Erik Killmonger (Black Panther movie)

>all dat challenge sheeit is ovuh, ahhm duh KANG now!

>Growing up with top marks in school, Stevens went on to attend and graduate from the United States Naval Academy and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before joining the United States Navy SEALs. Within the SEAL teams, Stevens was deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa, where he had the highest count of confirmed kills amongst everyone from his unit. Stevens also participated in several stateside missions in the United States of America.

Why does an MIT graduate and Navy SEAL talk like this, especially when he's in a foreign country with Africans who don't use African American vernacular? This made me unable to take him seriously as a villain.

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gotta put on the act for affirmative action

Once a hoodrat forever a hoodrat.

Im a mutt autist and I speak really eloquently around my friends and white people but around blacks people I speak in Ebonics. I don’t even do it right. Hell a coworker tried to dap me up once and I tickled his palms on the handshake

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Idris Ilba in The Wire was a hoodrat just trying to become something more and he still spoke more eloquently than this guy

>kid from the projects gets to be a MIT grad

Has this ever happened or is it on par with the Wakanda delusion

he's around wakandans though, not african americans

iktfb, i talk in scots to my family but nobody else, and i don't live there any more, feel like a fucking retard when i call them and other people can hear

what's wrong with his skin? apart from being a nigger

Wakanda murdered his father and abandoned him. America raised him, he went to MIT, the Naval Academy and was a Navy Seal officer. But instead of helping America conquer Wakanda, he wants Wakanda to conquer America. WTF? Some gratitude. Does that make sense to anyone?

The plot is just as bad as Star Trek Nemesis. Picard clone wants to genocide Earth for no reason whatsoever.

wakandans are self inserts for ghetto americans you dumbass
they literally think if whitey hadnt brought them over to america that they would be living in wakanda

black kino, now playing

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Scot is based, people probably respect you more when they hear that accent

Have you ever seen the richard pryor interview on the dick cavett show?

The strange thing about this character and black american love for Wakanda is that on average, we're anywhere from 15% to 60% white. Black icons like Malcom X (1/4 white), Obama (1/2 white), Muhammad Ali (1/8 white)...there's a pattern there. It's what sets even "darkskin" blacks apart from legit Africans, if you compare the typical black American to, say, N'Golo Kante or Paul Pogba, there's a clear difference. And yet this bizarre larping remains where some black americans act like they're straight out of africa with 100% black blood, and not that as a group we've got a ton of European blood, follow a european/middle eastern religion, speak a european language, follow european cultural transplant the average black American to Mozambique or Lesotho, that dude would stick out like a sore thumb.

But even that doesn't make much sense because nearly all black americans have a ton of white ancestry.

Because if he acts smart, he’ll be called an oreo, because being black means being dumb.

>before joining the United States Navy SEALs. Within the SEAL teams
>America raised him, he went to MIT, the Naval Academy and was a Navy Seal officer
It's odd because Navy SEAL training is designed to weed out anyone other than borderline fanatical patriots. If you read the descriptions of what they put recruits through it borders on torture, SEALs by all accounts get through it either through:
1. Being stupid enough to buy into the America good mindset (Jocko Willink, Lief Babin)
2. Being such egotistical jackasses that they view any kind of pain as inflating their own sense of self (David Goggins, Chris Kyle)
Either way, the way the training works, you're not producing a traitor. You're producing a fanatic or an egomaniac, in both cases that's not someone who's going to get all butthurt about ancestry. Also it's especially hard for black dudes to pass SEAL training because we generally suck at swimming.

>that doesnt make much sense
you think basketball americans reason things?
youre delusional if you think they ever stop to consider if things make sense

>Be with my black family at Mardi Gras
>we're all standing on the sidewalk waiting for my mom to come back
>college kid bumps into my cousin's wife
>kid tells him "I'm sorry man."
I've never been more ashamed to be black

they’re black though, he’s talking to them he would black people.
it’s kind of like my parents, whenever they visit a foreign country like france or germany they’ll speak english with a french or german accent thinking that’ll make them understood

Where's Wallace?



>because we generally suck at swimming.
And the low IQ, which is why blackers are underrepresented in all special forces units.

You're right, he should be speaking pidgin

why do YOU speak like that? autist

Ebonics is just a form of accent. Do you think rednecks from Appalachia are incapable of graduating from MIT?

I know a black dude who grew up in Englewood in the '70s and he is not only a MIT graduate but literally has a learning disability of some kind. he explained it to me once but I didn't really understand it.

why did he sign up to shoot poor people from undeveloped countries

>t.somebody who wakes up at 4:01 am


>Why does an MIT graduate and Navy SEAL talk like this, especially when he's in a foreign country with Africans who don't use African American vernacular?

A: Dumb blacks don't like seeing themselves portrayed as actually intelligent. They can't identify with the character and it makes them feel self conscious about their own intelligence so they label the character as "acting white". So the writers just claim a black character is intelligent and then have them talk like an idiot.

B: The powers that be don't want blacks to have role models that make them aspire to better themselves.

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As someone who lives in Appalachia I can tell you for a fact that intelligent people from the backwoods don't speak like dumb hicks.