Best western of the last decade

Best western of the last decade.

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Wrong image OP I'll help

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Hell or High water

True , only seething wh*toids disagree

>tfw the white characters were the only memorable ones

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I still wonder how Tarantino sold Samuel Jackson and Leonardio Dicaprio there roles. I wouldn't want to be the guy asking Samuel Jackson to play an Uncle Tom.

Alright anons let's talk about why the Hateful Eight is the second best western of the decade.

>t. Mean bastard that needs to hang

I liked Unforgiven. Django is a trash movie

Why is it a trash movie?

>implying anything other than The Proposition is the best Western of the past decade
>google the Proposition
>not the last decade

I preferred buster scruggs, apart from the musical episode

get in here, bros

Remember that racist incel seethe gigaton explosion when it came out, all because of the dick sucking scene? Lmao

Not even close, Lamar

Only good answers itt. I'd include The Counselor as well but it's debatable whether it constitutes as neo western. Also The Rover


True Grit, Rango, Meeks cutoff, He'll or High Water, buster Scruggs and The Lone Ranger are better

You can kill yourself right now and never feel this feeling again.


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Oof & yikespilled sweatie

That's not Bone Tomahawk


worse than the original, you're a pleb

lol no

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kek no

Should I watch this if I dug Black Mass

That was pretty good but it felt a little disjointed like 2/3rds of the way through.
It's definite sadkino though
Most depressing movie I've ever seen

He said that was his favorite role of his career
>Jackson has appeared in six of Tarantino’s nine films, and recently told Esquire his character in the director’s “Django Unchained” is his favorite of all time.
>“I love fucking Stephen,” Jackson said about the character, a loyal house slave to the film’s villainous plantation owner Calvin J. Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio). “I mean, the dude ran that fucking plantation. Candyland was his fucking plantation. Leo’s out fighting n–gers and doing whatever, running the strip club. Dude’s writing the bills. [Stephen is] making sure the crops get planted. He’s making sure the slaves get sold. He runs that place…He ain’t really got no kids of his own because he ain’t have time to do that. But Leo was basically his kid. And Candyland is his world. He knows outside Candyland, he’s just another n–ger on the plantation.”

We all know you were jacking off to that scene, you fucking homo.

I felt that alot in the film. Stephen really was the best character, and the slave not really talked about, the head house slave.