You try to become best version of yourself

>you try to become best version of yourself
>hop through loops to impress her and seem funny and charming
>have to work on her for long ass time to date her because she doesnt want to sleep with you early, to not seem slutty cause you could be relationship material
>broke dude with tatts calls her a slut and she sucks his dick drunk during party
kinos for this feel?

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400 weeks
1 meeks

>face tat
>neck tat
this guy will never make decent money doing any kind of legitimate work, ever.
I don't count modeling as legitimate work, they're glorified whores.

you can't find real life in movies OP

This isn't behaviour you should repeat, user.

He's already a millionaire

>legitimate work
Like wageslaving to make some corporation that is ruining the world even more powerful and effective? There isn’t any legitimate work in the modern world

Just ditch her OP. Not worth it.

I don’t have to do any of that because I’m already a fit, attractive, financially secure person for myself first and I don’t pursue women who would fall for someone like that. Sorry bro, heh.

As soon as a woman feels comfortable around you you should be making moves. If she resists, give up and move on. If you never make a move she'll eventually lose sexual interest. The more taboo and raunchy it is the more likely she'll fuck you.

why are you spamming

I could be a millionaire myself by whoring out to 1000 old or fat chicks for 1000$
Doctor. Lawyer. Small business owner. All of which allow you to make 100k+, keep your dignity, and be pillars of the community.

>will never make decent money
he literally got divorced by his billionaire wife, and now is getting alimony for the rest of his life

lol, why are you coping this hard user, you dont even know the guy

my community is chinks and other mongrel races that would see me dead to make a dollar
fuck the community
live for yourself

Help dysgenic old people stay alive, write oxycontin prescriptions, put people in debt to give them information they could have read online
Contribute to the corrupt and disgusting legal system of this government. Put poor people in prison, protect corporations, etc
>Small business owner
Exploit people by taking advantage of a market inefficiency. Basically the same thing as a corporation but less effective.
>Pillars of community
There is no community in modern society


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Why does he have a sperm tattoo by his eye? Is that a sign that he is a bottom?

>dysgenic old people
do you even know what dysgenic means?

Imagine being such a failure at life that you actually believe this drivel

isn't this that dude from the mugshot all whores flipped out about?


no idea user, all I'm saying you should be happy that someone can achieve all this just based on how he looks, it's a crazy world where anything can happen

Yeah I'm a big failure. You are definitely better than me for being a slave to the government or government funded projects and not making anything on your own or producing anything of value to anyone. Good job following orders! You are so great. Remember to pay your taxes!

Don't be a bitch and never let yourself get in the friendzone. Besides, who the hell wants to be friends with a girl? Their interests fucking suck, they can't play sports or video games, and they can't watch movies without sitting on their phone.

>being this fucking new
Are we being flooded with newfags due to the lockdown?

He'll still fuck your white gf and daughter and sister

Jump though hoops you fuck.

This is why you arent getting laid

Jump through hoops is the phrase

>noble prizes

oh my God that's fucking hilarious "hop through loops" lmao

>by whoring out to 1000 old or fat chicks for 1000$

You still need buyers

No one will believe this but I am very, very, very attractive and I cannot count with two hands the number of times that fact has saved my life from falling to pieces. Sluts have actually just straight up given me a place to live and paid for my shit. One let me use their credit to get a 5k dental care credit line. Another one I cheated on then 3 years later they called me drunk and offered to buy me a new switch since i gave mine to my dad so he had something to do with no internet. Life really isn't fair - I feel bad for ugly people but to be honest I also wouldn't trade being hot for anything... anything other than like, actual lasting love :/

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This guy gets it though.
There mere fact that the lot of you asociate "honest work" with wagecuckoldry only shows how brainwashed you are.

No one is forcing you to be a wagie, specially in the united states where everybody and their dogs can have great careers in fields that won't make you a wagie.

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Its some magatard incel. Their educations are horrible. They fuck up the most basic phrases.

I can't even have a serious discussion with them they are damn near illiterate.

>I could be a millionaire myself by whoring out to 1000 old or fat chicks for 1000$
yeah ok. i'm incredibly good looking and never been offered more than 300 bucks but then again I never advertised, these were people who came to me.

There are plenty of engineers with tats

>Their educations are horrible.
You tried.

Case in point.

Did you graduate highschool? Seriously

Post face. Cover the eyes if you need to but I'll need to see some proof

Did you graduate highschool. Seriously

No, but it sounds cool.


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>period to punctuate a question
These are the people calling conservatives illiterate.

Lmao you idiot