to attach myself
Go attach yourself to a rope with the neck

>cinematic portrayal of a nightmare
Lazy interpretation. All of Lynch's other films made actual, rational sense. Inland Empire does not.
Fuck atmosphere and hypnotising ... Lynch used to be about more than that.

Most normie post ever. Coolstorybro.

>Lynch used to be about more than that.
People were mad when he made Fire Walk With Me exactly for the same reasons. Ebert and the other guy hated Lost Highway because they thought it was a mean spirited movie. So, you're wrong.

>dood random scenes spliced together, here are some rabbits sitting in a room, now here are some hookers talking about their tits, now they're all dancing to the locomotion, look through this hole in the fabric and see yourself as a prostiute who describes killing a man to a police officer
>wow it's like a nightmare that I had XD