Fat guy eats and argues with his family for six seasons

>Fat guy eats and argues with his family for six seasons

Tell me again why this show is said to be the best ever

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Who stands to gain anything from shilling against the Sopranos every day

Over-invested boomers who need to justify those 86 hours of their worthless lives.

jewish mafia

because the arguments are funny

>86 hours

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A mixture of this and saying you like The Sopranos at this point makes you seem like you have good taste.

I bet it's Vince Gilligan making these posts every day.

Dont get cunty

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>Ghetto niggers do ghetto nigger things for five seasons

Tell me again why this show is said to be the best ever

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>Tell me again why this show is said to be the best ever
Only by brainlet plebs

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tried to watch this at least 10 times and could never get into it,

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There are 86 episodes, each of which lasted an hour on commercial TV. Do you even arithmetic?

Wops and their larping as Italians is the closest thing Americans have to any sort of genuine European culture so they all get behind It aggressively.
See also: the I’m totally (1/32) Irish dude! Happy saint paddies day!!
That said, the actor himself gave us some Kino moments such as seen here

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bout as sharp as a cueball this one

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None of the memeing retards will give you an answer, they’ll just squeal something about gabagool or Czechoslovakians

a black guy... imagine that

my favourite photo of the series

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>in that take bobby is carring a giant dildo over his shoulder

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Sopranos thread?

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In other words, 20 of those minutes were commercial breaks?

>fat bald manlet is angry for seven seasons

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whos your guys favorite sopranos girl

Bosslady annalisa zucca

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The average running time was 50 minutes. That makes 10 minutes of commercials.
Are you sure you've watched this show? Cause you sound like a larping faggot.

you glazed over the fact that he killed a bunch of people and made moves to maintain and grow his criminal empire.

i like ade too

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Always felt the same way. It's boring and lacks development.
The Wire and The Shield are so much better.

>The Wire and The Shield are so much better.

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The food looks delicious and his family are a bunch of cunts, so it's fine

what wonderful acting

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Seething nigger detected. Showing their behaviour is based.

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>with his family
Which family? His mafia family or real family?

And THAT is why this show is sheer brilliance.

Tony a manlet??? You blind???

It's ok to be low IQ

HBO has no commercials lol

For me? Svetlana

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what did they mean by this

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cope and seethe incel

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The Shield is childish shit.

An absolute based man of culture

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Its not the size that counts. ;^]

ewwww she’s ugly as shit. why do white m*n betray their race for these rockhopping goblinas?


trannies are the exact same as incels both disgusting class of experimental freaks

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They both look unhealthy

seething white roastie

Seething jawlet

lolno white men that date bugcreates are gross,

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Cool story, tranny.

actually I’m a white dude lol. sorry that you can’t cope with the realization your kids will be yet another r/hapas poster

nope, keept seething tho I dont need to worry about tranny freaks when they join the 41 club

i miss huh, she wasn't no hooowehh

yeah, miscegenation is degenerate. So is the surgery you had though.

keep coping, youre kid is going to hate you. Trannies are disgusting too

>angry because it's too stupid to enjoy the wire
Yeah, I'm the one seething. Take painkillers for your wound, it might be infected.

>Implying I'd touch a 3D girl of any race
You're still mad

cope and seeth tranny incel


I don't think you know what cope is. If you want examples, read your posts.