Cowboy Bebobs and vagene

I'm 7 episodes in, and it's pretty boring, I don't get what the hype is about.

Can somebody explain why this is so highly rated?

Attached: cowboy_bebop.jpg (1296x730, 191.81K)

If you watch things because they are highly-rated rather than because you are personally interested in them, you should be castrated

>Can somebody explain why this is so highly rated?
It's the only good anime series ever made

This ,its neo noir jazzpunk avangarde with suave lead and cool cast.

I actually watched the movie first so it holds a special place for me. When I finally got around to the series I loved it too. Only anime show I can tolerate.

Well like 99.9% of people I try to look at reviews from other people so A I don't waste me time on garbage, and B so I can actually get to experience something outside of my usual interests and maybe learn something new.

So which one if these are you so against? Do you blindly watch anything you find without checking reviews, or do you stick to your 1 favourite genre and don't give anything else a try outside of my little pony re-runs?

Samurai Champloo?

>ESL is a retard
Go figure

some things aren’t for everyone, try another show maybe - keep looking!

show bobs

You´ve been pleb filtered.
Go back to Spongebob.

if you can't see why it's so good after watching it than i can't help you

Here's your live action Spike, bro.

Attached: Elliot Gould The Long Goodbye.jpg (620x947, 94.4K)

It's highly rated because people like LE EBIN SCI FI and le CHILL ATMOSPHERE
Its a zoomer thing, same with those 'lo fi hip hop' things on youtube

most people find it boring at first because there seems to be no central plot but watch it all the way nigger its gud

Attached: EVcFYBzU0AA6As-.jpg (456x554, 39.97K)

I suppose I was just hoping that it would improve, NGE shouldn't be judged by its first 6 eps because it turns into something else entirely, thought it could be the case with this if I haven't seen why it's so good yet.

I'll give it a few more episodes, but if it takes over half the series to get gud then there's no point.

Most people can’t enjoy the best tv because they only know how to enjoy a constant stream of dopamine hits instead of being able to explore a work.

>Zoomer show that came out in the 90's
Shitty b8

post yfw the ending of the mad pierrot episode

Attached: 473.jpg (600x718, 24.19K)

>everything is bait
Yes you are a zoomer probably came here post election

just don't watch it faggot, if you force yourself into anything you'll regret losing your time

>if it takes over half the series to get gud then there's no point
I'm afraid it does take over half the series to get good, but if you aren't at least intrigued by the weird emotional content of Jupiter Blues, definitely stop watching... That's pretty much halfway through.

Cowboy Bebop is one of the most influential anime's ever newfag

People just have shit taste. Ur not wrong op

yes he is and you can burn in hell along with him with your fucking garbage taste

Cowboy Bebop is one of the best ever

Weird how triggered some of you are getting.

All the OP asked was for somebody to explain why is apparently so good about it, all I'm seeing is people sperging out because they disagree about le epic anime

It's like asking why someone doesn't like the Sopranos. You don't have to, you can just assume they have shit taste

Ur like gay fag redditors that circle jerk over samurai sham poo

That's alright too
Not him but I also despise fag got ass anime

it's infinitely better if you watch this when you're 15
still, even from a mature point of view, it's really good.
stylish, well animated, interesting, original, touching at parts. it is still an anime, so it bears the immature humour and the overdone action scenes, but I learned to bear them in this instance.

since no else is even trying, I'll have a go user.

>kino theme music
>great visual style
>interesting sci fi cyber punk universe
>different characters with unclear motivations at first, revealed throughout show
>story unfolds over season, slightly tragic bittersweet ending
>various tones and tropes used throughout episodes

I really enjoyed it first watch through, it was like a less spastic Trigun

Good answer user

I think it's got one of the coolest themes going on anime but Samurai Champloo was better for me, also think it had better music than Bebop.

Idk Bebop has the GOAT anime music. So many great ones

It's anime that isn't another cute schoolgirls or some ninja ball z shit.

Didn't get into it like i did with Samurai Champloo.
Still a good show.

The show is probably older than most of the people on this site nowadays.

Yas Forums talking about anime.... yikes.....