Rich guy buys the last general lee still intact

>rich guy buys the last general lee still intact
>paints over the confederate flag with an american flag
why did he do it?

Attached: general lee.jpg (600x400, 39.23K)

Because the Confederate flag is the official flag of 2nd place.

because robert e lee was a namby pamby fairy boi

Northchad dabbing on confedercucks

inb4 seething losers

That’s just Yankee gentrification. Faggot probably wanted to drive it around but he still kept General Lee on it. What a waste.

You’re already here

Confederate flags are for losers

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This rustles my jimmies

they crashed so many generals that i m sure someone will find at least few 'last' ones

>Confederate flags are for losers
Meh. Fun to banter about but I get the pride of it.
Based Sherman. March to the sea movie when? Also the guy that put an American flag on the General Lee is a bonafide faggot

t. northern whyte boy

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to make you mad op

I'm not even burger, yet this car is so iconic that even I see that the flag is incorrect. Should be X-shaped.

>Why yes America is all about FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE from outer control
>...WHAT states what to secede and do their own thing, FUCKING TRAITORS
I never understood this American hypocrisy. From this moment they became what they originally wanted to stand against and this sentiment exists and is defended until today

Seriously this. We're the only country in the world that holds a failed revolution in such high regard.

What about Fr*nce

Why is it still called the General Lee?

BASED! God bless the Union

the confederate flag looks better than the american one

Someone post the /k/ image where some guy bought a super rare and historical gun and painted it with My Little Pony shit.

Based. Fuck traitors.

looks like rip-off from gta but that game has unlicenced cars so it can be explained

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>crying over shit people do with their property
lmao imagine crying over a FUCKING CAR faggot

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>Last General Lee
Yeah sure. Because there's only one 1969 Dodge Charger is left in the world

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I wonder if i can buy a Quran and burn it.

Wasn't even the Confederate flag, it was the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Unionists are all nigger-loving retards.

Lincoln was a war criminal and that entire war was orchestrated by Northern banks.

itt: the great great grandninnies of grant and sherman gloating over a victory achieved over real men by worthy adversaries
you dress wearing skinflute playing latte sipping liberal arts majoring millenial mutts would die gasping from diabeetus and cellphone withdrawal before you'd be halfway across my kudzu covered lot to join the fight
round 2 begins soon yankee wusses- see ya'll fat fucks at Gettysburg

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brace yourself, it's bad
if you deface historial artifacts of any kind you're the worst kind of faggot

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that spray looks terrible, just paint over it with red at the very least

Based Thomas Dilorenzo take.

>Lincoln was a war criminal
only partially true.
he threw members of congress in prison unlawfully, but nobody questioned it at the time, given the situation the nation was in.

It's just a mauser and milsurp was cheap as fuck at the time
Stop being dramatic every old milsurp gun had been sporterized and defaced countless ways

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Stay mad cousin fucker