How does she leave the show?

How does she leave the show?

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in a yellow submarine off to cuba

on my dick

has plastic surgery, changes her name, and marries a chemist

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gets addicted to meth and starts going by the name of wendy

and travels 11 years in the past to have a crippled kid with him

She doesn't.
Saul decides that rather than fuck over Howard for the Sandpiper money, they should instead exploit criminals. Justifying that using criminal money to get wealthy and fund a pro-bono firm of Kim's is somehow morally right.

She keeps her business separate from his. She doesn't interact with Saul's clients or staff. He puts on a persona for the rest of the world as that sleazy strip-mall lawyer.

He gets plenty of legal business, and criminals come to know him as the "criminal lawyer" who has a reputation for shennanigans that'll get them off the hook. He uses that to charge top dollar.

Eventually, because of Walt it all falls apart. He shreds any evidence of the paper-trail, gives his secretary the number to Kim's pro-bono firm. Kim being a successful banking lawyer, knows how to cook the books in a way that covers her own ass.

Saul relocates to Nebraska, where Kim has family. It sucks, he really misses being a lawer, but Kim gets to visit him every once in a while because of that alibi. So when his life in Nebraska is threatened by some cabby, he decides to fix it himself rather than relocate as to not lose contact with Kim completely.

OP here,
Honestly I like this theory,
I coudl see VInce going for the whole "She was there the whole time" and I hope he goes through with it. At this point in the show, I cant see any other ending being anything but tragic, and I'm not sure tragic is what he is going for in this series.
The show has dry runs but I think its better than breaking bad, even though I am considerably bias toward the show. Hope they dont fuck it up

only way to have a child that retarded

I like parts of this but overall I think this is way too idealistic. Kim making a move on Howard's reputation was a big character moment for her that will get payoff. I think she and Saul open the strip mall together and what begins as a pro-bono operation devolves in to something more sinister. Also, there's the whole Lalo card. There needs to be more of a reason why Saul is terrified of Lalo, and unfortunately I think that constitutes threatening Kim's life as a fear tactic against him. I don't think she ultimately dies, but is probably forced to relocate out of ABQ.

Saul gonna be a filter to refer truly worthy cases to Kim's pro bono

I've always perceived Saul's story as a classic take on tragedy, so the most ideal scenario is at best a bittersweet but satisfying ending which is exactly what we're going to get. Kim and Jimmy aren't going to get a fantasy ending.

I think what'll wind up happening is, much like was addressed at the end of Bad Choice Road, Lalo will recognize that he can't trust anybody but Saul. He'll return to Saul's place and seek his help.
Saul will, because of this, team up with Mike and Gus to get rid of him. Maybe even Ignacio.

I think whatever winds up happening, Lalo is taken out of the picture but Saul has no idea that he's killed (and he will be killed, because that's essential for Gus' character progression).

I simplified my theory there, but ultimately I think they'll make a move on Howard, but do so in a way that's not irreversible or fixable. That it will be a lateral move to "Let's exploit the worst of society instead" rather than a step back.

I don't think the Saul business will ever be pure, though. I think it'll be conceived as a way to use Saul's talents for crime and he'll take those proceeds over to Kim. That they enter this with a twisted sense of morality. "These scumbags are worthless, but if they'll pay top dollar for what Jimmy can do, then maybe we can use that money to help actual people in need".

Thanks OP.
I do think too that it'll have a much more positive ending that BB. I doubt it'll be glistening, probably bittersweet as said. But it seems to me that it'd be repetitive if the ultimate end note of the show was the same as Breaking Bad.

Lalo kills her

hopefully never i love her

Okay but is this take on Saul REALLY consistent with the man that's portrayed in Breaking Bad? Like I get that we've established Saul is a persona, fine, but how much of a dissociation can he have to not let any of this seep in to his personal life. At the end of the day he is an ambulance chaser lawyer, who enables criminality and is the go to plug for a meth kingpin. I'm not buying. Kim's arc this season was to embrace her husbands faults and step in to the game with him. I get that her intentions are for the most part Robin Hoodesque but I really can't see this being the case through all of season 6. I've recently come to terms that the show has been dropping hints about Kim becoming Saul's launderer and I really can't ignore that any longer, it just fits too well with some of the recurring themes that the show has highlighted.


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gets killed by the based team-up of Lalo and Howard

I absolutely think so. As it's been established in Season 5, he felt abysmal letting Lalo get off the hook while an innocent like Fred from Travelwire got the shit end of the stick and he had to watch his grieving family proceed without justice.
Walt also isn't a drug kingpin when they first meet, but rather a high school chemistry teacher who's doing it to make ends meet. After that, he sets up what should be a simple and professional relationship between Walt and Gus, and that's where things explode. The moment the Gus thing ends, Saul tries to dump Walt and is intimidated into continuing their business.

We also see throughout the series that Saul has no allegiance to any of these people. Gladly goes along with Walt fucking over Jesse (and suggests they merc Jesse near the end when he starts causing real trouble for Walt) but also quickly and swiftly sells out Walt for the poisoning Brock thing and places the entire blame on him ("I wouldn't have done it if I had any idea what he was going to do!")

Saul doesn't give a shit about any of these people. He never willingly hurts or advocates hurting an innocent. So honestly, I think as long as he has that moral justification, he's good with working with these people, despite having no loyalty for them. And of course, "the lawyers get paid".

Been rewatching Breaking Bad with a girl (her first time) with this mental image of Saul in mind and it's completely consistent with his actions.

I respect your take but, I still can't see it. My take on what was done with Kim and Jimmy's relationship this season was that this transparency about criminality between them will be what causes Saul to devolve significantly and rapidly in season 6. At this point he's lost the last anchor he had tethering him to the legitimate side of things if Kim is actively enabling and encouraging his slippin' jimmy tendencies. I think where you and I get hung up is that you think Howard walks away from all this with something less than a ruined reputation. I think the opposite. I'm convinced the wrecking crew of Kim and Jimmy devour him to the point of no return. Admittedly, I'm not sure how they make the jump from Kim being gung ho on Pro-bono to being the launderer of Ice Station Zebra Associates, but it still feels very likely to me she's his background associate, or "fixer" as it has been the entire duration of the show. The scope of the Goodman enterprise just seems too large to not be at the very least a joint venture with someone who knows how to smooth over the wrinkles and keep a clean image despite the office and Saul having the reputation they do in Breaking Bad.

I need a Kim foot mommy gf so bad bros

She get pregnant but aborts the baby

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She will overdose on Huell's monster BBC.


Kim will be in PRISON
Jimmy should be too, but she won't/can't testify agaist him!
And so she takes the blame, and goes to prison for whatever sneaky shit they get up to

I could see her going to the cartel's prison to pay for something jimmy did and work as their fucktoy

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plz no


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