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The Trayvon Hoax
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what's the synopsis, Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman never existed? Or just Trayvon Martin, and George Zimmerman was a crisis actor?
Sounds very redpilled, dare I say I saw it coming. Thanks for sharing OP
>what's the synopsis,
Trayvon's GF in court was an impostor
kek, without her testimony Zimmerman might have had a worse case
I love conspiracy schizos, you guys are fucking great
its a hoax because the media made it look like a white dude randomly shot a black kid.
this is wrong because George isn't even white and Trayvon was running away from commiting a crime
Just another day for a black man in Amerikkka
>Trayvon's GF in court was an impostor
They dressed up a gorilla for trial?
>this is wrong because George isn't even white and Trayvon was running away from commiting a crime
I think you're mixing something up here. And Zimmerman was white af, even with the latino ancestry
I want nazis off my fucking board...
BiG iF tRuE
didnt they just make a negro movie about this
are you fucking stupid or just getting your jollies trolling as a retard?
omg he's literally black i'm sorry bro
MODS why is this Yas Forums garbage still up?
>white af
please go back to twitter/reddit.
We all know what REALLY went down.
I thought I was suppose to be in the gorilla suit.
>it was all a Mossad plot to start a race war
>brought to you by Yas Forums
zim zam was kind of an asshole but it was pretty fucked up how the MSM whitewashed his face
Who can stop George Zyklonman and his one man race war?
not the first time this has happened user
Are you 12?
ey cabron, I'm white, I swear
no, are you? who gives a shit if he's half-latino or white, what the fuck is wrong with you. what fucking difference does it make, he identified as white, had a white name, a white family, did white people stuff like playing neighborhood vigilante. he is white.
i remember talking with my negro weed dude back when. completely changed his mind just by showing him this girlila
I give a shit if you use a non-white to commit blood libel against white people, you fucking kike.
His "white" father is Jewish. Checkmate nigger. ZimZam only gets a whitepass because he went for a top-flight introduction into white culture by putting down a piece of feral farm equipment gone rogue.
She didn't like you because you're a racist cunt, not because of kike magic. Get the fuck over it.
>I've been found out!
>that (((nose))) on that cop
Genuinely got me thanks for the kek
>His "white" father is Jewish
Wait a second, if white Jews aren't white, what about Ethiopian Jews? Are they "not black"?
Get the fuck back to Yas Forums.
>I must project because I haver no argument and the racist is cleaning my clock
She left you, user, because you are weak and passive.
The hoax was that they deceived you into thinking Trayvon was an innocent boy who dindu nuffin when the truth is he was actually a nigger all along
Why don't you ask jews themselves if they're white?
According to Israel, they are not Jews.
Aa a white person I am pained that you define our culture in terms of the oppression of blacks, as though we had nothing else to offer.
neck yourself, fuckheaded zoomer faggot
>latino ancestry
Ah yes, the famous white latino. Just like the white saudi arabian middle easterners. Or the famous white Chinese in China. Or what about all those white Africans living in mudhuts. All totally white. Except of course African "americans". No, those are really black. But the rest of the world, totally white.
>being this retarded
A jew doesn't reverse your ethnicity, it just means non-white. You know this, you're just being a disingenuous jew, aka, a jew.
As a white person it pains me that you weaken us with giving preference to other groups who would gladly see you and all your family dead simply for the savage glee of it
nobody ever said he didn't do anything, the point was that zimmerman basically provoced the situation with his bullshit vigilante shit, ignored advice from the 911 operator, and then was too fucking fat to defend himself against the teenager he provoced and ultimately shot him dead.
Welcome to Yas Forums, if you don't enjoy it you can always fuck off back to readdit. but in here we argue based on arguments and not downvotes and dicksucking the mods.
The kid took the time to inform us as much, his handle was "NO LIMIT N$".
It would be a disrespect to his memory not to acknowledge this.
I'm not a nazi, I hate them.
This documentary is correct though.
Again, what about ethiopian jews. Are they non-black? Does this only count for whiteness? So white Jews are non-white despite having white skin? They're just jews? But black jews are black jews?
so obama is white?
shore is summer in here
The trayvon Martin case was the zenith of Yas Forums. I miss it so much bros. Share whatever Trayvon zimmerman memes you have
>he identified as white
Is trans race a thing now or something just how much more retarded can humanity get?
Ah yes, that's why Israel almost risked war with Ethiopia when it was a dictatorship to extradite ethiopian jews to Israel. Or why it offers the exact same right of citizenship to Ethiopian jews that it offers to all jews.
It's not your board, your board is over at
he's more Irish than most people identifying as so in America
And yet a jury of his peers found him not guilty so your argument "he proked it" is baseless.