Is being high the only way you can truly enjoy kino?

Is being high the only way you can truly enjoy kino?

Without any weed you are simply watching images on a screen and you cannot truly be transported and absorbed by the art.

The experience simply isn't the same.

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you literally sound like a 15yr old

If you mean high on life then yes sir!


Being on the verge of black-out drunk is the patricians choice.
Being able to only recall the first 15 minutes, knowing at one point in the night you conciously came to the decision that you'd rather sleep than continue watching so you stumble to your bed without hitting pause. Waking up at 7am still drunk even though you went to bed at 9, making breakfast and watching another 20 minutes of the movie from the last point you remember until the tireness overwhelms you and you walk to bed again, only to wake up in 4 hours knowing you can either lie in pain for another 3 hours or hunch over the toilet and hope you can heave something out. The relief of the first stream of puke bringing you euphoria, yet slowly dying after each batch as your throat starts to burn and you dry-heave for the last 13 times. Finally walking to the fridge, cracking open another Daddy and finishing off the movie as you slowly climb your buzz to do it all over again. That is how you enjoy kino.

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Holy based fucking kek.

i watched ken burns vietnam completely stoned and had a panic attack about how my government forcibly sent men 50 years ago and can send me as well, to a rotten alien jungle to die painfully at the hands of a radical gook. My body is a tool by which the elites can activate to advance their interests. I can be sent to battle against a bunch of tougher men who will shatter my skull and splash my brain into the dirt and that can be the culmination of my existence. My parents would get a note stating that I had been fatally mutilated and died in hell. Thank you for your service.

>not passing out in the theater in the middle of the movie

Unbelievably patrician

>he is unable to enjoy things without weed

Congratulations, your brain is fried

Yas Forums is worse for a person

Weed is for fucking losers, imagine needing a drug to appreciate life and relax.

this user DOESN'T fuck

practice meditation and being present, if weed is allowing you to immerse yourself in the art it's because the rest of the time you have all these distractions and other things running through your head. You can learn to let go and just be

i know what you mean but if you cant watch shit without weed you might want to rethink your situation unless you are ok on funds then smoke away sir

opioids and kratom are also kino enhancers

I never got this bullshit. How stupid and unimaginative do you have to be to not have images on a screen transport you into the story? Even words on a page should be enough to transport you. I'm even for people being free smoking weed or even halucinagens to experiment with their consciousness. Yet to say you need drugs to enjoy a film is idotic. Maybe you need some prescription drugs to focus your mind on the film.

You are a miserable addict, coming from someone who smokes frequently

not OP but I hope someone kicks you right in the orbital bone next time you're down like OP is

Weed haters are paid by big pharma. They go out of their way to hate on it. Can't discuss it without them shitting up the thread.

only if you use it infrequently. if you smoke daily it won't increase enjoyment or immersion in anything.
anyone that claims it doesn't increase appreciation for art, film, music etc is a complete dork though. it's been demonstrated to increase loose connections in the brain which is linked to creativity.
there are some highly creative people that exist within a naturally "high" state compared to the rest of the population but you likely aren't as far on the creative spectrum as most successful artists. thus smoking weed when consuming any kind of art made by an artist more creative than you will bring you closer to seeing their vision.
however most people who smoke weed don't have any intention like this and just want to eat chips and watch some boring formulaic garbage.
for me being high increases my ability to detect how authentic something is. I don't understand how anyone could get stoned and desire to watch some run of the mill flick

man it took you that many words to get your point across? ever hear of brevity you frothy cunt

why is nu-Yas Forums so averse to discussing things in depth?

>i need to be high to enjoy something i already know is going to be good
stoners are fucking retarded

Damn now I wanna rewatch that series while high. I've had similar epiphanies recently while watching The Enforcer, Goldeneye and Breaking Bad while high. Legitimately changed my outlook and how I watch kino. Before I could laugh when Marvin got shot in pulp fiction but now I'm just more aware of how fragile life is and your entire existence can just end forever randomly and instantly. Human life is very precious.

stoners tend to ramble

you suck at writing. take a writing class

discussing things in depth involves depth, not shallow rambling. Get it together.

Like most religious faggots, they gotta make sure they're heard. That self righteousness, arrogance, being on a high horse, you think you're being morally superior while ridiculing and belittling you're fellow man? Lol

itt and every weed topic: people smoking weed trash talking people smoking weed

Planning to watch Apocalypse Now: Final Cut tomorrow on a combination of whiskey and potent weed.
My favorite movie is the redux of Apocalypse Now, and it's been several years since last watched it.

>favorite movie
>it's been several years
we got ourselves a liar here boys

>being high increases my ability to detect how authentic something is.

It's the same for me. So much so that after smoking I can't bear to watch run of the mill flicks, as they seem cringeworthy.

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